I suppose this all depends on the game and character sheet being used. In my D&D game I use the D&D 5e by Roll20 sheet, which has separate pages for the PC's bio and the PC's statistics. The reason for the toggle would be to allow or disallow players to see each other's statistic, but still see each others bio page. The current D&D 5e by Roll20 sheet, when made visible to all players, only displays the Bio page unless the player has been given control of that character. This works great, because the controlling player can edit their character's visible bio to reflect what the other PC's see, while allowing them to keep their actual PC bio and abilities hidden. You asked earlier if we are playing a "cloak and dagger" type of game, and the answer is "sometimes, yes" . I've played characters that acted and looked a certain way, but in actuality had very different history, personality, abilities and motivations; if other players were allowed to see their stats, it would be much harder to "hide" those abilities until I decided to make them known. The object was not to compete with the other characters, but to role-play a certain type of character, and if that character was the only one whose stats were hidden, that would also give them away. And no, these weren't PvP situations, since I very much dislike PvP in RPGs. This is why I would want the ability to display PC statistics to be optional. ARM .. said: Rick A. said: I would want this functionality to have a toggle for those that want it (with the default being NOT to allow players to view each other's the stats). There are valid, game related reasons for keeping PC statistics hidden, depending on both the game system and how the game is being played. At the very least, it helps restrict meta-gaming. A work-around is to either print the sheet to pdf (for those sheets that have this enabled) and upload that pdf to the journal, or take a screen-shot of it, then add that screen shot to a handout, in both cases making it viewable by all or some players. Actually the presence of the character is already hidden until GM allows the others to see the character on the list, so it would be not accessible by default regardless. It is already possible to let a player have the character while cannot see the profile of that character as well. And there are far more games that have to be cooperate, rather than compete with each others. Not to mention that the problem is there is no option, rather than someone forcing the others to reveal the sheet despite the game is required to hide each player's sheet. Also the issue is not able to access for the sheet based stuffs, and if you throw away its uses then it's virtually all the same that throw away the character sheet feature in roll20 to the garbage box. Well I did that already years ago, though. Simply put, is the system that focing the GM to gives the control of all the party members to all the players is good at secure the player's private information? I don't think so.