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Inventory Tokens?

Now that we have two graphical API scripts to handle inventory management, is anyone planning on developing a token set for inventory items? I'd much rather pay someone than take the time to do it myself since I couldn't sell mine because I'm not an artist and would have to use online images.
Devin N.
Marketplace Creator
I like that idea, not sure when I could get around to it though.
Marketplace Creator
Do you have a rough list of items, Three?
hmm... If I were to do it, I would use the 5e Player's Handbook. Then break it down into two marketplace entries. Weapons and Armor Adventuring Gear That's a lot of tokens though (over 50 for weapons and armor and almost 100 for adventuring gear). Though some could be the same token, just different colors. I suppose leaving out some of the uncommonly used items (maybe save it for a later token pack?) would help. Though the uncommon pack might not sell well since DMs might just cherry pick tokens online for the few they need from that category.
Gabriel P.
Marketplace Creator
I'd like to do a set that would work for both inventory tolkens and map tokens for treasure (at least of the larger items). My question would be what exactly are you looking for in an inventory tolken? Simple pictures of relatively generic items, fancier pictures with more variations of any one item, 3/4 views or a flatter view? Would you be willing to pay for a pack that was just dozens of variations on the most common weapons, such as swords to allow more flavor into the art, or would you perfer just once set with a single pass at items?
I can only speak for myself, of course. But the way the current Graphic Inventory systems are set up, I want a single-pass set of flat icons. I'm more interested in variety of different items than the multiples of the same one. If I want something 'special', I'll go out and grab something online.
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Try searching there. All free to use.
HoneyBadger said: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Try searching there. All free to use. Cool site, but not quite complete enough. Thanks for the suggestion, though! I'll keep an eye no it and see how, or if, it progresses. Maybe down the road it can meet my needs.
Marketplace Creator
I am trying to wrap my head around what you're looking for. Basically your looking for a packet with assorted weapons and armor? Not really sure where the game packets would apply to this. Other then monster weapons like floating swords or something. Typically players have weapons or armor in character sheet Not on the game board. Explain a bit more on your uses and I might be able to make something, but personally I think there needs to be good reason for it.
Gabriel P.
Marketplace Creator
Thanks Three of swords. That gives me a clear idea of what you're looking for.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
The Dragon said: I am trying to wrap my head around what you're looking for. Basically your looking for a packet with assorted weapons and armor? Not really sure where the game packets would apply to this. Other then monster weapons like floating swords or something. Typically players have weapons or armor in character sheet Not on the game board. Explain a bit more on your uses and I might be able to make something, but personally I think there needs to be good reason for it. The reason gave in the original post was the two graphical inventory systems recently starting development. A secondary reason would be loot bundles: Have a chest icon atop a stack of loot icons. They 'open' the chest and they can physically see the loot on the table. For games like 4e where you only get a small number of important loot items per level it's nice to make something special out of those occasions. I got my loot bundle icons from WoW icons, but that's not really feasible for the marketplace.
What GenKitty said. The new Inventory systems are ingenious uses of the roll20 interface. But rather than spend hours on a token set that only I could use (because I had to use copyrighted images), if an artist who planned to used the inventory systems created a set, I'd buy it. At least then they'd get something for their efforts. And perhaps others would as well.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
My own suggestion for tokens is a logistical one: Tokens for 'kinds' of items, rather than a token for each specific item in a game. I have 'Weapon', 'Armor', 'Wand', 'Potion', 'Wonderous Item', 'Scroll', and so on and so forth. I don't have 'Short Sword' and 'Mace' and 'Halberd', though I can see someone wanting that sort of detail in their game.

Edited 1423622308
Marketplace Creator
I can work on something, would you want me to add stuff like glow aura around them for instance one weapon you would have, Normal, Maybe silver Aura for Masterwork, and then Blue, Yellow and Red for magical items? Perhaps using Blue as Good items, Yellow as artifact or heirloom, and red for evil. I imagine you may even need a black for neutral. I can could see about creating a base set of items, with different colors. Roughly 5 sets for each Item so 10-20 items would be a 50-100 piece set quickly. Although it may take some time to assemble custom art for weaponry and armor. I like your idea of splitting the pack for one set of Armor and one set of Weapons. I would be happy to split this idea with a two or three artist, perhaps I can do some weapons, someone else could throw in some armor or something. Maybe another person could do some type of clothing, giving multiple different sets.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Tokens can be tinted by GMs, so that saves you a lot of time :&gt;
Marketplace Creator
Yes they can but I honestly don't think that adds enough flavor to the item.
Dan W.
Sheet Author
Three of Swords said: Now that we have two graphical API scripts to handle inventory management, is anyone planning on developing a token set for inventory items? I'd much rather pay someone than take the time to do it myself since I couldn't sell mine because I'm not an artist and would have to use online images. Can someone explain how this works? An API script for inventory management? I know what an API is, but how do you use this?
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
For more information on the script, please refer to the script's thread: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Lorien Wright
Marketplace Creator
I've made inquiries in the past about the sensibility of creating a set of tokens specific for Inventory and Handouts. Each time it's generally be met with "It's too easy to get those images from a google image search" to be worth the time investment. If there is serious interest here though, I do have a ton of resources at my disposal right now to create weapon, armor, potion, etc... sets for the marketplace.