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Token altitude tracking

I've encountered this scenario a couple times now; both as a player and more recently as a DM; but I would love to see Roll20's tokens be able to somehow track altitude.  I don't mean just adding a little wing decal; but I mean be able to display a "current altitude" number to the players or have the players track one that I can see.  With either airborne or underwater actions; this becomes way more relevant than one might initially think. I thought at first I could use the "bar" system for this: but unfortunately, it doesn't display visible numbers to the players, only to the DM, so that doesn't work so well. for this purpose unless I say; say "okay, 100 percent is 100 ft., calculate as such."; but that lacks specificity. ... If there's currently a way to do this and I'm just dumb; please tell me.
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Mostly folks use a Token Markers set like these:  Height and Depth Token Markers (Blue) (I don't because 13th Age doesn't care about that)

Edited 1712852117
Thanks; though not exactly a great solution; more of a work-around that.
If you have the token bar visibility set to standard, you can control who can see the text overlay via the three-dot menu to the right of the bar link drop-down. Captain Corvid said: I thought at first I could use the "bar" system for this: but unfortunately, it doesn't display visible numbers to the players, only to the DM,  ... If there's currently a way to do this and I'm just dumb; please tell me.
Rick A. said: If you have the token bar visibility set to standard, you can control who can see the text overlay via the three-dot menu to the right of the bar link drop-down. Captain Corvid said: I thought at first I could use the "bar" system for this: but unfortunately, it doesn't display visible numbers to the players, only to the DM,  ... If there's currently a way to do this and I'm just dumb; please tell me. Tried this; my players said they could never see the numbers; just that the bar was there.

Edited 1713132323
Forum Champion
Hi Captain Corvid,  There are two sets of controls under the 3 dots, See/Edit controls bar visibility, the drop down menu controls number visibility.  You want to checkmarkr "See" (and Edit of course) and set the drop down to "Visible to Everyone"
The token settings menu's controls aren't always intuitive. It's easy to miss all the places where the controls are scattered.
Ahh; okay I'd only ticked one of those; the "see" option.  Thank you both.
Marketplace Creator
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