Kenton said:
Hello all-
With this week's update to Updated Dynamic Lighting, we've released a change to Night Vision which allows for a tint. While this is not specifically address this Suggestion, I wanted to bring it up so I might be able to get feedback on how this might work for the people in this thread.
I really think tinting is the wrong way to go, both for UDL night vision and for colored dynamic lighting, unless it is heavily reworked from the scenario we have at the moment where two tokens with night vision completely blot out the map for the GM.
In the end, both colored dynamic lighting and night vision likely should use the same underlying technology, but the tinting of UDL's night vision as it currently stands darkens what a token sees, which is the opposite of what light should do. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that each light source is applied independently to the page.
Guessing by the nature of the problems with the current implementation of UDL's night vision, it looks like each light source is being handled independently, incrementally tinting what is on the page. This is the wrong implementation for night vision as well as for colored dynamic lighting. Light sources should be blended, as in this demo. Clicking the question mark in the upper-right corner of the demo tells you how to change the type, direction, color, and intensity of the lights.
All of the lights combine to present the final image. For example, magenta and green light combine to make white light.
Dynamic lighting should similarly be blending all the light sources visible to a player before applying them to the page. This should happen in several stages: bright light, dim light, and night vision. Vision blocking walls can be processed once per light source for all three stages. Each light source adds the light that is visible to one of the player tokens to a light map for that portion of the vision. The bright lights combine into a bright light map. The dim lights combine into a dim light map, and any night vision is combined into a night vision light map. The light maps are then combined. Illuminated portions of the bright light map overwrite the dim light map, and the combined light map overwrites the night vision light map.
This combined light map represents everything a player can currently see through all of their tokens both in color and intensity (dim vs bright). Since it represents what a token can see, it also represents what should be cleared from fog of war. A 1-bit light map can be retained between frames to represent the cleared fog of war. The page is rendered in the desaturated fog of war, the black from the fog of war is placed over that, and the combined light map is applied to the elements on the page (map, tokens, etc.) and drawn over that.
This combination of elements gives us properly colored dynamic lighting and avoids problems like the dark circles at the edge of light sources and night vision that we are currently seeing in the UDL beta.