Hello! I am an avid ttrpg enthusiast who usually prefers the role of game master. I have experience with quite a few systems, but the ones I know best are Pathfinder 1e, D&D 3.5e & 4e, Shadowrun 5e, and Edge of the Empire + Genesys. I have light to moderate experience in over a dozen systems, and am open minded to trying new ones. Generally I prefer text-based games over voice as the slow pace allows for plenty of roleplay breathing room and roleplaying is my second favorite part of ttrpgs, right behind worldbuilding. Generally anything I GM will be homebrew or at least have heavily homebrewed aspects to it. I love high fantasy, sci-fantasy, and science fiction. I have run and completed multiple games, three of which had lasted over 100 sessions. My games tend on the more epic side but will quite often start humble. A main storyline will be present to avoid "sandboxing", though the option for character backstory quests or side missions is never off the table. I consider it a personal success when players get invested in a world I am running. Action/combat and roleplay are equally represented in my games as well. I also enjoy 18+ themes in my games, though I am not looking to run an "erotic" game. Risque situations, rude tempers and dark topics will generally be present, and characters that utilize such generally allowed. However a GM without a group is hardly a GM at all, and this is the predicament I have found myself in. My previous group scattered to the winds over time and never re-established, so I call out to the void. To all those who love to roleplay and explore, who aren't afraid to take risks, and who seeks not just a game to play but friendships to establish, send me a direct message here. I'd prefer to chat over Discord, but any game I run will be on Roll20. I have virtually zero interest in D&D 5e. EDIT: I prefer live sessions with pbp for downtime and side RP. I would not mind running a pure pbp game, but I'd need very active players.