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GM option to expose character sheets to other players

Score + 430
Sheet Author
Yogi N. said: +1 Omg... 6 years? And that time hasn't changed the problems with implementing something like this.&nbsp; I posted a couple issues I can see as a sheet author a ways up the page:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> If you trust your players to not alter each other's sheets, you can already do this.&nbsp; If you can't trust your players to leave other sheets alone (as far as editing goes), then there isn't a way to truly allow people to view without the ability to edit sheet values and trigger sheetworker scripts, because being able to do that is baked into being able to navigate through a sheet.
+1 Players need read-only access
Sheet Author
Of course you can do this somehow,&nbsp; perhaps just tie this into the print sheet request and add the option that non-editors get a render of the page, even having it display as a PDF snapshot would be useful.&nbsp; And its enough to trust players to manage their own sheets without messing things up, if they have access to other players sheets I can just imagine all the accidental clicks and oopsies.&nbsp;
All the +'s, this NEEDS to be a native functionality.
How is this still not implemented? +1
Needs implemented +1
+1 all the way... For private stuff players want to keep for themselves, GM's can always make a private Handout available for each player. The one thing though, at the moment when two account are looking at the same Sheet / Handout, changing tabs on one account also changes tabs on all other account who have the same Sheet / Handout open. If that can be fixed, then that would be great ;oP

Edited 1662759885
+1 This would be helpful in a situation where, say, a character has died, and their party members decide to loot the body (as often happens). Instead of having to list all their inventory, or screenshot it, or give them free reign to access and edit, being able to just show the players without allowing editing would make things way easier.
+1 Bump
+1 This is a functionality I would expect any virtual tabletop to have and honestly assumed roll20 did for years until one of my players complained
+1 the fact this thread keeps getting visitors
I have been waiting 7 years for this

Edited 1676408290
This problem is one of the most annoying thing on Roll20. I wonder that why the system is designed sooooooo secretively. Are we playing cloak and dagger when we access for Roll20? Why we can't just share the sheet? I have seen countless times the game master have to share the permission of all the player characters for all the players just because of this, and it was annoying as hell as you could imagine. It is also very painful to actually make use of sheet based macros as well. And that's why I try not to use character based macro - actually, aside one attempt for D&amp;D 4e, I NEVER want to make the sheet based macro at all, ever. No ways to shares the sheet between the players is one of the most annoying problem, as well as not able to touch the token bounded to a player(this also prevents to use the sheet based macro, for the only solution is either give the permission of the all the PCs for all players, or just don't use the token bounded to a character and only use non-sheet based macros), only make a single token for a specific character(thus unable to make the macro for the non-named NPCs). I think that those stacks of annoyance maybe solved with this, or at least I hope. Anyway, again, I wonder why Roll20 developer team is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo obsessed by the massive layers of secrecy.&nbsp;If something would be GM exclusive then that's fine, but why for each players?? Just why? (+1 vote, by the way. And I remember that I have made a similar request some years ago as well.)
+1, this request has been going for over 7 years and I really need it for my game.&nbsp;

Edited 1696101206
+1, shocked that it's still was not implemented
This is ridiculous. We're just talking about VIEWING a character sheet. As a web developer, this is not complicated at all.&nbsp; +1
Absolutely insane to me as a new DM that this hasn't been addressed. I'm green as they come and I know this should be a feature.&nbsp; +1
+1 if this is still a thing.&nbsp;
+1 we need this
+1.&nbsp; &nbsp;Wow, just ran into this issue again today. Sill? Really?

Edited 1718898948
I would want this functionality to have a toggle for those that want it (with the default being NOT to allow players to view each other's the stats). There are valid, game related reasons for keeping PC statistics hidden, depending on both the game system and how the game is being played. At the very least, it helps restrict meta-gaming. A work-around is to either print the sheet to pdf (for those sheets that have this enabled) and upload that pdf to the journal, or take a screen-shot of it, then add that screen shot to a handout, in both cases making it viewable by all or some players.

Edited 1722004610
Rick A. said: I would want this functionality to have a toggle for those that want it (with the default being NOT to allow players to view each other's the stats). There are valid, game related reasons for keeping PC statistics hidden, depending on both the game system and how the game is being played. At the very least, it helps restrict meta-gaming. A work-around is to either print the sheet to pdf (for those sheets that have this enabled) and upload that pdf to the journal, or take a screen-shot of it, then add that screen shot to a handout, in both cases making it viewable by all or some players. Actually the presence of the character is already hidden until GM allows the others to see the character on the list, so it would be not accessible by default regardless. It is already possible to let a player have the character while cannot see the profile of that character as well. And there are far more games that have to be cooperate, rather than compete with each others. Not to mention that the problem is there is no option, rather than someone forcing the others to reveal the sheet despite the game is required to hide each player's sheet. Also the issue is not able to access for the sheet based stuffs, and if you throw away its uses then it's virtually all the same that throw away the character sheet feature in roll20 to the garbage box. Well I did that already years ago, though. Simply put, is the system that focing the GM to gives the control of all the party members to all the players is good at secure the player's private information? I don't think so.
I suppose this all depends on the game and character sheet being used. In my D&amp;D game I use the D&amp;D 5e by Roll20 sheet, which has separate pages for the PC's bio and the PC's statistics. The reason for the toggle would be to allow or disallow players to see each other's statistic, but still see each others bio page. The current D&amp;D 5e by Roll20 sheet, when made visible to all players, only displays the Bio page unless the player has been given control of that character. This works great, because the controlling player can edit their character's visible bio to reflect what the other PC's see, while allowing them to keep their actual PC bio and abilities hidden. You asked earlier if we are playing a "cloak and dagger" type of game, and the answer is "sometimes, yes" . I've played characters that acted and looked a certain way, but in actuality had very different history, personality, abilities and motivations; if other players were allowed to see their stats, it would be much harder to "hide" those abilities until I decided to make them known.&nbsp; The object was not to compete with the other characters, but to role-play a certain type of character, and if that character was the only one whose stats were hidden, that would also give them away. And no, these weren't PvP situations, since I very much dislike PvP in RPGs. This is why I would want the ability to display PC statistics to be optional. ARM .. said: Rick A. said: I would want this functionality to have a toggle for those that want it (with the default being NOT to allow players to view each other's the stats). There are valid, game related reasons for keeping PC statistics hidden, depending on both the game system and how the game is being played. At the very least, it helps restrict meta-gaming. A work-around is to either print the sheet to pdf (for those sheets that have this enabled) and upload that pdf to the journal, or take a screen-shot of it, then add that screen shot to a handout, in both cases making it viewable by all or some players. Actually the presence of the character is already hidden until GM allows the others to see the character on the list, so it would be not accessible by default regardless. It is already possible to let a player have the character while cannot see the profile of that character as well. And there are far more games that have to be cooperate, rather than compete with each others. Not to mention that the problem is there is no option, rather than someone forcing the others to reveal the sheet despite the game is required to hide each player's sheet. Also the issue is not able to access for the sheet based stuffs, and if you throw away its uses then it's virtually all the same that throw away the character sheet feature in roll20 to the garbage box. Well I did that already years ago, though. Simply put, is the system that focing the GM to gives the control of all the party members to all the players is good at secure the player's private information? I don't think so.

Edited 1722049680
Well I mean cloak and dagger for the whole Roll20 systems for tokens and character management, not for the individual RPG rule. Its... just, ah... yes, so frustrated. Or it is terrible. Anyway I don't have a good experience to actually use the sheet feature in Roll20. Normally I did either using the individual files - either spreadsheet or text format - or cloud drive, but when using the sheet feature in roll20, all I could see are all the players are got all the players' characters(you know, that also means all the players are able to EDIT all the sheets, despite only one of those are their own!), and for GM, in order to use the sheet as the enemy for making the macro you are either have to duplicate multiple different characters for individual enemy token(with macros on each!) or make the other core character just for the reference for the macros but none of the macros are bounded to the actual tokens on the table. In short, it sucks. Perhaps vancian magic would be the only thing that makes me angry more than that, for I am the arch hater of it personally. Maybe the poor hex map support of Roll20 is able to compete with it, huh?

Edited 1722097071
I apologize, but I'm not quite sure that I understand what you are saying about using Roll20's character sheets. Are you saying that with the character sheets that you were using, if they were set to be visible to all players then that also made them editable by all players? What character sheet were you using when that happened? (Roll20 has character sheets for many different game systems, and in some cases a game system may have several different character sheets available for it.) Also, It sounds like you prefer to not use automated character sheets at all, which is fine, but that is not really pertinent to this thread. My only experience with Roll20's character sheets is with the&nbsp; D&amp;D 5e by Roll20 sheet, with which I have not experienced any of the problems that (I think) you are describing. Also, when using that game system (D&amp;D 5e) and it's compendiums, the character sheets for monsters and NPCs are by default not visible to players unless I as GM make them so. Also, they allow me to have many separate tokens that are controlled by one single character sheet; I just have to set up the token for that character to not have certain individually variable stats linked to it (like health). As for vancian magic and hex grids vs. square grids, I agree with you about the hex grids. :)

Edited 1722107922
Forum Champion
No, Rick, I believe they are saying and trying to reitterate the same issue that this Thread is about. Besides that, any other side topic is not really fitting for this thread. They are saying: If you set the Character to be "Visible to all players" then All Players can only see the BIO they cannot see the Character Sheet tab with the stats. If you set the Character to be "Edited by: All Playerts" then great! Everyone can see the Character Sheet stats! That's what we wanted. BUT now the problem is, everyone can EDIT those stats, and we don't want that.&nbsp; The Suggestion thread is asking for the ability to Show (expose, reveal) the Character Sheet stats, while preventing All Players (except designated certain players) from Editing those stats. The proposed Permission checkmarks could look like this: [x] Bio Tab Visible To? : All Players [x] &nbsp; Character Sheet (stats) Tab Visible To?: All Players [x] &nbsp; Editable By?: This One Player Rick A. said: I apologize, but I'm not quite sure that I understand what you are saying about using Roll20's character sheets. Are you saying that with the character sheets that you were using, if they were set to be visible to all players then that also made them editable by all players?&nbsp;
To be fair, it is difficult to view a lot of multi-page character sheets on Roll20 without editing the character sheet, because active tabs are usually set with hidden attributes.&nbsp; But it would be nice.
Forum Champion
That is a very good point Jenny. Maybe a part of the Suggestion could be for Roll20 to: Allow Character Sheet Editors to designate Attribute(s) that CAN be editable "by-All". By default all attributes are set to Un-editable by those who have only View Character Sheet permission.&nbsp; Or, if that's not possible anyway, then at-worst the current Suggestion would help people who use Single-Page character sheets, and those who use Tabbed character sheets would just effectively be in the same situation we're already in now (so you have to give Everyone the permission to edit, if you want them to be able to see the stats). Jenny Dracos said: To be fair, it is difficult to view a lot of multi-page character sheets on Roll20 without editing the character sheet, because active tabs are usually set with hidden attributes.&nbsp; But it would be nice.
Yeah. In order to just want to show the sheet, we have to share the sheet to the bottom and allows them to edit and speak as the other characters. Well, usually they won't cheat the others, and I don't worry about that too much but it's possible to accidently edit the others sheets - and it could makes total chaos when the player didn't aware of the accident at the time, even if they have no ill will at all and it's only a mistake. Also as the player it's annoying to having more characters on my list than what I should have for it's possible to accidently says as the other characters. It's quite embarrassing even if I play as the GM, but as the player it would be even worse - although the player rarely change this and don't have the chance to actually did that than GM.
+1 read only sheets would be great
+1 for read only sheets. For Fate it is important for everyone to see Aspects of other players. And even for D&amp;D and similar it's really simplifies life