to add it i think we need to add it to the macros, as i dont belive we can call character atributes from a template. the atribute on the sheet is built in to roll20, @{character_id} is a valid attribute
Vince said:
Simon said:
I would've recommended it in other locations aswell, such as for feats, equipment, or even skills. But there really wasn't a lot of room for such. However, when it came to spells there was plenty of room to place a URL slot next to the name of the spell, Other things that I thought would be nice is if we could have links to combat maneuvers placed within the sheet, but for now I would be quite content with just allowing all spells to have hypertext.
I had an epiphany(it happens...) Simon. Why not just paste the Hypertexted Spell name right in the existing name field of your spell? No need for a new attribute. It works. :-) Paste this;[**Detect Thoughts**]( the Name field of a repeating spell item.
Edit: BTW the addition of basic markup(including adding url's) is currently only on the Dev., but will probably be included with the Update of Holding soon to be released.
Simon said:
While I agree that pasting the Hypertexted Spell name in the existing field works, it also seems like an unnecessary complication for new users. I was under the impression that character sheets were to assist new users to utilize Roll20 without having to know too many scripts. By making an attribute for the URL, that would be one less thing the players would need to know.
However, I am curious. Is there a limit on the number of attributes that a sheet may have? Or are attributes taxing for gameplay? If there is a limit, or it is increasingly taxing, then I apologise.
<tr><td colspan="2" class="sheet-header">{{name}}</td></tr>to
{{#character_name}} {{#name_link}} <tr><td colspan="2" class="sheet-header">[{{character_name}}]({{character_id}}): [{{name}}]({{name_link}})</td></tr> {{/name_link}} {{^name_link}} <tr><td colspan="2" class="sheet-header">[{{character_name}}]({{character_id}}): {{name}}</td></tr> {{/name_link}} {{/character_name}} {{^character_name}} {{#name_link}} <tr><td colspan="2" class="sheet-header">{{name}}</td></tr> {{/name_link}} {{^name_link}} <tr><td colspan="2" class="sheet-header">[{{name}}]({{name_link}})</td></tr> {{/name_link}} {{/character_name}}wich looks large and frightening but it allows both the macros
&{template:pf_generic} {{name=[@{name}](@{url}) {{other_stuff=other_stuff}}wich is the way things currently work with the addition of the link based on a url attribute in the sheet and
&{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{name}}} {{name_link=@{url}}} {{other_stuff=other_stuff}}wich displays the "Character Name: Spell/Ability Name" with links to the character sheet and spell
That's nice about character_idNibrodooh said:
it already is, like character_name it is a default attribute of roll20. as for the "^" it is just the oppisite of "#"
I see. Thanks Nibrodooh.Nibrodooh said:
if you have had the sheet open, it opens to wich tab you left it on, as if you selected it from the journal tab. The bio as default also works properly if the person pressing the link doesn't have access to the character sheet. as bio's don't require control of a character.
Good news to hear. Thank you for your efforts Nibrodooh. You might want to PM Sam. I didn't see your pull request on Sam's fork...Nibrodooh said:
i uploaded the updated templates to git (i think, i am not good at git). the rest of the sheet will come later as i don't want to upload a broken sheet so i am going to wait until it is done before i do.
Dustin G. said:
I have the same issue as Kent F. The Attack Row buttons don't work while the inside attack button do. It appears that the repeating buttons each reference a number (0-25), but the actual fields in the attack section all say "x" where there should be a number. If we had a way of renaming each field in the attack section from "repeating_weapon_X_whatever" to "repeating_weapon_(number)_whatever" , I think this would fix the attack row buttons.
Quinn R. said:
Hey guys, I need help with the character cards. How do I use Myth Weavers to import a character card to one of my players? I apreaciate the help.
(@{Knowledge-History-ranks} + @{Knowledge-History-class} + @{Knowledge-History-ability} + @{Knowledge-History-racial} + @{Knowledge-History-feat} + @{Knowledge-History-item} + @{Knowledge-History-misc})And the sheet roll of %{selected|Knowledge-History-Check} which uses the macro
@{character_name}'s Knowledge (History) check: [[1d20 + @{Knowledge-History}]]
Karankwan said:
Hi everyone!
First and foremost a massive thanks to Sam and his minions! I think it's outstanding what you guys put and are still putting together. I can't wait for the roll templates!
I'm not sure if that's the right spot for making suggestions, but since I'm not good fiddling around with code I might as well bring it up here. Some small things that I encountered during my sessions, that I thought could be made even better. I'm aware that that's heavily dependent on your style of running a game on roll20 and using the character sheets, so this is purely subjective.
- Would it be possible to add a concentration check in the NPC section for SLA and Spells? Preferably right next to the CL check? I always felt that one is missing, while the rest of the sheet strongly follows the NPC stat blocks that we're used to from the published adventures. In the stat blocks it usually says something like "Spell like Abilities: (CL 5th, Concentration +7)
- Another thing that I came across is that some (not very many, but still a few) monsters have SLAs with different CLs and on top of that Spells from their class(es) with yet another CL. At the moment there is no way to deal with more than two CLs on the sheet (at least not comfortably). Again, I'm not good with codes so I have no clue how hard that might be, but wouldn't it be possible to implement an "Add" buttong for a whole new SLA section, as we have it right now for Feats, Attacks, Spells, etc.?
- The last thing I came across is just a minor thing, an probably I'm one of the few ones having issues with this. Could we get a "Harmless" option for Spell resistances? By chosing "harmless" under SR it would automatically indicate that the Save is also harmless, while we would still be able to document the right DC for the spell in the Save field. As I said, this is minor, but it would help to use the sheet more independent from PRD, Core Rule Book, Smartphone Apps or the like.
Unless anyone(Sam specifically, or anyone) has an objection, comment, better suggestion, I'll have a crack at updating the sheet with your suggestions Karankwan. Have some gaming to do tonight and possibly tonorrow, but I'll jump on it asap.Karankwan said:
Hi Vince,
Yes you understood me correctly. I never encountered a Monster/NPC with more than two SLA "classes" so maybe having it hard coded and increase the amount of SLA sections to two, will solve 99% of the cases. I agree that the benefit from having the possibility of adding SLA sections on your own gusto is very small and wouldn't justify a whole bunch of coding.
That's exactly right. The way the sheet works is that the button bar macro is hard coded into the sheet. You can drag and drop those buttons, but can't customize the macro unless you modify the sheet. The repeatable button cannot be drag and dropped, but you can customize the macro text.Shane B. said:
Hi Vince
I think what the poster above meant when he said that the attack buttons do not work is that the 0-25 buttons do not make use of the macro text from the attack type below, and there is not way to drag that dice button from the individual attacks to the macro bar. (if I have described it sufficiently)
Not yet. Sam has been MIA with life... Nibrodooh has done a ton of work for the roll templates and I've done some as well. Nibrodooh is still working out some kinks last I checked. I hate to pressure anyone volunteering their skills/effort/time. Please be patient and the roll templates will arrive soon. Roll High. Cheers
Not with all of Nibrodooh's changes. ;-( My fork only has my spell roll templates and sheet rolls, and an early version of Nibrodooh's attack roll templates. He has since made some other changes and has went thru the entire sheet (lot's of sheet rolls). I haven't seen the latest version because I believe he is still working everything out. I want to wait and see what's been done before making any other changes...Ken L. said:
Do you have a fork?
Aaron G. said:
It may have been covered in a previous post, but these threads are SOOOO long I can't find the answer... How do I remove a macro button in the bar that was created by dragging the attack button over the bar? Can anyone help on that one? It doesn't appear in the list with the other macros in the bar.