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Jumpgate Beta is Open to All Subscribers!


Edited 1718214936
Roll20 Team
Hello!  We’re excited to announce that the Beta of Project Jumpgate is now also open to Plus Subscribers, effective immediately!  Jumpgate, Roll20’s major Tabletop modernization project, is aimed at making your games better, faster, and easier to play. It features a new rendering engine for enhanced performance and updates to the user interface and game tools.  Since the Beta launch to Pro Subscribers in March, we've focused on addressing bugs and improving the system thanks to feedback from our testers (thank you!!!). Now, Plus Subscribers can also join in and provide valuable input to help us continue refining Jumpgate.  To opt in, simply check the " Use the Jumpgate Beta " checkbox on the game creation page when creating a new game or copying an existing game. Our latest blog has more details, including additional access instructions, how to report bugs, and a summary of changes implemented in the last few weeks. CHECK IT OUT HERE . Please give it a try and let us know what you think! Our Help Center includes more information on Jumpgate Beta including FAQ’s and a Known Issues list . In our  original announcement , we detailed dozens of exciting features and updates that were included in Jumpgate at launch.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
While there's a lot of good things in Jumpgate, there are still things that have not been addressed. One of the issues that I raised several days ago about windows/doors has not been resolved yet. I don't know if staff saw it and a fix is in the works, or if it got lost in the noise. Rather than post the entire message again, and the images, please see:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;for the original post. In the meantime, I've stopped working on maps for my campaign since it's really, really hard to put doors and windows down when they don't match the scale of the map.
Thanks for re-sharing Saul - we will be taking a look a this. Over the last week the team was focused on a couple of other highly requested bugs and improvements (will share more details in my next post). Saul J. said: While there's a lot of good things in Jumpgate, there are still things that have not been addressed. One of the issues that I raised several days ago about windows/doors has not been resolved yet. I don't know if staff saw it and a fix is in the works, or if it got lost in the noise. Rather than post the entire message again, and the images, please see:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;for the original post. In the meantime, I've stopped working on maps for my campaign since it's really, really hard to put doors and windows down when they don't match the scale of the map.

Edited 1718229117
Roll20 Team
Alongside release of the Beta to our Plus users, we've made more progress on improvements requested via user feedback: Made an update to maintain previously selected zoom when navigating between maps Added tooltips and UI to clarify that Jumpgate is a one way trip! You're not able to revert back or "opt out of" Jumpgate once a game has been created. Improve image quality upon zoom Fixed an issue where players could access unauthorized token settings Fixed an issue where Fog of War was not working correctly for polygonal clearing and add Added visual polish to Fog of War menus Fixed an issue where animated tokens/animation loops were unable to be paused For those who are newly joining this conversation, you can reference our Change Log for the full history and ongoing updates!
Marketplace Creator
Any chance you fixed the compendium issues of all stuff not being there? And does this mean the Token Marker Library is finally getting fixed?
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
DnDPlay20 said: Any chance you fixed the compendium issues of all stuff not being there? And does this mean the Token Marker Library is finally getting fixed? Hi DnDPlay! I assume the token marker issue is this one ? I don't think that's a Jumpgate-specific issue, but if you confirm, I'll try to direct attention to that thread, since IIRC, you weren't the only one having an issue. As for the Compendium, you can still use the old compendium in both classic and Jumpgate games. I also continue to use the old compendium, because the new one still has significant issues.
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Huzzah! I’m glad to see the efforts of the Dev team and the Pro beta testers have advanced this far.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
When will the Custom Character Sheet Sandbox be able to use Jumpgate? There are a lot of display issues that I have to fix for the GURPS 4E character sheet because of a number of differences to how Jumpgate includes css files.&nbsp;
With these exciting modernization features on the horizon - which, as a plus subscriber, I'm excited to test out - does this mean we can look forward to an increase in the file size upload maximum to something more appropriate for&nbsp; modern file sizes? 20mb simply can't keep up anymore, especially for animated battlemaps and larger ones that take advantage of high resolution monitors, like 4k or even just 2k, quickly becoming the norm.

Edited 1718380011
Roll20 Team
DnDPlay20 &nbsp;- On top of what keithcurtis mentioned, wanted to clarify that the Jumpgate project doesn't impact the Compendium, which is handled by a separate team.&nbsp;If you have any specific painpoints/examples you can share, I will make sure to pass them to our partner team!&nbsp; DnDPlay20 said: Any chance you fixed the compendium issues of all stuff not being there? And does this mean the Token Marker Library is finally getting fixed?
Thanks for highlight - we took a look and this is a bug (not Jumpgate specific) that we now are tracking!&nbsp; You shouldn't need to do anything different to your sheet for it to work on Jumpgate. MadCoder said: When will the Custom Character Sheet Sandbox be able to use Jumpgate? There are a lot of display issues that I have to fix for the GURPS 4E character sheet because of a number of differences to how Jumpgate includes css files.&nbsp;
This is on our radar! We will be increasing file size upload maximums in the future. Ramsey K. said: With these exciting modernization features on the horizon - which, as a plus subscriber, I'm excited to test out - does this mean we can look forward to an increase in the file size upload maximum to something more appropriate for&nbsp; modern file sizes? 20mb simply can't keep up anymore, especially for animated battlemaps and larger ones that take advantage of high resolution monitors, like 4k or even just 2k, quickly becoming the norm.
Hello, Jumpgate is awesome but yes, there are a lot of issues to be dealt with. Here is one I found just a few hours ago. I haven't seen the forums for other issues so I'm unsure if this is reported. The issue is about the token. After I update the token with vision and night vision and set the tint color to transparent. then save it and attach it to the character sheet. then when I set it back to the scene. The tint color is always solid black. This also happens in the game setting of the campaign.&nbsp; Hope this thing gets addressed as well. Thank you for the hard work on Jumpgate we appreciate it. If this report isn't suppose to be here please direct me to the right one and I will repost it.
I've been seeing this same behavior in my non-jumpgate games. I sent a help request &nbsp;back in February about it and got the following reply: Thank you for sending this our way! We have gone ahead and submitted a bug ticket internally to be prioritized. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide an ETA for when this will be addressed. In the meanwhile you should be able to adjust night vision tint manually for tokens from within the VTT. What I've been doing is to open the token settings by double-clicking the token, set the correct color in the token settings, save, then select the token again. Then, open the character sheet and go into the Edit dialog and click on "Use Selected Token". Once you do that, even though the tint color will still show up as black in the token settings via the character sheet, when you drag the character onto the map, it's token will have the correct color setting. Darth said: Hello, Jumpgate is awesome but yes, there are a lot of issues to be dealt with. Here is one I found just a few hours ago. I haven't seen the forums for other issues so I'm unsure if this is reported. The issue is about the token. After I update the token with vision and night vision and set the tint color to transparent. then save it and attach it to the character sheet. then when I set it back to the scene. The tint color is always solid black. This also happens in the game setting of the campaign.&nbsp; Hope this thing gets addressed as well. Thank you for the hard work on Jumpgate we appreciate it. If this report isn't suppose to be here please direct me to the right one and I will repost it.
Bullseye Button STILL Zooms in while centering the map... Shouldn't this be changed by now? If I remember Riley correctly this should be changed...

Edited 1718397468
Roll20 Team
Back here with a couple more updates we released today: Fixed an issue that prevented "random-side" selection from working for multi-sided tokens Fixed an issue that prevented multi-sided token changes to immediately show to players Added the ability for players (not just GMs) to flip their tokens horizontally and vertically when using Jumpgate There are also a couple of highly requested fixes from the last week that I want to cross-reference here given the interest from the community: Scrollbars are now in Jumpgate! Fixed issue where revealing or hiding the entire map wouldn't update for players until they panned or zoomed Fixed issue where players with multiple tokens couldn't preview as a single token via the keyboard shortcut Improved stability for very large text created by Text tool Fixed an issue where animations drag &amp; dropped onto map from the art library / my library appeared invisible And, linking our Change Log here which includes a complete list of our what we're releasing.
We have this queued up for next sprint. TheMarkus1204 said: Bullseye Button STILL Zooms in while centering the map... Shouldn't this be changed by now? If I remember Riley correctly this should be changed...
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
TheMarkus1204 said: Bullseye Button STILL Zooms in while centering the map... Shouldn't this be changed by now? If I remember Riley correctly this should be changed... Just to circle back on this, I think the desire was for the button to do this optionally. I like the zoom to fit behavior.
Regarding Scrollbars in Jumpgate, I am NOT seeing them. Is there a toggle to make those appear / disappear? (I don't need Scrollbars in Jumpgate and would be glad if those are a thing now to hide / disable them) I am using Firefox btw. Lavi said: Back here with a couple more updates we released today: Fixed an issue that prevented "random-side" selection from working for multi-sided tokens Fixed an issue that prevented multi-sided token changes to immediately show to players Added the ability for players (not just GMs) to flip their tokens horizontally and vertically when using Jumpgate There are also a couple of highly requested fixes from the last week that I want to cross-reference here given the interest from the community: Scrollbars are now in Jumpgate! Fixed issue where revealing or hiding the entire map wouldn't update for players until they panned or zoomed Fixed issue where players with multiple tokens couldn't preview as a single token via the keyboard shortcut Improved stability for very large text created by Text tool Fixed an issue where animations drag &amp; dropped onto map from the art library / my library appeared invisible And, linking our Change Log here which includes a complete list of our what we're releasing.

Edited 1718433922
According to Riley in the other Thread: SHIFT+Click = Center + Zoom; Normal Click = just Center the map but keep zoom Level... And it is / was not Zoom to fit, it is Zoom to 100% and centering the map... Zoom to fit is another thing... keithcurtis said: TheMarkus1204 said: Bullseye Button STILL Zooms in while centering the map... Shouldn't this be changed by now? If I remember Riley correctly this should be changed... Just to circle back on this, I think the desire was for the button to do this optionally. I like the zoom to fit behavior.
Done a little bit of testing on a new campaign I'm setting up, couple of metrics and a bug to report. Original Roll20 Firefox latest 23x23 map, mix of walls and transparent walls Dynamic lighting (continuous updating) Preview as character with flashlight Continuous updating of LOS works correctly CPU I7-10710U Intel UHD onboard graphics, 16Gb RAM CPU ~ 25%&nbsp; GPU ~62% Jumpgate Roll20 Firefox latest 23x23 map, mix of walls and transparent walls Dynamic lighting (continuous updating) Preview as character with flashlight CPU I7-10710U Intel UHD onboard graphics, 16Gb RAM CPU ~ 15%&nbsp; GPU ~80% BUG - continuous LOS updating works while dragging the token, but not when rotating it, it then behaves like "update on drop"

Edited 1718443047
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
I can see scrollbars in my Jumpgate Art Library game in both&nbsp; Chrome&nbsp; &amp; Firefox. They're very low contrast against the background.

Edited 1718560582
Andrew R. said: I can see scrollbars in my Jumpgate Art Library game in both&nbsp; Chrome&nbsp; &amp; Firefox. They're very low contrast against the background. Ok... taken a closer look. Yes, they are there... gladly they are hardly visible and thus hardly noticeable... ;) It would be REALLY nice to have a toggle for those. Toggle it on to see Scrollbars or off to hide them completely!
Token Flickering BUG again! Avatar Size etc. has also been reseted AND I cannot re-join the campaign after Reloading!!!
As of today, I keep getting an error message every time I try to load some pages that have Dynamic Lighting elements: The page seems to load ok anyway, as far as I can tell. It's not all pages with Dynamic Lighting but it's not happening on pages without Dynamic Lighting. This was not happening yesterday.

Edited 1718573723
Also, since yesterday, the system seems to impose two grids - one at the size it thinks the grid should be (the default) and the size I tell it: Two grids: Don't know if you can see it at this resolution but there's a larger grid box, and within it lots of smaller grid boxes. The smaller ones are the correct ones. No grid: Settings: This is a map I just did today. It doesn't look like other maps I'd done previously where I also changed the grid scale were affected. There is no Dynamic Lighting on this page, or other elements. It was done by just placing the map and turning on the grid. The map was created by a random dungeon generator without a grid. The original file is a .webp file if that matters any.
I have a couple QOL requests for Token Markers, not sure if they have been mentioned before. 1. Have the option to wrap markers instead of keeping them all on the same line. When you get a Token with several markers, they shrink to a point where they are no longer useful. 2. Allow 3 digit numbers on markers. Currently you can type in 0 to 9 on markers which is awesome for things like remembering levels of fatigue. However, I have a number of players who have flight capabilities. It would be good to be able to type in 125 so we remember that they are 125 feet in the air.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
There are some scripts that allow you to do #2 above. For my game, I just count every digit as a multiple of 5, for up to 60 feet. Works for 5e, since 5 feet is the lowest tactical increment.&nbsp;
Another issue, trying to work on a macro and dragging tokens from my folders onto the map and they just show up invisible....
TheMarkus1204 - thanks for the feedback. For the token flickering bug you are seeing, can you share a bit more detail on when you're experiencing it. 1. Can you share the dynamic lighting you have set? 2. Are you experiencing it as a player, GM previewing as player, or GM 3. How are you moving the token (e.g. keyboard or mouse) 4. Is this on movement across the map, upon drag and drop, when switching pages, or something else? TheMarkus1204 said: Token Flickering BUG again! Avatar Size etc. has also been reseted AND I cannot re-join the campaign after Reloading!!!
DM Deadman - thanks for the report! We pushed a fix on June 12th to solve a bug where tokens appeared invisible when dragged from your library. I'm unable to reproduce this issue including when trying "adult red dragon" drop from my library today. If you are still seeing this in your game, can you let me know and I'll send at PM for your game link so we can take a look more specifically? DM Deadman said: Another issue, trying to work on a macro and dragging tokens from my folders onto the map and they just show up invisible....
Lavi said: DM Deadman - thanks for the report! We pushed a fix on June 12th to solve a bug where tokens appeared invisible when dragged from your library. I'm unable to reproduce this issue including when trying "adult red dragon" drop from my library today. If you are still seeing this in your game, can you let me know and I'll send at PM for your game link so we can take a look more specifically? DM Deadman said: Another issue, trying to work on a macro and dragging tokens from my folders onto the map and they just show up invisible.... Yeah its still an issue, I restarted my API Sandbox and saved changes in Game Settings in case it was tied to that. Im also having an issue with tokenmod just running a simple macro for the following to show a tokens ID using this " !token-mod --ids " and this "!token-mod --report" both display nothing...
Sharing improvements/bug fixes from today's release: Improved page performance when searching games with a lot of pages/folders Improved performance for players and GMs on pages with many or large dynamic lighting barriers Fixed an issue that prevented measurements to be visible in preview as player mode when Fog of War was present at measurement locations Fixed issue where objects could become desynchronized in position or rotation if player took an action while GM defocuses from the page/folder Fixed issue which prevented users from properly selecting the point that was clicked after releasing shift key and losing focus Full change log can be accessed here .
Thanks for checking! I sent you a PM to ask for game details so we can take a specific look. DM Deadman said: Lavi said: DM Deadman - thanks for the report! We pushed a fix on June 12th to solve a bug where tokens appeared invisible when dragged from your library. I'm unable to reproduce this issue including when trying "adult red dragon" drop from my library today. If you are still seeing this in your game, can you let me know and I'll send at PM for your game link so we can take a look more specifically? DM Deadman said: Another issue, trying to work on a macro and dragging tokens from my folders onto the map and they just show up invisible.... Yeah its still an issue, I restarted my API Sandbox and saved changes in Game Settings in case it was tied to that. Im also having an issue with tokenmod just running a simple macro for the following to show a tokens ID using this " !token-mod --ids " and this "!token-mod --report" both display nothing...

Edited 1718699783
Of course I can: No Dynamic Lighting Set for this map! As a Player Moving the token with my mouse. I moved it in the square on top and do so directly. This "Glitch" (if you want to call it that) appears right after me let go of the token. It is movement across the map. Browser is latest Firefox! Lavi said: TheMarkus1204 - thanks for the feedback. For the token flickering bug you are seeing, can you share a bit more detail on when you're experiencing it. 1. Can you share the dynamic lighting you have set? 2. Are you experiencing it as a player, GM previewing as player, or GM 3. How are you moving the token (e.g. keyboard or mouse) 4. Is this on movement across the map, upon drag and drop, when switching pages, or something else? TheMarkus1204 said: Token Flickering BUG again! Avatar Size etc. has also been reseted AND I cannot re-join the campaign after Reloading!!!
Saul J. said: As of today, I keep getting an error message every time I try to load some pages that have Dynamic Lighting elements: The page seems to load ok anyway, as far as I can tell. It's not all pages with Dynamic Lighting but it's not happening on pages without Dynamic Lighting. This was not happening yesterday. Any progress or acknowledgment with this issue? Has it been flagged already in the earlier Beta? It started happening for me last week but it was fairly limited, (we only used a couple of maps) but as I'm preparing for this weeks session and adding maps it is happening a lot more. Of the seven maps I've added in the past two days, this happens regularly when transitioning to FIVE of them... Is there a tip to work around this?
This has been flagged already and the Devs should know about it... Tommy said: Saul J. said: As of today, I keep getting an error message every time I try to load some pages that have Dynamic Lighting elements: The page seems to load ok anyway, as far as I can tell. It's not all pages with Dynamic Lighting but it's not happening on pages without Dynamic Lighting. This was not happening yesterday. Any progress or acknowledgment with this issue? Has it been flagged already in the earlier Beta? It started happening for me last week but it was fairly limited, (we only used a couple of maps) but as I'm preparing for this weeks session and adding maps it is happening a lot more. Of the seven maps I've added in the past two days, this happens regularly when transitioning to FIVE of them... Is there a tip to work around this?
What about this issue? Has it been flagged? Thx Saul J. said: Also, since yesterday, the system seems to impose two grids - one at the size it thinks the grid should be (the default) and the size I tell it: Two grids: Don't know if you can see it at this resolution but there's a larger grid box, and within it lots of smaller grid boxes. The smaller ones are the correct ones. No grid: Settings: This is a map I just did today. It doesn't look like other maps I'd done previously where I also changed the grid scale were affected. There is no Dynamic Lighting on this page, or other elements. It was done by just placing the map and turning on the grid. The map was created by a random dungeon generator without a grid. The original file is a .webp file if that matters any.

Edited 1718736212
That's interesting. It looks like it's showing a secondary grid at a 6 x 6 square spacing. (That would actually be kind of convenient for me &nbsp; to have 5ft. squares with a 30 ft. grid superimposed.) I once used another application (not on Roll20) that allowed the user to define a secondary grid that looked very similar to this. I wonder if there is a base template that's being used by Jumpgate that has an allowance for this kind of feature. Saul J. &nbsp;said: What about this issue? Has it been flagged? Thx Saul J. &nbsp;said: Also, since yesterday, the system seems to impose two grids - one at the size it thinks the grid should be (the default) and the size I tell it: Two grids: Don't know if you can see it at this resolution but there's a larger grid box, and within it lots of smaller grid boxes. The smaller ones are the correct ones. No grid: Settings: This is a map I just did today. It doesn't look like other maps I'd done previously where I also changed the grid scale were affected. There is no Dynamic Lighting on this page, or other elements. It was done by just placing the map and turning on the grid. The map was created by a random dungeon generator without a grid. The original file is a .webp file if that matters any.
Just wondering where this bug/issue stands: Saul J. said: While there's a lot of good things in Jumpgate, there are still things that have not been addressed. One of the issues that I raised several days ago about windows/doors has not been resolved yet. I don't know if staff saw it and a fix is in the works, or if it got lost in the noise. Rather than post the entire message again, and the images, please see:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;for the original post. In the meantime, I've stopped working on maps for my campaign since it's really, really hard to put doors and windows down when they don't match the scale of the map.
I sometimes think a secondary grid would be useful but it's rare for me.&nbsp; This only seems to be happening on this map (so far). It's the only one of the maps I've done that has a black background so it's possible that the same thing is happening on other maps, I just can't see it. Here it's extremely noticeable. And annoying. :D Rick A. said: That's interesting. It looks like it's showing a secondary grid at a 6 x 6 square spacing. (That would actually be kind of convenient for me &nbsp; to have 5ft. squares with a 30 ft. grid superimposed.) I once used another application (not on Roll20) that allowed the user to define a secondary grid that looked very similar to this. I wonder if there is a base template that's being used by Jumpgate that has an allowance for this kind of feature. Saul J. &nbsp;said: What about this issue? Has it been flagged? Thx Saul J. &nbsp;said: Also, since yesterday, the system seems to impose two grids - one at the size it thinks the grid should be (the default) and the size I tell it: Two grids: Don't know if you can see it at this resolution but there's a larger grid box, and within it lots of smaller grid boxes. The smaller ones are the correct ones. No grid: Settings: This is a map I just did today. It doesn't look like other maps I'd done previously where I also changed the grid scale were affected. There is no Dynamic Lighting on this page, or other elements. It was done by just placing the map and turning on the grid. The map was created by a random dungeon generator without a grid. The original file is a .webp file if that matters any.
Thanks for all of the detailed feedback which helped us identify a common cause of the "something went wrong" error! We just pushed a fix that addresses the "something went wrong" message which appeared when switching to a page with doors and tokens with vision. TheMarkus1204 said: This has been flagged already and the Devs should know about it... Tommy said: Saul J. said: As of today, I keep getting an error message every time I try to load some pages that have Dynamic Lighting elements: The page seems to load ok anyway, as far as I can tell. It's not all pages with Dynamic Lighting but it's not happening on pages without Dynamic Lighting. This was not happening yesterday. Any progress or acknowledgment with this issue? Has it been flagged already in the earlier Beta? It started happening for me last week but it was fairly limited, (we only used a couple of maps) but as I'm preparing for this weeks session and adding maps it is happening a lot more. Of the seven maps I've added in the past two days, this happens regularly when transitioning to FIVE of them... Is there a tip to work around this?
I'm not seeing the error any more so, yay and thx! One down, two to go (for my bug reports). :-) Lavi said: Thanks for all of the detailed feedback which helped us identify a common cause of the "something went wrong" error! We just pushed a fix that addresses the "something went wrong" message which appeared when switching to a page with doors and tokens with vision. TheMarkus1204 said: This has been flagged already and the Devs should know about it... Tommy said: Saul J. said: As of today, I keep getting an error message every time I try to load some pages that have Dynamic Lighting elements: The page seems to load ok anyway, as far as I can tell. It's not all pages with Dynamic Lighting but it's not happening on pages without Dynamic Lighting. This was not happening yesterday. Any progress or acknowledgment with this issue? Has it been flagged already in the earlier Beta? It started happening for me last week but it was fairly limited, (we only used a couple of maps) but as I'm preparing for this weeks session and adding maps it is happening a lot more. Of the seven maps I've added in the past two days, this happens regularly when transitioning to FIVE of them... Is there a tip to work around this?
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Saul, I can't really see two grids in that image. Some of the lines look a tiny bit more prominent than others, is that what you are talking about? With a cell width of .35, each grid line should appear every 24.5 pixels at 100% zoom. Are you perhaps seeing a visual artifact caused by a rounding error? Do you see this effect at a cell width of 1, or only at a reduction?
The 6 x 6 square secondary grid is very subtle on my screen (1920 x 1080, 24" monitor). Interesting thought about it being a rounding error! 0.35 x 70px = 24.5px 24.5px x 6 = 147px (very close to 2 default grid squares) keithcurtis said: Saul, I can't really see two grids in that image. Some of the lines look a tiny bit more prominent than others, is that what you are talking about? With a cell width of .35, each grid line should appear every 24.5 pixels at 100% zoom. Are you perhaps seeing a visual artifact caused by a rounding error? Do you see this effect at a cell width of 1, or only at a reduction?
Hi Saul - glad we were able to fix the "what's wrong error" that was on your list! Regarding the bug you mentioned with end points for doors, the team was able to dig into the issue but we do not have a fix ETA for you yet. The fix entails a bigger workaround for vectors that is on our list, but over the next sprint we are focused on some other game-breaking bugs (like the freeze/crash fix we released today).&nbsp; From what we can tell at the moment this affects smaller size grid/maps with &lt;.25 cell width and upon the initial drop. If you re-engage with the door after the initial drop (try to move/resize it), the end points tend to scale down. Hope this can be used as a workaround until we get the bigger fix in. Saul J. said: Just wondering where this bug/issue stands: Saul J. said: While there's a lot of good things in Jumpgate, there are still things that have not been addressed. One of the issues that I raised several days ago about windows/doors has not been resolved yet. I don't know if staff saw it and a fix is in the works, or if it got lost in the noise. Rather than post the entire message again, and the images, please see:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;for the original post. In the meantime, I've stopped working on maps for my campaign since it's really, really hard to put doors and windows down when they don't match the scale of the map.
FAN-£&amp;^%ING-TASTIC! I just spent alltogether way too much time randomly clicking on Maps to Rhino Test this, and no Errors. Thanks a lot for this. Lavi said: Thanks for all of the detailed feedback which helped us identify a common cause of the "something went wrong" error! We just pushed a fix that addresses the "something went wrong" message which appeared when switching to a page with doors and tokens with vision. TheMarkus1204 said: This has been flagged already and the Devs should know about it... Tommy said: Saul J. said: As of today, I keep getting an error message every time I try to load some pages that have Dynamic Lighting elements: The page seems to load ok anyway, as far as I can tell. It's not all pages with Dynamic Lighting but it's not happening on pages without Dynamic Lighting. This was not happening yesterday. Any progress or acknowledgment with this issue? Has it been flagged already in the earlier Beta? It started happening for me last week but it was fairly limited, (we only used a couple of maps) but as I'm preparing for this weeks session and adding maps it is happening a lot more. Of the seven maps I've added in the past two days, this happens regularly when transitioning to FIVE of them... Is there a tip to work around this?
I went in to change the opacity to darken the lines to make it easier to see... and the problem sort of went away. So, this may be a non-issue since I usually use the higher opacity lines in the games anyway. keithcurtis said: Saul, I can't really see two grids in that image. Some of the lines look a tiny bit more prominent than others, is that what you are talking about? With a cell width of .35, each grid line should appear every 24.5 pixels at 100% zoom. Are you perhaps seeing a visual artifact caused by a rounding error? Do you see this effect at a cell width of 1, or only at a reduction?
Moving the doors around or resizing them, doesn't help much although it does a little. And, once they do get scaled down, they are nearly impossible to move again because the system just doesn't want to grab them properly. In fact, most of the time, when trying to move them into position, I end up grabbing the nearby wall instead of the door.&nbsp; I'm working with maps that were intended to be printed on 8x11 paper and used at the table rather than on a VTT so I can understand there will be difficulties. I'm trying to set the grid lines to match the scale given in the map so I can move tokens around on the map and still give something of an appearance of the right scale. On some of the maps it's working better than on others. Lavi said: Hi Saul - glad we were able to fix the "what's wrong error" that was on your list! Regarding the bug you mentioned with end points for doors, the team was able to dig into the issue but we do not have a fix ETA for you yet. The fix entails a bigger workaround for vectors that is on our list, but over the next sprint we are focused on some other game-breaking bugs (like the freeze/crash fix we released today).&nbsp; From what we can tell at the moment this affects smaller size grid/maps with &lt;.25 cell width and upon the initial drop. If you re-engage with the door after the initial drop (try to move/resize it), the end points tend to scale down. Hope this can be used as a workaround until we get the bigger fix in. Saul J. said: Just wondering where this bug/issue stands: Saul J. said: While there's a lot of good things in Jumpgate, there are still things that have not been addressed. One of the issues that I raised several days ago about windows/doors has not been resolved yet. I don't know if staff saw it and a fix is in the works, or if it got lost in the noise. Rather than post the entire message again, and the images, please see:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;for the original post. In the meantime, I've stopped working on maps for my campaign since it's really, really hard to put doors and windows down when they don't match the scale of the map.

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I found a bug/issue in my newly created Jumpgate-game, which is a copy of an existing game. I encounter some misalignment between the Dynamic Lighting lines as drawn on the lighting layer, and their effect on vision. Not all lines are affected though. Is this a known issue? I encounter this in Chrome, Edge and Firefox.