The only changes that I've made recently are adding a few map pages and deleting a few others after transmogrifying them to my library game. I try to keep my maps less than 100 70px grid squares in any dimension, especially if there are a lot of light emitting tokens. As for patterns, I can't really tell since we're just playing the game and when I go to use a MOD script related macro it just doesn't work. I then glance down and see that the API Heartbeat graphic is not moving, so I go to the browser tab where I keep the sandbox page open and restart the sandbox. There is of course no pattern to see when I open the game and t he sandbox doesn't start. As for the size of my game, that's sort of hard to pin down because it depends on who you ask :) If it makes a difference, we've been playing this game regularly every two weeks since January of 2022, and I'm in it several times a week creating and editing encounters and other content. This is the output when I run the Campaign Survey script: 338 characters 154368 attributes 1259 abilities 50 pages 44 lighting 5277 graphics 4141 Library 1136 Market 298 handouts 78 macros 14 tables 1352 texts 1 decks 7 jukebox tracks 8 players These are the MOD scripts that I have loaded: APIHeartBeat Apply Damage checkLightLevel D&D 5E - GMSheet D&D 5E - Wildshape DL-Link Dynamic Lighting Tool GroupInitiative GroupCheck HPBarTracker libTokenMarkers MatrixMath Message of the Day Messenger Reporter SelectManager ShowArt Teleport Token Action Maker TokenMod TokenNameNumber PathEditor Path Math Ping Buddy PingMe RollableTable Macros Vector Math WildHelpers Campaign Survey - loaded as needed Scriptinfo - loaded as needed TableExport - loaded as needed