keithcurtis said:
Trav Laney said:
I haven't had a chance to search this entire thread yet, but has anyone noticed their NPC attacks no longer display correctly (or even roll the proper dice)? When I click on a skeleton's Scimitar attack, for example, it just outputs the word "Scimitar" to the console--no dice are rolled, no damage is reported.
Hi Trev Laney!
Is this on the D&D 5e (2014) Sheet. the D&D 2024 sheet or some other sheet? All sheets act differently.
If it's the D&D 5e (2014) Sheet, then are you seeing to-hit rolls? If so it could be that your npc is not set to auto roll damage. this can be fixed in the sheet settings, or game-wide on the Game Setting page. (ask if you need more detail)
If you are truly seeing only the word"scimitar" and nothing else, my guess is that there is soemthing wrong with that particular NPC. Are you seeing this behavior on other NPCs?
This is on the D&D 5E (2014) sheet. We aren't ready to switch to 2024 yet.
There was definitely an issue with my custom skeleton; I messed up when I modified the NPCs weapon (switched it from a shortsword to a scimitar)....I accidentally toggled off the Attack button. (woops!) But I just ran a test with a completely fresh NPC, the SRD skeleton from the 5E Monster Manual. I dropped it into the game unmodified and unadjusted, and clicked on the Shortsword attack. It only reports the attack roll, with Advantage, and doesn't roll damage.
So I did some tinkering around in my game settings. The game isn't saving my settings for some reason: I've toggled on the option to "always roll damage and crits," but it doesn't. And there's other problems as well: I've toggled off the "advantage toggle", but it always rolls with advantage. It keeps adding my Dexterity scores as a tiebreaker oi initiative rolls, even though I have always had that option toggled off.
I've kept a copy of my old game, from before I switched it over to Jumpgate, and everything still works fine in that game.