I've been tossing an idea for a True20 campaign around in my head. Without going too far into spoiler territory: the PCs will be taken away from their home towns and find themselves thrown together, pressed into a war that isn't theirs. Their only chance to return home (or even survive) will be to defeat the forces of evil. PCs can be anyone who could exist in the real world right now: an athlete, an EMT, a soldier, a programmer who likes to play tabletop RPGs online on the weekend, ... New players welcome, although I'd prefer people with at least some D&D/D20 experience (just because it's a lot easier to say "it's like D20 except x, y, and z" than to explain everything from scratch). Sessions would be Friday nights around 10PM Pacific, probably lasting about 4 hours (hard cap around 6 hours; a man needs his beauty sleep). I'd like to do every other week so I have more time to come up with content (I'd love to get a group together in which someone else runs another game on the other weeks), but I might be persuaded to do every week if content creation goes quickly enough. I'd like to get 3 or 4 players, and maybe do a short character creation session next week or so. Would anyone be interested?