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Token name number script


Edited 1488676815
I feel like i asked this already but now cant figure out how to see my old posts.  (i know, i know) Token name number has settings for using dots instead of numbers I think and also a number incrementer so every token is not 1,2,3,4 etc. mine just makes all tokens 2,4,6,8 etc. no matter what number I put in the incrementer. And it won't use dots at all. What do I need to do?
The Aaron
API Scripter
Hmm.. Good question.  Wanna PM me an invite and GM me and I'll come figure out what's going on?

Edited 1488677368
Omegaman: Your old posts:  .../forum/discussions_by/90625 Your old comments/replies:  .../forum/comments_by/90625 Incidentally, both are linked to on  your profile .
Awesome Lady Victoria!