While I know you pointed this out at the top of this post, and maybe the pop-up with the intro text mentioned it, it's not at all obvious that you have to select "New Compendium" to get the new search. I tried the old "filter results" for a while, without much luck, before I figured that out. That said, it works much better than the old filter (not a high bar, admittedly). I could easily find monsters by CR and type, for example. Very useful. While a funnel may be a common ui short-hand for filtering (I know it from Excel), it's likely not at all obvious to a non-computer literate player (of which I have several), "filter results" in small print, as the old compendium had, is much more human-friendly. It would be nice to have the 5E playable races searchable (eg, give me alll of the ones with darkvision, or spellcasting, etc) If I select multiple options, the box only shows a subset of them (eg checking a list of serveral CRs only lists 3 of them, but it does find monsters of the non-visible CR). Your sort order is alphabeitc. Understandable, but for a list of numbers (CR ratings) you get an ordering like: "0, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 2...".