After reading this thread -> <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/144829/hourglass" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/144829/hourglass</a>.. and thinking this up for some time on my own, I'd really appreciate a timer feature. It could even be as simple as a digital counter than the DM sets and then clicks "Go". I understand that it could be done through the API but some of the other subscription-less games I play with would benefit greatly from this feature. It could be used as a variety of things: -Tracking overall gametime, should the game have a strict time limit of an hour per session. -Turn timer, for tense situations when the DM wants to push the players into making more 'knee-jerk' reactions. -Storyline timer, such as a bomb counting down and whatnot.