Hi, I'm really eager to see where this character sheet will lead. But how can I get back the precious character sheet? :/
It seems to me that this sheet was ralease too early, lots of good ideas (the rolling button YES!) but some are not that great ^^'
I didn't find the sheet quite usable, not really readable or ergonomically designed. (for now)
Generally speaking:
The colors are quite off, giving a "blurry" visual sensation. They also
artificially reduce the size of the font which appeared too small.
(especially for the numbers and the font when at is smallest)
The window of the sheet when first opened don't match the width of the sheet.
Character page:
The disposition of the various elements is off and need to be rearranged.
Why specialties are so far away from the Abilities?
The attributes are suposed to be in three categories which didn't appear. They have to be easily readable. Why not let them on the top arranged horizontally, divided by categories vertically?
Why getting ride of the dots?
The dots are much more readable and visually apprehended than the number. (the number are also way too small)
For bigs values I could comprehend why. But there, they are numbers wich are not supposed to go higher than 5 or 6 (alread maybe 10 for the very few people who played Essence 5+ games)
The up/down arrows are really distracting.
They draw the attention away from the number wich are the information needing it.
The boxes, arrows, buttons in the left part of each attributes and abilities comes out heavy, distracting from the usefull information which are too light and small in comparison.
I proposed to getting ride of the boxes, using bigger numbers or dots.
Concerning the rolling buttons,
For the ablilites, having to submit info four times before rolling is too long in my opinion.
The rolling buttons take so much place and caused not needed distraction.
Why not making the names of the attributes and abilities the buttons
Charms page:
Great idea to have the possibility to divide them by source of the relevants charms.
But, it seems imposible to add an other "divider" wich is strange.
Apart from that, a thing that will greatly help the ergonomy of the sheet and the user experience:
Being able to open/close and rearranged the position of them.
When fill in the "description" part for a charm, two typing space can be seen. But no indication on which one is for what.
The in-chat card:
Clean, but the text needs to be justified in it.
The informations from the second typing space didn't appear I presime because it's where you are supposed to enter the aesthetic/descriptif part of the charm?
The nature or "the what to" is linked the charm didn't show either. Why not put somewhere on display the: "Melee", "Presence", "Martial Art: Tiger Style", "Sorcery: Terrestrial Circle" etc ?
It's getting late for me, I will resume my feedback tomorow.
Sorry if this was not the right topic to post my message and for my poor english.
Despite my harsh critics on the character sheet I greatly appreciate the effort and the desire to improve it. I know the work that it represent and don't ever want to undermine it.
Keep up the good work and, I will be back...