I needed a way to keep track of the down days my players earn as they travel, so I wrote up a little script. Maybe it can be of use to someone else! Please note, this will only work with the OGL sheet. If other people actually want to use this, I'd be willing to adjust it. This is my first foray into writing api scripts so I wanted to share it! :D EDIT: Version 2.1 now works with any character sheet. GitHub Repository Typing !cal as a GM will bring up the menu: You can adjust the any of the settings by clicking on the buttons. Ordinal = The number of the date between 1 and 365. Down Day Divider = Divisor for the number of down days available to players. For example, you might want to assign 1 down day for every 2 days in game. Advance the Date = Is your parting travelling for 24 days to get to Waterdeep? Click on "Advance the Date" and the new day and month will be calculated along with the number of down days earned. Roll Weather = The weather rolls automatically whenever the date is advanced using the rules from the 5th edition DMG. If you don't like the weather that day, roll again! When a player types !cal into the chat or when the DM clicks on "Show to Players" the player view of the calendar is shown: