Actoba said: @Mark G - There will be a way of doing this in the next update.. Grazie. Adding extra properties would indeed be wonderful to have. attack1 through attack12, attackadv1 through attackadv12, save1 through save12, etc. Or as you mentioned, perhaps a generic {{anypropertynameIwant=somevalue}}. I love the sheets for tracking character info, esp. in 5e as there's nothing like PCGen out there yet, but I've honestly never been a fan of derived stats so I've always used my own macros. I like being able to mouse-over and see where the numbers are coming from. It's much easier to spot a mistake when you can see you're adding a 3 from dex and a 2 from proficiency, etc. I'd love to use your templates, they're very nicely done, but they're somewhat limiting in their early form. Probably the best example of this would be my defenses macro. I'm a huge fan of using a single compact macro to roll multiple things: roll all your knowledges, all your physical checks, all your saves, etc (It makes your ability and macro bars much more manageable, so you're not hunting down a button mid-game) We can do this with the default template of course, but it's not nearly as well laid out appearance or alignment wise... (Example broken into multiple lines for forum readability) &{template:default} {{name=Defenses}} {{HP:@{selected|Bar1}/@{Selected|Bar1|Max}=AC:[[15]]}} {{STR:[[1d20 + 0[Str] + 3[Prof] ]]|[[1d20 + 0[Str] + 3[Prof] ]]=**INT**:[[1d20 + 2[Int] + 3[Prof] ]]|[[1d20 + 2[Int] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{DEX:[[1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]|[[1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]=**WIS**:[[1d20 + 2[Wis]]]|[[1d20 + 2[Wis]]] }} {{CON:[[1d20 + 2[Con]]]|[[1d20 + 2[Con]]]=**CHR:**[[1d20 + 2[Int] + 3[Prof] ]]|[[1d20 + 2[Int] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{Deflect Arrow=**DR**:[[1d10 +@{DEX} + @{Level}]] }} Gives you: which lays it out, but is kinda 'meh' looking, and always has issues with alignment, clips on the right side, and properties running onto multiple lines unexpectedly. @saitama: Thank you for the temporary work around. That works just fine for my primary attack on this character. @ Snizzle
: Could you further explain {{newproperty=[[1d6]]}} ? That works with the default template but not the 5etemplate.