Hi there. Multiple story buildings are a hassle to use on Roll20. Whether I have my players in a new map or off to the side, they basically lose any awareness of what's happening in other parts of the map where they would see, unless I recreate everything. I think there should be an option to add/remove layer groups. One group would be set as Group 1, and would be permanent. But other groups could be added or removed with little UI buttons In this added layer group, adding a map token with transparency would show map and token layers of the group beneath, but otherwise act as its' own set. So If I had a second story room map, I could add a layer group, add the room map, add UDL, add roofing tokens for the tops of single-story buildings, but the street and the tokens on it would still be visible. Token transparency between the groups would adjustable, like with the GM layer, so that players would know that the token is on a layer below them. I would be able to move character tokens between them in the new UI just by copy-pasting. I understand this could be a lot of work, but this is a critical feature that could add in a lot more versatility and user capability. UI concept below.