Mark G. said:A modification to the 5e attack macro: Multiple Attacks!
By combining both the Weapon and Spell attack attributes, you can make a single macro that attacks twice. Great for Barbarians, monks, etc classes that get multiple attacks.
Flurry of Blows example, using character journal attributes:
&{template:5eDefault} {{weapon=1}} {{title=Flurry of Blows}} {{subheader=@{Selected|Token_Name}}} {{subheaderright=Two Strikes}} {{attack=[[ 1d20 + @{DEX}[Dex] + @{Prof}[Prof] ]]}} {{attackadv=[[ 1d20 + @{DEX}[Dex] + @{Prof}[Prof] ]]}} {{damage=[[ 1d6 + @{DEX}[Dex] ]]}} {{critdamage=[[1d6]] Addt'l Dmg}}}{{spellshowattack=1}}{{spellattack=[[ 1d20 + @{DEX}[Dex] + @{Prof}[Prof] ]]}} {{spellshowattackadv=1}}{{spellattackadv=[[ 1d20 + @{DEX}[Dex] + @{Prof}[Prof] ]]}}{{spellshowdamage=1}}{{spelldamage=[[ 1d6 + @{DEX}[Dex] ]] }}{{spellcancrit=1}}{{spellcritdamage=[[1d6]] Addt'l Dmg}}
This is a great start to what I am trying to do with a specialized Monk Flurry of blows attack with 53 character sheet... care to help me make it better, please? :)
I am trying to combine a combination of two weapon strikes + unarmed strike + unarmed strike w/shocking grasp. I have tried copy/pasting the 5e with the Melee1 (blood drinker weapon; shortsword) twice, Melee2 (unarmed strike w/bonus bite dmg), and then a custom weapon with unarmed strike and shocking graps spell dmg... leaving it looking something like this:
@{Aerolite|output_option} &{template:5eDefault} {{attack_roll=1}} {{character_name=@{Aerolite|character_name}}} @{Aerolite|show_character_name} {{title=@{Aerolite|repeating_weapons_melee_6_name}}} {{melee=1}} @{Aerolite|repeating_weapons_melee_6_macro_options} @{Aerolite|classactionrangedweapon}
This output has the large coloured titles for all the attacks, taking up a lotta room in the chat window. I would rather one large title "Stormflurry Combo", with the attacks as above shortened and simplified in display... would to like to help me figure this out??