Paulo said: Does roll20 have a git repo that people can create pull requests to? I'm a dev, even though I never worked with the Spotify API before I would like to create this integration, whatever language you guys use, just let me know if this is possible. Do you have any idea what can of worms taking a single Spotify subscription and rebroadcasting it to a room full of people across the internet is? In a perfect world where we didn't have ridiculous music licensing situations, it'd be fine. But this is just not practical or plausible and I think people that keep asking for this don't consider the legal and financial mess this causes. The bottom line is a musician getting 2 cents a stream is going to want 10 cents a stream for a game with 5 people in it and Roll20's not going to pay that, and is not big enough to work out special requirements for a GM to pay it. Long story short Roll20's gone down the external music service partnerships road before. It's a very, very bad road fraught with pitfalls.