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[LFG][DND 5e] Haven't played in 2 years.

I've played a variety of different systems over the years, but it's always been with a friend group. Sadly, because of life, we all fell out of sync and can't reliably schedule a session. I've finally worked life out where I can meet up once a week reliably any night, in the evenings (preferably 7pm EST or later). I live in the US, EST.  As for myself. I'm an easygoing person that can get along with most people. I have tons of unused character ideas, and I would love to play one of them. I'm horrible at character voices and tend not to use them. I'm hoping for a game that is around 50/50 roleplay and combat. I'm not picky about the kind of campaign beyond that. I'm just not comfortable RPing anything sexual.  Please feel free to message me on here or on discord. phoxglem Hope to hear for you.
I run a friendly game based in the World of Warcraft universe (you don't need to know about WOW to enjoy). We play on Saturday nights from 8:30-11:30 PM MST. If that is a time frame that works for you and you are interested, we would love to add you to the group. We have some who this is their first time ever playing, and others who are more experienced. Shoot me a DM if you want more information.
It sounds like fun, but sadly, that's cutting it a little late because of the time zone difference, and one of my children wakes up at 5 am every day for some ungodly reason.