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Organize Rollable Tables

Score + 265
+1 6 years and still nothing..
Yes please, +1
Adding a +1  and a reason why this is important. Also a Favorites or Pin that puts them at the top. I started DnD with Roll20, bought all the source material here. When you import the DMG and/or Xanthars into your games it FILLS the rollables to an macros to an exhausting amount. one of my biggest hurdles has been (and still partially is) understanding and using macros properly because they are so diffcult to find and manuver through them all. It took me an ebarrassing length of time before I found out that Xanthars has a single macro, that links to all the the tables and macros it bring in.
absolutely +1
+1, pleasssssseeeeeeee The fact that it is not possible keeps me completly from using the rollable tables in roll20
+1 Would absolutely love to see this happen.  Also, please provide folders for Macros. I make a ton of macros and having a way to organize those would be amazing.
OMG, why is alphabetized sorting for rollable tables such a huge ask?  This is such a basic function that I can't believe it needs to be requested and that the needs of the community has apparently gone unaddressed for this long.