A few D&D 5E API mods that I wouldn't want to play without... 5E Resting in Style - Amazing tool that lets you select your token then execute a simple !short-rest or !long-rest command to restore all of the appropriate resources for each resting type. Has built in knowledge of classes and subclasses as well as the ability to create a custom resource (e.g. a magical item with a number of charges per day). TokenNameNumber - Create a template token named "Orc %NUMBERED%" and then when you drop them on the map they'll automatically be labeled "Orc 1", "Orc 2", etc. Makes it so much easier identifying individuals in a group of mobs. GroupInitiative - Select all my Orc tokens, click one macro button and they roll for initiative into the turn control window. Even works when I only have one mob to roll init for. GroupCheck - So the wizard is trying to cover all four goblins with a Web spell? This macro lets you select them, hit the macro, and select "Dexterity Save" then it rolls the save for all 4 automatically.