The Dragonbane character sheet is pretty, looks like the paper version and is great, but after trying it out I have some suggestions for improvement for the digital implementation. Increase the cap of WP and HP : Currently capped at 20. With the Focused and Robust heroic abilities it is quite easy to get above 20 as a PC, but also the NPCs they face, it will often make sense to have above 20 in these values. Ideally dynamically add rows of circles if the current or max value of WP or HP is higher than 20. Separation of attack and damage roll : According to the rules, the attack roll is performed first, then the target decides whether to parry or dodge, and only then is damage rolled. If you use the weapons on the sheet the attack and damage rolls are done in 1 click - so either you have to decide on parry/dodge after you see the damage, which is not according to the rules, or you have to click the same button at least 2 times (in case 1 the rolls crit you need to get matching damage rolls). Spells : When making an ability as a spell it has some faded out suggestions of each value like Requirements have Gesture. However, the Casting Time has the default suggestion being "Instant" (same as default Duration), but it should have been "Action". Clearer edit mode : Editing the correct is generally confusing. I have two suggestions to improve the edit UI: Cog wheel down a notch. It is usually placed in the upper right corner of the ability/gear/weapon you want to edit. I think moving the cog wheel down a notch so that it is in the middle of either the section you are editing or in the middle of the header-line you want to edit would save my group for many missclicks. Keep the header on cog wheel clicks. If I got e.g. 3 abilities and click the cog wheel for the 2nd the list of abilities now at a quick glance looks to have 2 abilities with the 1st ability in edit mode. I very much would have preferred the first line with the name to keep the same font size as the other abilities in the list. Monsters : When you click the cog wheel @{monster_view} the window is right aligned rather than an aligned to the left. The advantage of this is that the cog wheel is stationary and in the same side as every other cogwheel. But it looks silly the stat block is all to the right if you haven't added any abilities with long descriptions to the window. I think the monster window should just be stretched to follow both the left and right side. Monster Base Skills 15 : This is a weird implementation. You can't really roll any skill with a base of 15 - instead you can roll a new skill called Base Skills that ALWAYS have 15 - no way to edit that number for the monster. I think it makes sense to just have a text field with a base skill value for all skills of the monster (e.g. default to 15), show all skills as clickable and when you roll it assumes a value of 15 unless that skill has a different value than the default (higher or lower). New NPCs: I wish all stats defaulted to 10 or 11 when you create a new NPC character. That would give all NPCs a base chance of 5 in all skills, and you just changed what you needed to change for that NPC. I understand the development time of the sheet being less having the NPC and PC sheet being identical, but compared to the books NPC sheets and book stat blocks looks very different. E.g. to create a Goblin Scout you need to put in e.g. 10 in Kin Movement, AGL of 15 to get the correct AGL damage bonus of D4 and moment of 12. Nowhere on the stat block in the book itself is the goblin AGL nor Goblin kin default movement speed stated. Consider making a separate NPC sheet (especially without having the stat default suggestion above implemented). Mounts + Saddle bags, & Stash : I know this isn't on the default character sheet, but I thing it would be awesome to somehow be able to flag items as being stored in the saddleback of your mount or in a stash e.g. in a safe city. Dragonbane is by designed intended to have you on your toes with not bringing too much gear, with a very small inventory compared to other games, which I think is great. But the rules also states that you can place things on your mount and even mentions that a mount can have 2 saddle bags. Would be super helpful for PCs to manage their encumbrance that they could flag items as being on self, on their mount, or in a stash, and then the encumbrance formula for self only including the relevant one (ideally a separate one for the mount). Auto reduction of WP : I like that the WPs are deducted automatically when you use an ability. However, I think sometimes is a bit too smart. Especially when you just want to read your abilities and e.g. click the name of the ability rather than the speech bubble or the cog wheel. Also same abilities have varying cost like the "Master Tanner" ability. Also, some of my players just like to have the manual control of their own sheet. My suggestion would be to under Sheet Behavior be able to toggle the auto deduction of WP on/off. Wider encumbrance column: If someone caries e.g. 4 Field rations at the weight of 1, I would prefer to write that as: "x4 Field Rations 0.25". But the 5 will get almost cut off and it doesn't look pretty.