Hey Stephen, I found your API on the Roll20 GitHub, and immediately tried it out! Unfortunately, I'm having an issue with the API and themes. Can you please help? Background: 1) I manually copied all dependencies (VectorMath, MatrixMath, PathMath, TokenCollision, ItsATrap, HTMLBuilder, and ItsATrap PathfinderTheme) <- In that order. 2) I'm trying to use the Pathfinder theme. 3) No matter which point of "ItsATrap" I tried to change from default -> Pathfinder, all of the initialization would only use the default theme. Screenshot: Notes: 1) When I used the one-click API, everything worked smooth as butter. 2) I tried each of these changes individually. I did them all together this time to show you all the ones I tried changing. JSON off the token: {"message":"OOPS! You stepped in poop!","attack":12,"damage":"2d4576","save":"ref","saveDC":15,"spotDC":2999,"fx":{"name":"explosion"},"stopAt":"edge"} Any help you can give me would be very appreciated!