It would be great if we could: Add an anchor (and a link) within a character sheet or handout, to the same character sheet or handout, so clicking on that link scrolls the page down to the anchor (just like using LINK#ANCHOR in regular URLs). Especially adding this anchor WITHIN the same character sheet or handout is key for character sheets. 1. The purpose of this is to improve navigation within character sheets. Allowing users to jump directly to config sections or others sections in the middle of long pages. 2. Allow GMs to link to a middle section of long handouts. 3. This would especially help screenreader users who have to navigate the tabs or whatever functionality we've built in. A link for them hidden to others at the top of the page- jumping to important sections, would improve accessibility. since <a> tags are disabled, and ID is not repsected due to multiple copies of character sheets, we cannot set anchors in the first place, let alone make anchors. perhaps a button tag could be used, where if value starts with '#' then it the display would jump to the right section based on a name tag. ...