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LFG to help me learn how to play Shadowrun 4E 20th Anniversary

I want to learn how to play Shadowrun. If anyone would like to help me learn the game, just let me know.
I would recommend watching a game or two on youtube, they tend to be about 4 hours, but are well worth the time for getting an idea of what a game is like. also if you haven't, read the sections of the book on game play and anything else that is relevant to the type of character you want to play, that way you have a little starting knowledge before you jump in.
you might be better off looking for a 5th ed game as they have been popping up from time to time, also might want to include time zone/availability and type of character you want to play to see if someone with an existing game could fit you in to their group
Scion said: you might be better off looking for a 5th ed game as they have been popping up from time to time, also might want to include time zone/availability and type of character you want to play to see if someone with an existing game could fit you in to their group I'd actually say it's a toss up between 4e/5e, then again people just want to play SR and would be willing to play either or at this time.
4e the only one i have
People are more likely to have the 4e books, and more likely to be familiar with it.