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Announcing the New Roll20 VTT Experience


Edited 1683055022
Roll20 Team
I'm stoked to share a preview of the upcoming VTT redesign, starting with the Toolbar and Layers update, launching later this May. We've created a dedicated page that will be consistently updated to keep you informed. Opt-in for all users A completely redesigned Toolbar, driven by our UI/UX team and your feedback Layers broken out for clear navigation Find all the details on the  Roll20 Virtual Tabletop Redesign page, including the announcement from our CTO Morgan Buck!

Edited 1683056884
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Woot! Trying not to continually refresh my game waiting for the change. :) Derp, read, Keith: "Later this May" :D
is this why I can't currently log into my campaign?

Edited 1683056929
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shendi said: is this why I can't currently log into my campaign? I've logged into mine several times since the announcement. And the offering doesn't go live until "late this May" Try deleting cache/cookies if the problem continues?
Wow. That's seriously underwhelming and it makes me wonder if you read the ideas and suggestions section of the forums. I rarely ever see anything about layers there so i guess this isnt about the current subscribers but about making it easy for new gm's? I don't know.

Edited 1683066240
Forum Champion
Luke B said: Wow. That's seriously underwhelming and it makes me wonder if you read the ideas and suggestions section of the forums. I rarely ever see anything about layers there so i guess this isnt about the current subscribers but about making it easy for new gm's? I don't know. It might not make it to the level of suggestion, but I know I field a lot of forum questions which ultimately boil down to users not knowing which layer they are on. Also, some folks do not like the current UI, this is probably the first step to improving it.  Additionally, Roll20 has been upgrading their technology to newer code designs. This is evident with the doors and windows and now the UI changes.  There are two ways to upgrade a live system like stages, which is what Roll20 is doing, or all at once.  Stages is probably the more difficult route but also one where people see active upgrades and the upgrades can be assessed individually. In summary, even if this never made it to a suggestion, it is still a sought after and necessary upgrade.
I hope there will be a dedicated place for feedback. That left hand menu scares me, the current one already fills the height of my screen, I hope they remember to make it so it breaks into two columns rather than vanishing off the bottom of the screen, or better yet allows a GM to decide which icons are kept in the tool bar and which are hidden most of the time (I currently use a Stylus script I found to hid most i don't use) Just to give an example, this is the current screen, with the full left hand menu but the dark mode button hidden as it isn't needed.
Oenanthe -- There will absolutely be a dedicated place for feedback! It's part of the redesign process.
Oenanthe said: I hope there will be a dedicated place for feedback. That left hand menu scares me, the current one already fills the height of my screen, I hope they remember to make it so it breaks into two columns rather than vanishing off the bottom of the screen, or better yet allows a GM to decide which icons are kept in the tool bar and which are hidden most of the time (I currently use a Stylus script I found to hid most i don't use) Since you're already using Stylus, you can add more code to shrink the size of the toolbar down to make it fit better. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> #floatingtoolbar { width: 20px; } #floatingtoolbar ul li { line-height: 17px; font-size: 17px; padding: 1px 2px 1px 2px !important; } #fogcontrols.udl.hide .currentselection, #fogcontrols.udl.reveal .currentselection { height: 17px;&nbsp; margin-left: 0px; } */ But I totally agree that it would be nice to have some more customization on an account basis &nbsp;(not per game) for the appearance of toolbars and menus and so forth. I'm always going to want things to look a certain way that I prefer in all the games that I play, so I don't want to have to set up that customization over and over again for each game if that's possible.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
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Related to the redesign process, this is an interesting read from Roll20's UX &amp; Product Design Lead, Brittany Vick:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1683304104
I understand and appreciate the plan to release the UI upgrade in stages, rather than hit hit us with a complete redesign all at once, which would be overwhelming for a lot of people. I don't care for having the left hand menu use that much screen real estate, but realize that would be beneficial for people using different devices than I do (desktop PC with side-by-side 24" monitors set to 1900x1080). As for forgetting what layer I'm on: I've just trained myself to glance at the layer icon whenever a token fails to respond to a mouse-click. In my case it's usually not because I'm on the wrong layer but because I don't have the "select" icon highlighted. (My UI errors tend to happen on th "U" side.)
Please consider having the turn tracker be better at handling things such as conditions, spell durations, etc. This has been in the suggestions forum for a while and has quite a few up doots. BOB&nbsp; Turn Order 6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Bless spell 9 more rounds &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Bob is currently prone As noted in the OP , yes we can achieve some facsimile of this currently, but if you're revising it's a great opportunity to make the component natively more robust.
I want to be positive, really I do.&nbsp; And I'm glad you're making it opt-in (I'll plan to test it before a game night, and maybe only opt one of my games in to start). But all this lead-up, and from the video and faq it looks like all we get to start is a new DM tool palette. Presumably there was a lot of under-the-hood work to make that possible, but from a user perspective, all I see is a palette. Important, yes, and it looks like an improvement (for me, anyway, although I know one DM who will likely share @Rick A.'s concern about screen real-estate).&nbsp; But if that was the plan, why not say this back when you first floated the new launch last month? As it stands, I'm left asking: is that it? And what's next? And when? Why are you so reticient about your plans?&nbsp; Just lay it out: "we're making this (toolbar change), we've got these other N things planned for the summer, some of which might get dropped if they have problems." And show what you've got with a video, whether its working code or a static mock-up. Yes, some people will be annoyed if you can't deliver everything exactly as it looks in the preview, but I think most of us have seen enough software upgrades to know that the preview is rarely identical to the launch.&nbsp; And I for one would really like to have an idea of what's coming, both at the end of May and later.&nbsp; I'm sure you have a plan, even if it's fluid. Share more of it. Roll20's greatest failing is poor communication. Communicate better.&nbsp; And that starts with not being afraid to say things even if you have to hedge with "we expect" or "assuming we don't run into delays". If you say nothing, people will always imagine more than you plan to deliver (especially those of us who read the Suggestions &amp; Ideas forum), and that way lies just as much disappointment as over-promising, maybe more.

Edited 1683174341
Oenanthe said: I hope there will be a dedicated place for feedback. That left hand menu scares me, the current one already fills the height of my screen, I hope they remember to make it so it breaks into two columns rather than vanishing off the bottom of the screen, or better yet allows a GM to decide which icons are kept in the tool bar and which are hidden most of the time (I currently use a Stylus script I found to hid most i don't use) Just to give an example, this is the current screen, with the full left hand menu but the dark mode button hidden as it isn't needed. Roll20 isn't designed for monitors with that tiny of a resolution/size.&nbsp; I'd advise adjusting the zoom of chrome to perhaps 70% or so by clicking the options (three dots in the top right corner of chrome) and clicking the minus button until you reach a smaller zoom level.
Teller said: Oenanthe said: I hope there will be a dedicated place for feedback. That left hand menu scares me, the current one already fills the height of my screen, I hope they remember to make it so it breaks into two columns rather than vanishing off the bottom of the screen, or better yet allows a GM to decide which icons are kept in the tool bar and which are hidden most of the time (I currently use a Stylus script I found to hid most i don't use) Just to give an example, this is the current screen, with the full left hand menu but the dark mode button hidden as it isn't needed. Roll20 isn't designed for monitors with that tiny of a resolution/size.&nbsp; I'd advise adjusting the zoom of chrome to perhaps 70% or so by clicking the options (three dots in the top right corner of chrome) and clicking the minus button until you reach a smaller zoom level. That screen shot was taken on a 24" monitor with the zoom set so that I can actually see it.&nbsp; Zoom out to 70% and I wouldn't be able to read anything on the screen.&nbsp; Being partially sighted is no fun at times.
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Hi Oenanthe! I suspected that might be the issue when I saw the screen shot. I think that the new one will likely work, but if it doesn't, send me a PM when it becomes live, and maybe we can adjust that css style to help a bit more.
keithcurtis said: Hi Oenanthe! I suspected that might be the issue when I saw the screen shot. I think that the new one will likely work, but if it doesn't, send me a PM when it becomes live, and maybe we can adjust that css style to help a bit more. Hopefully it wont' be necessary, and it is why I want to be able to give feedback including screenshots, I may not know anything about programming but i'm going on the assumption that it would be easier to incorporate something like a menu bar breaking into two columns to fit the screen when it is initially designed rather than having to try and adapt it afterwards. I have no problem using Stylus to adjust things my end, as long as someone else can write the scripts, I wouldn't know where to start.&nbsp; I already use several that iIve come across on these forums to help with things including one that removes several of the left menu icons i don't use, i just turned it off for the screen shot to emphasise what might be an issue. Roll20 may not be quite as up to date as some of its newer competitors, but the people behind the scenes at the company and here on the forums more than make up for that.&nbsp; My point of view is, quite literally, different from many users, so if I can give feedback that helps make Roll20 the most accessible TTRPG then I'm happy to do so.
Oenanthe said: I have no problem using Stylus to adjust things my end, as long as someone else can write the scripts, I wouldn't know where to start.&nbsp; I already use several that iIve come across on these forums to help with things including one that removes several of the left menu icons i don't use, i just turned it off for the screen shot to emphasise what might be an issue. This is a start for increasing the size of the buttons and creating columns, and there's probably a better, more elegant way to do it. You'd just need to adjust the bolded width and heights to be whatever values work best for you. #floatingtoolbar { &nbsp; &nbsp; width: 68px !important; } #floatingtoolbar &gt; ul { &nbsp; &nbsp; display: flex; &nbsp; &nbsp; flex-flow: wrap column; &nbsp; &nbsp; max-height: 160px; } #floatingtoolbar &gt; ul &gt; li { &nbsp; &nbsp; line-height: 30px; &nbsp; &nbsp; font-size: 30px; &nbsp; &nbsp; border-right: 1px solid #999; }
I have been somewhat critical of roll 20 development in the past and I want to say I am excited and I applaud the direction roll20 is going now. I feel like now they are listening to their users and prioritizing their issues. I also love to see they are doing mock up user testing. They are also being much more transparent to user about what they are working on and what their plans are. Things are not just being thrusted on the users with no input. It's really great to see what has been already done and what is going to be done. Many of my pain points have already been significantly improved. Keep up the good work!!!
The #1 thing that needs to happen is the ability to add to your own compendium in campaigns and modules for the marketplace. It should be as simple as opening a longsword item sheet, modifying it to your new magic item, and saving it to your compendium. The same with adding your own monsters. Doing it this way will not require creators to learn coding just to include items and in their modules.&nbsp;&nbsp; As a creator this is my #1 need above anything else and the main reason I consider looking to other VTTs.&nbsp;
I'm a full-time DM and my weeknights are full with games.&nbsp; Would love to participate in the Demo advertised over 4 days in May, but the earliest timeslot is 5pm Eastern.&nbsp; Is there any thought to adding morning or afternoon slots?
Ajax DM said: I'm a full-time DM and my weeknights are full with games.&nbsp; Would love to participate in the Demo advertised over 4 days in May, but the earliest timeslot is 5pm Eastern.&nbsp; Is there any thought to adding morning or afternoon slots? There are no slots. It will be available for all to join (Opt-in) and counts for all your campaigns. If you do not want to use it anymore for whatever reason, you can opt-out at any given time...
TheMarkus1204 said: Ajax DM said: I'm a full-time DM and my weeknights are full with games.&nbsp; Would love to participate in the Demo advertised over 4 days in May, but the earliest timeslot is 5pm Eastern.&nbsp; Is there any thought to adding morning or afternoon slots? There are no slots. It will be available for all to join (Opt-in) and counts for all your campaigns. If you do not want to use it anymore for whatever reason, you can opt-out at any given time... On the dedicated page <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> there is a section that is named Join A Live Demo in that section you can find a button to sign up to join one of 10 or so demo's.
Ok, that's new. I seriously hope they did not change plans and that there will still be the opt-in / opt-out option for this! Martijn S. said: TheMarkus1204 said: Ajax DM said: I'm a full-time DM and my weeknights are full with games.&nbsp; Would love to participate in the Demo advertised over 4 days in May, but the earliest timeslot is 5pm Eastern.&nbsp; Is there any thought to adding morning or afternoon slots? There are no slots. It will be available for all to join (Opt-in) and counts for all your campaigns. If you do not want to use it anymore for whatever reason, you can opt-out at any given time... On the dedicated page <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> there is a section that is named Join A Live Demo in that section you can find a button to sign up to join one of 10 or so demo's.
I too would like to join a demo, but a 10.30pm start time when you have to be up early next day really isn't an option.&nbsp; Hopefully they will make the Demo available to view on Youtube at least or better yet do some demos at an earlier hour.
The text immediately above the demo join button still says "opt-in at the end of May". The demo sessions are 5/23-26, so this looks like a way to gather more focused feedback.
Sorry, full transparency -- I was out on PTO and didn't see this until now to clarify! We've added Demo sessions with Andrew if you want to get a preview of the redesign, which will still be opt-in at the end of the month. (That's not changing!) We're inviting y'all to get an early look and directly ask questions or give feedback.&nbsp;
Looks cool. I'm just so used to the old one lol. As long as it doesn't break my games I'm liking the look so far.
This is probably a silly question, but where do the rolls show up now that there's no chat? I love the idea of hiding the chat, just curious how that works.

Edited 1684279051
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Wyrmwood said: This is probably a silly question, but where do the rolls show up now that there's no chat? I love the idea of hiding the chat, just curious how that works. The chat is still there. The screen shots are just cropped to the VTT area to feature the new stuff.
Forum Champion
Wyrmwood said: This is probably a silly question, but where do the rolls show up now that there's no chat? I love the idea of hiding the chat, just curious how that works. You can already hide the chat by clicking on the 3 lines between the chat and the zoom control. It is a little popout that you have to hover over to be able to click.&nbsp; You can also put the chat external to Roll20 by double clicking the chat tab.
Will this new design be available after todays stream to test / experiment with or do we still have to wait?
It won't release today, but you're welcome to sign up for one of the Demo sessions while you wait!

Edited 1685440966
Bianca said: It won't release today, but you're welcome to sign up for one of the Demo sessions while you wait! If only I had the time... Edit: it is now End of May... but still no option to switch... I'd like to at least try it... ;)
Quick question-trying out the new UI today and I like it, for the most part. The only issue I currently have is that I can't find the option to change the opacity of the GM layer. Am I just not finding it, or is the feature not yet accessible in the new UI?

Edited 1685553502
Will H. said: Quick question-trying out the new UI today and I like it, for the most part. The only issue I currently have is that I can't find the option to change the opacity of the GM layer. Am I just not finding it, or is the feature not yet accessible in the new UI? good catch. That slider must have fallen of the off :) I think the way this toolbar clearly shows the layer you are one is well worth the screen estate.

Edited 1685553588
Absolutely loving the new UI!&nbsp; The highlights are the new text UI, and many of the new Token functions. So far I've run into the following thoughts: Suggestion: &nbsp;- I would very, very much like to make resizing tokens by dimension a bulk thing, not a one at a time thing.&nbsp; It would be VERY VERY handy when moving characters to a different scale map or something to just mass select them and resize all the tokens to ##x## in pixels or units.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;- I would love a "Show to Players" button on the tokens, I always forget the hotkey to make focus a token at full size for all players. &nbsp;- The "Add Turn" button I would love to see expandable to not just adding turns, but being able to trigger macros like Initiative on it.&nbsp; It's a great idea, but if you still need to roll init after adding them, it doesn't help as much. Bugs: &nbsp;- Align to Grid on Backgrounds does not seem to function, unless I'm using it wrong. &nbsp;- Resizing tokens by dimension only seems to properly display after I refresh.
The new Design is OK, but that's about it... wish there were multiple ways to switch layers instead of having to click at the bottom half of the new sidebar... Also I wonder how this new sidebar behaves on smaller resolutions... will it just collapse and the menu points displayed in a sub menu? Also "Exit Game" and the Option to turn Dark Mode On / Off are displayed twice. Once in the new sidebar behind the hamburger button, the second time in the legacy settings menu... What I like is, that the big ugly Slider for Dark mode is gone! Though I wish that we could change the color for the new sidebar... I have yet to try out the Dynamic Lighting Tools and I HOPE that there is only one color Picker available as in the legacy design there were multiple! Also you no longer have the option to draw see through walls in dynamic Lighting Layer as those options are missing completely! So in order to use them, one has to switch back to the legacy design...
And a huge one: If you switch back, you can not even place see through walls in the legacy design! AND even worse: Freehand drawing is NOT an Option anymore in the legacy design! Is it just a bug or is it intended? I do understand that it is disabled in dynamic lighting, BUT it should be available otherwise! And as Legacy has been crippled (features are missing that were present before) it does not really matter if one uses the new design or the legacy... I really hope those will be added either back to the legacy design or will be available soon in the redesign as it might be missed...

Edited 1685555308
I am getting a 403 Forbidden error when I try to leave feedback, saying "Access to was denied" So I will leave my input here. Subject:&nbsp;When I am holding a token, and I right click an area of the map, the map orientation moves. Details:&nbsp;There is a feature, where if you hold a token with left click, and use right click on areas of the map, you can track the total distance traveled over a complex path. Whenever I right click, the map moves, making it difficult to find your place.
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TheMarkus1204 said: The new Design is OK, but that's about it... wish there were multiple ways to switch layers instead of having to click at the bottom half of the new sidebar... Also I wonder how this new sidebar behaves on smaller resolutions... will it just collapse and the menu points displayed in a sub menu? At smaller resolutions, the pages buttons collapse into a submenu. Nice! Also, the standard and advanced hotkeys still work for switching layers. Also "Exit Game" and the Option to turn Dark Mode On / Off are displayed twice. Once in the new sidebar behind the hamburger button, the second time in the legacy settings menu... What I like is, that the big ugly Slider for Dark mode is gone! Agreed. I don't think anyone liked that once they learned it existed. I don't mind "Exit Game" being in two places. The Game link is also in two places now. That doesn't really take up any usable space and makes it easier to find based on user expectations. Though I wish that we could change the color for the new sidebar... I have yet to try out the Dynamic Lighting Tools and I HOPE that there is only one color Picker available as in the legacy design there were multiple! This feedback was given several times in our one-one-one session with Andrew. I truly hope it does not stay dark mode only.&nbsp; Also you no longer have the option to draw see through walls in dynamic Lighting Layer as those options are missing completely! So in order to use them, one has to switch back to the legacy design... I'm still getting that option in both modes. Where are you not seeing it?