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Ability to add anchors to characters and handouts and link to them

Score + 47

Edited 1478283829
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It would be great if we could: Add an anchor (and a link) within a character sheet or handout, to the same character sheet or handout, so clicking on that link scrolls the page down to the anchor (just like using LINK#ANCHOR in regular URLs). Especially adding this anchor WITHIN the same character sheet or handout is key for character sheets. 1. The purpose of this is to improve navigation within character sheets. Allowing users to jump directly to config sections or others sections in the middle of long pages.  2. Allow GMs to link to a middle section of long handouts. 3. This would especially help screenreader users who have to navigate the tabs or whatever functionality we've built in. A link for them hidden to others at the top of the page- jumping to important sections, would improve accessibility. since <a> tags are disabled, and ID is not repsected due to multiple copies of character sheets, we cannot set anchors in the first place, let alone make anchors. perhaps a button tag could be used, where if value starts with '#' then it the display would jump to the right section based on a name tag. ... 
Putting a handout or character sheet name in brackets [NAME] inside of a handout or character sheet BIO area will create a link to that sheet. The functionality you are asking for is already there.

Edited 1478275873
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I want to link to an anchor within the sheet, from WITHIN the sheet, so it won't open a new sheet, but just scroll to that anchor. Just like doing so in a regular html page. I added some more description to clarify.
Aaah, yes, that would be nice.
Sheet Author
Being able to quickly jump to other sections of a sheet and/or handouts would be nice.  Anchor tags are a basic HTML feature that should be included.
I gave this +1. Currently I create a handout that has a table of contents and then create individual handouts for every entry that I link to. For example, if I have a large dungeon map, I create a journal entry for every encounter in that dungeon and then link to it from my contents page. The ability to use anchors would mean that I could put all of the encounters on one handout and limit the number of handouts in my journal. It is my understanding that having a lot of handouts in one's journal slows down the performance of the game. Didn't I read somewhere that the Dev team are working on a new text editor? If so, I wonder if the <a> functionality will be introduced then?
+1 It is really annoying to have to create a new "handouts" every time you want to link a section in a dungeon or have to "scroll down" to the end of the page that is very very long
Sheet Author
Why isn't this just included? ;-(
Does anyone know if this was ever resolved?
Sheet Author
Nope.  ;-(
Roll20 is pretty good about closing suggestions when they have been implemented or resolved, so if this is still open, chances are pretty good we're still waiting. :-(
Sheet Author
Needs to get to 200 votes before it is researched for the feasibility of inclusion, I think. Hopefully, this gets there soon - it's a great idea that would help to make the character sheets a bit better for some of them. I'll drop my own vote on this once I get a vote returned!
I was just looking for the way to implement this. I am sad that it is not. Seems like a basic feature.
Sheet Author
This might finally happen with the latest sheet enhancements  More specifically by utilizing "Unique identifiers (id=””) in HTML elements"... 
I would really love this feature.

Edited 1645725409
Sheet Author
I forgot about this...  I can confirm that sheet authors can now add anchors within a sheet (easily jump between locations within the sheet).  I'll need to test if it's possible to link between a sheet and handout using ID (or perhaps it is possible already through some other trickery... ie Keith) UPDATE: apparently it still isn't possible to get a sheet/handout interaction in this manner ;-(