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Tales From the Yawning Portal Bug Thread 1.1

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Hello folks, I wanted to take the opportunity to comment on the maps for Tales from the Yawning Portal in an official capacity. We hear you about the secret door and trap issues that have been experienced in Tales, and behind the scenes we have learned a lot from this release.  It is very frustrating as a GM to use a map which exposes secrets to the players, and while our primary goal with modules is to provide as close of an experience to the book as possible, we also want to provide a good experience all around using our VTT. While we may not be able to update every Tales map (I am looking into possibilities, but large scale re-painting of maps is outside our current project scope), we are taking steps much earlier in production for modules moving forward. We are not even a week into our next module, Tomb of Annihilation, and we are already looking into how to make the maps a fun and painless experience for our community. As the new Production Coordinator, one of my duties is to make sure modules such as TFtYP continue to be patched and updated if/when issues come up, and I truly do appreciate all of your care and attention to the bugs found during play. I try to keep my responses short and to the point, but I also wanted to let everyone on this forum to know that we do hear you, will do our best to make this module a fun experience for GM’s and players, and that we are learning and growing going forward with new releases. -Mel
I have an issue that I want clarity on. Room numbers (and secrets as identified) In the Sunless Citadel, in room 4 - a big round tower room - there is a secret door on the south wall. This is conveniently identified for the DM with a BIG S in a circle. If I use "fog of war" and reveal the room as they walk in, the S shows up because the S is inside the room map. Does this show up for the players? If so, how can I hide it???
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David - That should be on the GM layer, which means your players cannot see it, but you can :)
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Chase J: Just worked through your list of fixes and they should be implemented in the next patch :) As a note about the missing NPCs: I do believe those NPC's/monsters are not appearing in the appropriate folder because they "already exist" in your game when the info is getting populated. That's a good thing for us to know going forward and I hope it's not too big of a pain to find them in the meantime!
Forge of Fury: The Stone Door: all of the secret door indicators were on the token layer, instead of the DM layer. Forge of Fury: The Stone Door, room 10: unnecessary dynamic lighting boxes on the iron gate door to the west.  If a door or wall only partially blocks vision, there is no need to place tiny dynamic lighting lines.  It only adds lag to the map, and it makes it more difficult for the DM to "open" the door.
Hi again, i finally got around to read Dead in Thay. But first, let me say thank you for the great 1.1 patch. Only Room 67 seems to be wrong and has missing elements. Dead in Thay: Ooze Grottos/Room 67/ While the Room Description says that there should be only three Thayan Apprentices there,yet four are present. Ooze Grottos/Room 67/ The howling specters that are summoned from the Cursed Mirrors in this Room are nowhere to be found. The Room Description doesn't link to any sheet nor does it seem to exist in the NPC files. As the text says that up to five specters spawn it would be nice to have those on the GM layer.
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We've got a patch for just about all the Tales Add-Ons, live now! Full Patch Notes will be found in each Add-On Here is a quick summary of changes: Tomb of Horrors: Removed test tokens from Area 23 Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan: 1. Adjusted trap graphics in Area 24 for ease of use 2. Updated Trap and Secret Door graphics throughout maps 3. Moved many encounter tokens to GM layer if they don't "activate" immediately 4. Added light token to area 11 to reprezent Tecuziztecatl's glow 5. General spelling and text formatting adjustments for some NPCs/Monsters 6. Area 35 is now lit in the light well White Plume Mountain: 1. Adjusted dynamic lighting to account for narrative elements Forge of Fury: 1. The Mountain Door - Secret Door Tokens have been created on the Objects layer to close up prior tunnel gaps. 2. The Glitterhame - updated Area 18 to contain the correct number of Troglodytes You may see a blank NPC folder upon installing this add on, which you may need to delete. This will be fixed in an upcoming patch. Sunless Citadel: 1. Added in encounters in all copies of rooms 16 and 36 2. Updated Trap and Secret Door icons 3. Added in lighting where appropriate
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Note: A Dead In Thay patch is coming soon, we have found an issue relating to a currently fixed issue that's popping up in just this Add On, but it is high on the priority list to be fixed. Thanks for your patience!
So I just updated Sunless Citadel.  The light sources on the Fortress level are messed up now.   They have a setting of 20/20 in the Emits Light settings. It should be 40/20.  Like the lone light source located on the Grove Level. This is because a torch emits bright light for 20', then dim light for 20' beyond it.  However Roll20 emits light at the distance in the first entry, then begins the dim light at the distance of the second entry out to the limit set by the first entry.
Hi again, i ran Forge of Fury yesterday and was really let down. All the Secret doors on The Foundry level are clearly visible for the players, because there are light gray floor tiles where the secret doors are. I didn't notice them at first because of the secret door icon on the GM layer. It looks like its badly photoshoped into the map and looks totally out of place. My players just saw suspicious floor tile and asked if there is a secret door. The Dynamic lighting also doesn't help with that, as one half of the tile is still visible and stands out. I assume that those tiles are there to hide something else, but those tiles do a horrible job to hide the secret doors. In fact they do the opposite.
Hello, not really a bug, but something I'd like answered. I've already bought this bundle. Do the maps come with dynamic lighting? Or do still have to subscribe to get dynamic lighting?
Huy P. said: Hello, not really a bug, but something I'd like answered. I've already bought this bundle. Do the maps come with dynamic lighting? Or do still have to subscribe to get dynamic lighting? The dynamic lighting is there but is only available for use if you are a subscriber.
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Hi Cormeg - Try moving the tiles to the Map Layer I had left them on the Objects layer thinking that would be easier for the DM to see and delete when necessary, but they may not be affected by Dynamic Lighting the same way? I understand it isn't a perfect fix, but our only other option is to physically paint individual tokens for each hallway. I tried a stopgap and did my best to line up each tile to the hallway but some adjustment may be needed.
Hi Mel, thank you for the response. I cant seem to move/target the tiles at all. They don't seem to exist on any layer but are part of the map. I might use the “secret-door-wall-tokens” that where added to the Mountain Door level last patch instead. This won't fix the floor itself but at least hides the doors.
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Cormeg - Oh gosh, you meant the Foundry, my apologies! I have been focusing so much on the Mountain Door I assumed thats where you were.  I see what you mean about the Foundry, I've made a note and will see what I can do during the next patch cycle! It'll be a similar fix as the Mountain Door, which I'm glad is working as intended, phew!  Apologies about the miscommunication
No problem I don't know how to make proper sceenshots of these kind of things. That would have probably helped. Its nice to know that the problem is being looked at. Especially since the Mountain Door fix works great.
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Steven E. said: the tales of the yawning portal module should tell me how much xp to reward my players when they kill or dont kill certain things.

Edited 1500987606
Weird things I found during play of "Sunless Citadel"; Erky Timbers' Sacred Flame isn't pulling his spell DC correctly (reporting DC0).  Erky Timbers' Cure Wound isn't adding Wis modifier. Sir Bradford's attacks aren't providing damage rolls.
Hi, I ran "Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan" earlier this week and I didn't notice until 75% of the battle was over that the Martial Arts Adepts in room 22 do 1d8+3+1d8+3 damage per attack which is very high, while according to the printed book they should only do 1d8+3 per attack. Doing the double damage for three attacks per round per martial arts adept resulted in a TPK for my party. Please correct the damage.
Just an FYI, there is a dynamic lighting error in Sunless Citadel, fortress map in the hallway above area 14. It looks like there are 3 joints of lighting meeting and there is a small gap, which also allows players to glitch into the room through a wall even with restrict movement on. I did a manual fix, but it might be something to look at for the next update.
I purchased the Yawning portal modules but the module list to create game doesn't show the modules i bought or even see them on the list
Hello,  On the sunless citadel, both the maps are extremely latency prone for me. I can't tell why, but they take forever to load or move around in. Any fixes? Thanks!
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SirSwank99 said: I purchased the Yawning portal modules but the module list to create game doesn't show the modules i bought or even see them on the list Hi SirSwank99, TftYP are add-ons, not modules which allows you to integrate them into any game, new or existing. You can find the add-ons menu on the game details page:
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Hi David, You may want to remove "Has Sight" from tokens using the Game Settings page -&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Let me know if that helps!
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Hello folks! It's a patch day! As always, patch notes are located in your specific Add Ons, but here is the general run down: Sunless Citadel&nbsp; Dynamic Lighting Light emitters have been updated in the Fortress level from 20/20 to 40/20. Dynamic lighting hole fixed in hallway between area 13 and 14 NPC's Erky Timbers NPC sheet has been updated to include Wis modifier to spells and spell save DC's Sir Bradford's attacks now provide damage rolls. Forge of Fury The Foundry - Secret Door Tokens have been created on the Objects layer to close up prior tunnel gaps Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan Area 22 - Martial Arts Adepts have had their damage corrected from 1d8+3 + 1d8+3 to a single 1d8+3. Happy gaming!
Having just completed a session of Hidden Shrine in which the players hacked through 'items' that I had to quickly buy and get squashed by an object that I had to improvise using my art library can I suggest that tokens for trap items should be included in these modules, Some of these modules contain lots of traps, Having prepared tokens (on the GM layer) that can be moved, etc would add a lot of value to what a book or pdf provides.
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Thank you Lochaber!&nbsp; We are currently able to use the art that matches what is in the book. When the art for a trap is included, we are able to make a player-safe tile that the GM can delete or move to expose the trap or feature. We currently cannot create a trap (such as painting in a pit or spikes), but we have made increasing efforts to use what we are given in the best ways to have that level of narrative.&nbsp;

Edited 1503422037
Can we please have an option NOT to apply patch update and make the reminder go away? Also, what exactly happens when an add-on is removed? Do all the maps, handouts, journal folders and NPCs disappear? I tried to make a copy of the game that is bugging me to update but the copy does not have the add on installed. Mind, I did experience a problem in that the copying process seemed to get hung up, it never indicated it was finished yet I opened another browser tab and saw the copy was there.&nbsp;
Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan: Area 15, missing trap symbols on the DM layer for the pressure plates in the niches of the east end of the hall.
Stephen Koontz
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Doug E. said: Can we please have an option NOT to apply patch update and make the reminder go away? Also, what exactly happens when an add-on is removed? Do all the maps, handouts, journal folders and NPCs disappear? I tried to make a copy of the game that is bugging me to update but the copy does not have the add on installed. Mind, I did experience a problem in that the copying process seemed to get hung up, it never indicated it was finished yet I opened another browser tab and saw the copy was there.&nbsp; We're aware that there are some pain points with copying and patching games. It's on our radar to do another pass and clean up some interactions.&nbsp;
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Brian B. said: The monsters in HSoT have the wrong illumination levels. For example the giant fire beetle should shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 ft., instead it sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and does not shed dim light. Also, illuminated monsters should have All Players See Light enabled by default.
Steve K. said: Doug E. said: Can we please have an option NOT to apply patch update and make the reminder go away? Also, what exactly happens when an add-on is removed? Do all the maps, handouts, journal folders and NPCs disappear? I tried to make a copy of the game that is bugging me to update but the copy does not have the add on installed. Mind, I did experience a problem in that the copying process seemed to get hung up, it never indicated it was finished yet I opened another browser tab and saw the copy was there.&nbsp; We're aware that there are some pain points with copying and patching games. It's on our radar to do another pass and clean up some interactions.&nbsp; I was able to answer my question regarding what happens when removing an add-on. In fact the pop-up dialog box says nothing gets deleted so that effectively gave me the confidence to remove the add-on that was bugging me to update with the patch.

Edited 1505232921
Just got to Glimmerhame (Forge of Fury), in game, and found a little nitpicky thing: Kaarghaz's spells are listed in his features but not in his spellbook/quick-click launch.
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Thayan Warrior has its AC and HP bubbles swapped.
Hi again I'm back with some feedback. While i was running White Plume Mountain this week, i came across the NPC Snarla (Room 12&13). She is a Mage who also is a Werewolf. I have two Problems with her: Her Token is displaying a Werewolf by default, giving away any surprise that she is able to shapechange. The room description also clearly states that she does not start the encounter in werewolf form. While in the physical book her Spellcasting ability is explained in the Room 12 description, that's not the case on Roll20. I suspected it to be on her Character Sheet. But there you can only find the Spells ready to cast in the Spell section. The actual Spellcasting Ability that normally appears in NPCs Ability section is somewhere else entirely. After some searching i finally found it in the Bio & Info/GM Info section of her Sheet, buried under the Lore for Lycanthropes. While I can understand that the Spellcasting Ability is not necessary in the Room description, with the linkable sheet and all, why is it not in the character sheet like every other spellcasting NPC? Its very confusing and the spells alone don't tell you the amount of spellslots she has.
hi there is there a reason the YP yawning portal map is not the same high resolution map mike schley released back in 2014? Even at max magnification the map you have used is not very good and well need to be replaced for an adequate experience.
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Hi Tom, We receive all of our module files from Wizards of the Coast, not any related artists (such as Mike Schley). We get the print resolution of the maps, which may differ from the artists high-definition maps which can be purchased directly.&nbsp;
Hey all, Running my players through Forge of Fury over the last few sessions, and it still looks like there's some problems with the secret doors in The Foundry. Could be related to the advanced fog of war? The secret door objects are either pale and see through or the hallways behind them are illuminating despite dynamic lighting being set up and nice and thick. Mostly irrelevant since my party is about to leave but wanted to let you guys know it's still an issue. :) - Ben
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Patch Updates: Patching all Tales from the Yawning Portal addons are further delayed due to issues arising with patches of this size. The fix for this is coming, but is taking longer than expected. The following Addons were successfully patched, and you should see the patch prompt upon visiting the Game page. Note: Patching may take more time than usual, potentially several minutes. Tomb of Horrors Patch Notes for 1.3 All NPC Spellcasters have had their character sheets updated to the 2.0 OGL 5E Sheet Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan: Patch Notes for 1.4 NPC spellcasters have had their character sheets updated for the 2.0 OGL 5E Sheet Area 15 has Trap Icons for pressure plates present in this area. A dotted line indicator remains for the location of the bars. Giant Fire Beetles have had their light radius corrected to 20/10, and all players will now see their light.&nbsp;
Greetings, I'm about to run my first Forge of Fury encounter in a while that includes a spell-casting NPC ( Snurrevin in map area 37), and there's a notice about the Spells section in the NPC Character Sheet no longer being supported: THIS SECTION IS NOW NO LONGER SUPPORTED. PLEASE TRANSFER ANY SPELLS LISTED HERE INTO THE NEW SPELLS BY LEVEL SECTION, AVAILABLE AFTER SELECTING THE 'SPELLCASTING NPC' OPTION FROM THE NPC OPTIONS ABOVE. FOR MODULE USERS, THIS SHEET WILL BE UPDATED IN AN UPCOMING PATCH. What's involved in transferring spells for now? It's not clear from the description. And is there an estimated availability date for the patch? Thanks much! Eric
eullman said: What's involved in transferring spells for now? It's not clear from the description. And is there an estimated availability date for the patch? Oops. I see the&nbsp; WOTC Module NPC Sheet Updates thread now. My bad.
Just wondering something with Dead In Thay. In the picture I've included, the handout says those going down the middle of this room are platforms. Why do they have dynamic lighting on them? According to the adventure, players are supposed to make their way across them. When a player's token is on them, it shrouds them entirely in darkness. This is the Blood Pens section of the Doomvault. I'm just looking for some clarification before I kill &nbsp;send my players in here.
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Kalen - There is lighting on the pillars so that if players are on the ground, they cannot see through the pillars. So if there was a creature hiding behind a pillar, the player would not assume they have line-of-sight. In later modules we use an X shape instead of a square so the shape isn't completely hidden with dynamic lighting.&nbsp; I'll make a note to update that lighting in a future patch to bring it in line with our new practices :) Let me know if you have any further questions!
I was looking to add the Deathlock from Dead in Thay into a game I'm creating but it says the spell lists are no longer supported but would be fixed in a later patch. Did that fix every come out? Edit: Whoops - just saw Eullman's post. Sorry about that :)
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I've got great news! All patches are currently live! Patch notes follow. Sunless Citadel: Patch Notes for 1.4 Spellcasting NPC's have been updated for the 2.0 OGL 5E Sheet Glimmerhame (Forge of Fury): Patch Notes for 1.4 All Maps - Dynamic lighting redrawn and optimised for Advanced Fog of War and more general improved performance. Some areas include additional pink Dynamic Lighting lines as Advanced Fog of War may reveal too much map to the players. These should be deleted when no longer necessary. Updated spell casting for Snurrevin, Nimira, Kaarghaz, Orc Eye of Gruumsh and Priest to use the new options on the OGL character sheet. Dead In Thay: Patch Notes for 1.3 Handout Adjustments: Magic Item handout for Tome of the Stilled Tongue edited to have some item information in the GM Info section. Information specific to Oussa has been moved to the GM Info section of his character sheet. Token Adjustments: Thayan Warrior has had its token reset so HP and AC are displayed correctly. The Thayan Warriors in the Ooze Grottos have had their bubbles adjusted manually. Map Adjustments: On Abyssal Prisons, Blood Pens, Master's Domain, Far Realm Cysts, Ooze Grottos, Predator Pools, Golem Laboratories, and Temples of Extraction maps dynamic lighting has been altered to close light leaks. Far Realm Cysts Map typo corrected. White Plume Mountain: Patch Notes for 1.4 1. All Spellcasting NPC's have been updated to 5E OGL 2.0 sheet functionality Against the Giants: Patch Notes for 1.2 1. Added image to spell scroll magic item handout. 2. Spellcasting NPC's have been updated to 5E OGL 2.0 sheet functionality
Trivia said: I've got great news! All patches are currently live! Patch notes follow. This is fantastic news!&nbsp; I'm about to introduce a group of new players not only to 5e using TotYP, but also to R20 using these Add-Ons!&nbsp; Thank you to the team at R20 for their continued hard work on patching these adventures.&nbsp; I'm hoping the players experience a visual presentation that matches the content from WotC.&nbsp;
Cross posted from&nbsp; here : i've been dming dead in thay and found 2 bugs with pre-placed tokens first and arguable minor some room are shorted on tokens or out right missing some monsters mentioned in their entries (no skeletons in the corners of room 87, a missing apprentice in room 32 are the one i've encountered so far) and the other is that all the pre-placed thayan warriors have their hp and as swapped in the tokens (hp showing in the blue circle and ac being in the green) so far this they are the only token i've seen like that and they work fine when dragged on from the journal
Are the Handouts for the White Gates, Black Gates, and Gate Key missing from Dead in Thay or did something go wrong with the files when I added this to my game?&nbsp; The only handouts I show are the big map, and then the "Creatures and Monsters" section.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Gates and key are linked in the introduction, but the there are not files listed for them to be linked to.&nbsp; thanks, Ris