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Drawing Thread

Gevaudan asks Zhevra to dance with folding fans during the return trip to the Society of Equals.  To ease her stage fright, he tries his clumsy best at contact juggling before her.
Gevaudan asks Zhevra to dance with folding fans. Not a Concubine, Zhevra tries her untrained best.
Zhevra is at a low and dark place in having to face that no one believes her missing husband is still alive.
Rrounllakhs Vukhikhloeg is an Urzaeng from the Ruler of Five polity in the Vargr Extents.  A low-tech Barbarian, this warrior had been a Prospector and a Corsair at times needed to survive in the greater expanse of Charted Space.

Edited 1478471289
At gunpoint, Zhevra demands a plausible theory of why her missing husband might be alive despite the astronomically slim probability of surviving Teleportation during jumpspace transit.

Edited 1478783303
Not Traveller related, and I'm not really sure if chopping up someone else's work in photoshop really counts as "art", but here's some stuff I made a while back for my D&D character. I played her on a Neverwinter Nights RP server called "Narfell". She started off as Wizard, went into Pale Master, and then into Assassin. I wanted to show the evolution of the character so made a series of photoshopped images showing how she changed over time. Mainly posting these purely to bolster my pathetically low self esteem. This is the original image that I based the character on. I found it on Deviantart. The original image is by Clint Cearley (painted) and Joshua Munkers (drawn). Movalyn 1. Fixed up her face a bit and got rid of the bewb toob. Movalyn 2. Got rid of the hood so the image looked more like the avatar in the game. (NWN doesn't have good hood models). Movalyn 3. Painted up and ready to head into the crypts. To become a Pale Master (Mistress?) the initiate needs to survive alone in a crypt inhabited by the undead. To simulate this in the game I spent three days in a crypt inhabited by ghouls (and the odd zombie or skeleton). Rough when you're lvl 3 wizard. She survived, but was diseased. When she attempted to rest after leaving the crypt, the loss of CON actually killed her! Movalyn 4. Prolonged exposure to negative energy, along with various arcane rituals, sapped the colour out of movalyn, transforming her into a Pale Master. Movalyn 5. Assassin.
With a Vilani skull-topped cane, Rrounllakhs Vukhikhloeg stands confident as events unravel in the Spinward Marches shortly after the Fifth Frontier War . 
Zhevra Cannagrrh, having come out of her 3-year coma, dreams of her missing husband, Gevaudan. Zhevra turns from her reflection in the mirror to her husband Gevaudan Cannagrrh. Awakening from her dreams of her missing husband Gevaudan, Zhevra gasps for him in desperation. Despite her beliefs to the contrary, none of the jumpspace theorists can come up to a solution to Gevaudan's Jump. How can a teleporter survive a jaunt from a starship while in jumpspace? Staring intently at the map of Gvurrdon Sector, Zhevra Cannagrrh tries to piece together how her missing husband might have survived Gevaudan's Jump. Surely, in his moment of lucidity enough to jaunt he would have already known the solution. Examined logically, Zhevra knows that though the jump bubble space is artificial, it is still space. Did Gevaudan truly know what he was doing in trying to teleport from the Sixth Horizon during that fateful jump from Rorroksueknea in 1187?
"I am sorry. But for Senior Scout Gevaudan to have made an interstellar jaunt would take a source of tremendous psionic energy even if such a feat could be performed from jumpspace." The local Psionics experts regretfully explain teleportation to Zhevra Cannagrrh.

Edited 1479299656
Chased and fired upon, Zhevra knows she cannot yet escape in her husband's ship, the Sixth Horizon. She must lead her persuers off and board the Far Scout unseen.

Edited 1479348632
Zhevra Cannagrrh returns fire with the pistol given to her by the Dame Qithka Cannagrrh, Gevaudan's elder sister.
Glaz Osridro By  MakeHuman
I like the red shirt one!
Not really a drawing ...

Edited 1480106913
Gevaudan meets Zhevra, a slave Concubine far from home, for the first time. He lays down the rules before taking her aboard the Sixth Horizon.
The Sixth Horizon during jump transit.
Alone in Gevaudan's stateroom, Zhevra Cannagrrh searches for her missing husband.
Urzaeng do not share staterooms as Gevaudan and Zhevra quickly learn.
Concubines Zhevra, Arksouel and Dhaeos gather to ask the Captain of the Sixth Horizon about the Dzen Aeng Kho, the Society of Equals, their destination.

Edited 1480101418
The Zhodani Tavrchedl' draws a blank when Zhevra Cannagrrh not only halts a Thought Police action against her but fails to come up with a solution to Gevaudan's Jump.

Edited 1480123862
To celebrate Zhevra's recovery from a 3-year coma, the elderly Dame Qithka Cannagrrh, Alpha of Pack Cannagrrh hosts a fete in Zhevra's honor. Consuming too much drink, Zhevra is not coping well to the news that her missing husband is assumed dead from Gevaudan's Jump.  During a dance, she doesn't want to talk - to be held only.

Edited 1480127703
Title page image for her story. Zhevra is determined to prove that her missing husband is still alive.
Unequal Vargr of the Society of Equals in Gvurrdon Sector by law must wear distinctive and identifying belts and head harnesses to signify their refusal to take the Equality Test of that polity. Shown here is Knirr Cannagrrh in her dress uniform of the Society naval forces despite the fact she is currently a mercenary Privateer to the polity along the border with the Thirz Empire, called the Edge.
Unequal Knirr Cannagrrh presents to the Dame's Summer Solstice Fete with her older brother Dhueth and the mysterious Uthka Varzeekh.

Edited 1481073791
Zhevra Cannagrrh uses folding fans and interpretive dance to show in movement her story.

Edited 1481198618
Taking up Dhueth Cannagrrh's discarded symbols of Unequality, Zhevra dons them to cross the social lines to appeal to everyone in the Pack.
The Dame Qithka Cannagrrh hopes that Zhevra will stay and ascend as the next in line for Alpha of Pack Cannagrrh. Zhevra has a different person in mind for Alpha.
Zhevra thanks Dame Qithka Cannagrrh for taking care of her during her coma.

Edited 1481382435
Zhevra assures the Dame Qithka Cannagrrh that she has a plan, just as her husband must have had a plan during Gevaudan's Jump.
Two friends say farewell as Zhevra Cannagrrh leaves to search for her missing husband Gevaudan.
Zhevra Cannagrrh discovers a secret in her missing husband's Astrogation laptop computer, a secret old as the Fifth Frontier War.
Zhevra Cannagrrh gets intimately close to crack this vault and its God Strain-infected electronic security system.

Edited 1481641778
"Think, Mr. Templeton.  Because we are genetically born with these, which you Humans call 'natural weapons'; to you, the Vargr will always be considered armed and dangerous .  So, what would be the point to surrendering peaceably?"
An Advocate assistant, Psion Khzaeng recites the Psion's Oath, "I am a Vargr. I am a Regency citizen, I am a Psion. I am a person to be trusted. I possess a gift that...." The Advocate and the Psion listen to Zhevra's story.

Edited 1484870210
Zhevra serves her Pack's vintage in a brothel owned by her missing husband's third wife, Genaveegh.  She hopes blending in with the concubines by using her barely-trained skills to hide from the Tavrchedl' hunting the lost report.

Edited 1481769887
"Won't you join us, miss?"  Zhevra meets Regency Advocate Allain Templeton for the first time in a rusty cell.

Edited 1481845614
"Empress!  Black!" Gevaudan Cannagrrh snarls before attacking his mate-wife Zhevra Cannagrrh on the bridge of the Sixth Horizon.  For those who dream in color.

Edited 1482235155
Zhevra Cannagrrh turns for help from Gevaudan's third wife, Genaveegh.

Edited 1482157605
Because IMT5U the Suedzuk can 'feel' fields of Mag and Lek through their sense of Awareness tangent to the sense of touch; Zhevra can sense when her opponent is about to pull the triggers of their weapons. She may not be able to tell where they are pointed, but a person's bio-electromagnetic aura pulses slightly to a degree a Suedzuk Vargr can feel if they are Aware an attack is eminent. Pencils, ink and markers.

Edited 1482187798
Because the core of a sophont's fields is the brain, Zhevra aims high for the head shot more than center mass where most body armor is concentrated.
Pictured here is a specimen of Gvegh ethnicity in the Major Race of Vargr. Found mainly in the Spinward regions of the Vargr Extents, the Zhodani Consulate and into the Spinward Marches, the Gvegh have their own language and cultural variation.

Edited 1482672960
In the grip of the Empress Wave, Senior Scout Gevaudan Cannagrrh looks back toward his mate-wife, Zhevra.

Edited 1482626840
Throttling her missing husband's Fast Far Scout to 6 Gs of Thrust from a standstill just above the Downport deck causes Zhevra to brown out at that acceleration. Though the Sixth Horizon's grav plates try to compensate, her vector is preset for the theft of what is already hers. .
Gevaudan Cannagrrh jaunts to defend his slave Zhevra. With his sighing Zhodani mindsaber in hand, the psionic cyborg moves faster than the eye can follow. However, Zhevra could 'feel' the jaunt.
Zhevra Cannagrrh reacts with guilt that she has run the Regency Quarantine Service frontier border from the Vargr Splinters in her missing husband's Fast Far Scout, the Sixth Horizon.
Zhevra Cannagrrh is struck unconscious on Regina by a psionic Sniper as she exits the Circle of Mysteries lodge.
Zhevra Cannagrrh fires her weapon at her enemy as she boards the Sixth Horizon.
Zhevra is fitted into a vaccsuit so she and the ship's robots can explore the abandoned asteroid port in Knall system.
Without Regency citizenship Zhevra Cannagrrh waits for her trial in a detention facility and struggles to control her PTSD.
Guard Crow seeks to provoke Zhevra's anger in the detention facility showers with a bottle of dog shampoo.