The aura determines what tokens are subjected to the trap when it is triggered. To actually trigger the trap, a token must collide with the trap's token.
"damage": "8d6 + 8",
"fx": "explode-fire",
"message": "A magical glyph flashes to life and then erupts in a whirling storm of fire!",
"missHalf": true,
"save": "ref",
"saveDC": 20,
"sound": "Fireball",
"spotDC": 40
Thanks Stephen.Stephen L. said:
I'll look into it. Is this problem happening with messages specified through the JSON, non-JSON messages, or both?
It'sATrap: [PathMath, TokenCollisions, VectorMath]
PathMath: [MatrixMath, VectorMath]
TokenCollisions: [MatrixMath, PathMath, VectorMath]
MatrixMath: []
VectorMath: []
"attack": 22,
"damage": "4d10+15",
"message": "A long, spiny, dolphin-like creature rises up from the water, and tried to eat you!",
"notes": "If the character is hit, make a grapple check",
ERROR: invalid TrapEffect JSON.
Stephen L. said:
For some reason, the 5E OGL theme wasn't added to the One-Click library. As long as you've got the It's A Trap! script installed from One-Click though, just get 1.1/TrapTheme.js file's contents and copy-paste it into a new script in your API sandbox.
For the theme option of the It's A Trap script, enter in "5E-OGL".