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LFM - The Lich-Queen's Beloved 5e Thursday/Weekly at 4 pm CST (GMT/UTC -6)


Edited 1518925545
"The Lich-Queen's Beloved" is a challenging D&D adventure designed for four 18th-level characters (players will start at level 17). Vlaakith CLVII, the reigning sovereign of the githyanki race, is edging to her final phase of becoming a true god and attaining true immortality. If she gets her way, every plane will suffer in her wake. Will you be willing to stop her? The adventure will use races (githyanki and githzerai available below and any others), classes, backgrounds from any 5e official book that has been released (no UA). There will be added rules due to venturing into the Astral Plane. Gith Traits Gith features a number of common traits. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. Age. Gith reach adulthood in their late teens and live for about a century. Size. Gith are taller and leaner than humans, with most a slender 6 feet in height. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Gith. Subrace. There are two kinds of gith, githyanki and githzerai. Choose one of these subraces. Githyanki The brutal githyanki are trained from birth as warriors. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2. Alignment. Githyanki tend toward lawful evil. They are self-centered, violent, and arrogant, yet they remain the faithful servants of their lichqueen, Vlaakith. Renegade githyanki tend toward chaos as they have forsaken her will. Decadent Mastery. You learn one language of your choice, and you are proficient with one skill or tool of your choice. In the timeless city of Tu’narath, githyanki have bountiful time to master odd bits of knowledge. Martial Prodigy. You are proficient with light and medium armor. Your people are ever ready for war. Githyanki Psionics. You know the mage hand cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast jump once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the misty step spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. You can cast all of them without components. Githzerai In their fortresses within Limbo, the githzerai hone their minds to a razor’s edge. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2. Alignment. Githzerai tend toward lawful neutral. Their rigorous training in psychic abilities requires an implacable mental discipline. Monastic Training. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you aren’t wearing medium or heavy armor and aren’t using a shield. All githzerai receive basic training from monks, and the monks among them are unmatched in their defensive abilities. Githzerai Psionics. You know the mage hand cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast shield once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the detect thoughts spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. You can cast all of them without components. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Rolls will be 4d6, keep highest three. If you get any two numbers below 15, you may reroll or keep. If you get any two numbers 15 or higher, you must keep. You then can place them anywhere accordingly amongst your stat choices. Please post application below in the format if interested: Name: Age: Experience: Race: Class: Background: Background Story:
Name:Victor Age:21 Experience: Year of playing, 3 of watching stuff online. Race:Aasimar - Protecter Class: Warlock - Celestial Background: Acolyte Background Story: Connected deeply to his forefathers he was sent to keep watch of the word incase one day he was needed. Contacted by a solar he was told of the situation and was called into action with his blessing to fight for the outer realm and every plane that is in danger while the rest of them were blocked out by higher magic. As a he was not trained for war he is given the power to heal with the standard power being granted by him by his solar patron.
Name:romen Age:17 Experience ive been playing dnd over 2mounths and i have watched dnd for about 6 years race halfing class&nbsp; &nbsp;barbarian&nbsp; Background: solider Background Story&nbsp;vologuard manner at a young child at the age of 8 was kidnapped from is home town far north and was inslaved untill the age of 20 at the 24 enlisted in the milltary spent 50 years in the milltary as a strong fighter and then he was asked to help a powerful wizard clan to help stop&nbsp; queen&nbsp;Vlaakith CLVII, from becoming a god vologuard will stop at nothing to make sure she does not become a god he will work with who ever&nbsp; that leands a helping hand to stop the true evill that is the queen time zone est
Name: Aimay Age: Mid twenties Experience: 2 years of 5e.&nbsp; Race: Half-Elf Class: Bard, maybe Druid... Probably Bard. Background: Salesperson Background Story: Spent her time and money travelling around, selling things, buying things, upgrading her home as she does so. A performer at heart and one who likes to put on a good show.&nbsp; Is good at tracking equipment and money, always tries to find the best way to make more of those things. And really does appreciate the finer things in life. We talked in Discord and you asked me to mention it. But my name is the same in both places :P
Name: DJ Age: 20 Experience: 5 years of tabletop, 3 years of 5e Timezone: EST (just in case that matters) Race: Scourge Aasimar Class: Vengeance Paladin Background: Soldier Backstory:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... (sorry the backstory is long, this is a character I've been hanging onto for a while)
Name: Ethan Age: 25 Experience: 10 years Race: Githyanki Class: Wizard Background: Sage Background Story: Shalidor has been working for centuries now on his own personal demiplane to create a very unique maze meant to test the limits of people and creatures dropped inside of it. now he has left his demiplane in search of test subjects. the more the merrier.
Name: Vaner&nbsp; Age: 28 Experience: 2 to 3 years&nbsp; Race: Tiefling&nbsp; Class: Bard ( College of Lore )&nbsp; Background: Entertainer&nbsp; Background Story:&nbsp;Connor was born into a middle-class family, as the third child to two of his older fraternal twins brother and sister. He was fascinated with stories told by his mother, and his grandfather of heroes of old like Helm who became a god, Elminster, sage of shadowdale, and Farideh, while learning in school of teaching him how to read and write, but those tales inspired him wanting to become a hero. Connornot only had a gift in magic, but he a had a gift of singing and music, every-time Connor played and sing for his friends and family, they always loved his voice and the way he played and instrument. At the age of 10 he was send off to the bard college to study more about music and poems, and some magic. After the graduation Connor was given the title by the headmaster that only one bard was named in the college, that title is the Tongue of Blue Rose. So after saying farewell to his family Connor then left to traveling and performing music, poems, and tricks. His goal is to become the most famous bard in the land and in Tiefling history. Also to find a human redhead bbw woman with green eyes as a lover ( Its genetic both his father and older brother always love women with huge chest and huge butts ) why else would his father marry mother, lol.
Name: Caspian Age: 21 Experience: 2 years of d&d 5e Race: Human Class: Ranger (Horizon walker) Background: Far Traveler Background Story: In the plane of Mechanus, the one and the prime, Primus had an idea. To recruit spies and scouts for him for the next great march. He sent his modrons to find someone to test this idea on. The modrons come back with a baby boy, a being who's brain has not yet developed, perfect for implanting absolute law into. Primus set one of his Secundus to look after the boy and train him. They called the boy what he would grow into, Scout. Scout works on the same skills everyday until it was second nature to him, after he had mastered it they moved on to the next skill and the next. This continued until Primus was happy with what he had made and sent Scout back out into the world. Scout's training prepared him for combat and life by himself. He is still human though, so twitches of ideas and emotions still fill his mind from time to time but he remains lawful.
Name: Ethan Age: 25 Experience: 10 years tabletop Race: Githyanki ( i don't particularly like gith, i'd rather be something else if that's an option, preferably a human or high elf) Class: Wizard (preferably lore master, but if that's not allowed i'll do evocation) Background: Sage Background Story:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> :D I'll come up with a real story if you want, but i'll need more info on your world and the story you're trying to tell. right now, all i know is that there's a lich queen and she's a gith. (which doesn't really make that much sense to me honestly, because the gith that stay in the astral planes are immortal anyway and liches need a steady supply of fresh souls to continue to exist, so a gith becoming a lich actually seems counter productive). My greatest strengths are my reliability (i can be there every session, sober, and on time) and my dps.
Name: Jason Age:18 Experience: I know all the 5e books like the back of my hand Race: Wood elf Class: Ranger (Preferebly the revised version of you would allow me, it fixes alot of the flaws of the class and they plan on making it official this year) Background: Urban Bounty Hunter Background story: Stelinar, a wood elf with a high elf father and a mother sharing his race, loses his entire life when his father jails his mother under false accusation. Stelinar, vowing to defeat his father and rescue his mother, travels out to the world to learn as many tricks as he cant to one day return and battle his father, one day running into a man named Manir, who would take him under his wing and teach him the ways of monster slaying and fighting spellcasters.
Name:Andy Age:12 Experience:None, just know the basic rules. Race: Lightfoot Halfling Class: Rogue Background: Criminal Background Story: Iskandar, forced out of his home unrightly, had to make a living for he and his family. But, with no one wanting a halfling helper, he resorted to crime. He would steal from everyone, except a poor man and his own family. Eventually, he recovered his family, but wanderlust got to him and so he went on the journey that would lead him here.

Edited 1518925456
bump, need main healer for the group
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Cody B.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; is variant human good
Name:romen Age:17 Experience ive been playing dnd over 2mounths and i have watched dnd for about 6 years race human variant class&nbsp; cleric Background: nobel&nbsp; Background Story walker hardraven is a son of a royal family&nbsp; a strong servant to his god kelnvor and then he was asked to help powerful wizardclan by his father colin hardraven a powerful wizard clan to help stop queen Vlaakith CLVII, from becoming a god walker hardraven will stop at nothing to make sure she does not become a god he will work with who ever that leands a helping hand to stop the true evill that is the queen&nbsp; time zone est
Name: Will Age: over 30 Experience: loads Character: Drakhar Race: Githzerai Class: Grave Domain Cleric Background: Gladiator Background Story: His simple life was torn asunder when Githyanki pirates tore through the monastery where he served. The raiders were not satisfied with their plunder so they took also hostages. No ransom could be paid and the Githyanki did not wish to keep slaves so their captives were &nbsp;made to fight to the death as one final humiliation. Drakhar was no fighter but he killed each opponent he faced, each death darkening his soul and bringing him closer to the embrace of the eternal keeper of the nether realms. As he looked upon his &nbsp;final opponent- a silent gith monk wrapped in black cloth, &nbsp;he knew he was outmatched and offered a final prayer for himself and the souls of the other fallen, imploring that in death they find their ways through the astral sea to a place of eternal solace. He felt an answer that his soul would not be lost that day.&nbsp; The final fight began but when his formidable opponent leapt at him he &nbsp;sailed past Drakhar and set himself upon a Githyanki guard, taking his sword and then his life. Drakhar joined forces with his former opponent and together they slew &nbsp;the rest of their captors but the battle cost the life of his silent ally. Drakhar never learned his name but the tragedy of so much senseless death and the miracle of &nbsp;his escape set the surviving young Githzerai on a path of devotion &nbsp;to the domain of the grave.&nbsp;
Name: Emma Age: 27 Experience: been playing D&D since 3.5 Character Name: Harmony Race: Tiefling (winged with some cosmetic alteration if aloud.) Class: either celestial warlock or divine soul sorcerer&nbsp; Background: Acolyte&nbsp; Background Story: Harmony's birth was not what was expected she was very angelic which was no surprise due to the celestial blood in her family but no one was expecting the little horns and black feathered wings, those were sings of something else. Nonetheless she was accepted into the temple with love Sune welcomes and loves all her children. Growing up people looked at her with either awe or suspicion, the suspicion was mostly out of the temple and thus she hardly left. People would come from all over just to get a glimpse of her at the temple. After coming of age she chose to leave the temple in order to help others and discover what makes her so different &nbsp; &nbsp;
Name: Joel Age: 35&nbsp; Experience: Playing since AD&D as both a player and GM Character: Kraenar Race: Wood Elf Class: Blood Hunter Background: City Watch Background Story:&nbsp;Kraenar was the law in a small elven town. He handled minor things like drunken travelers and the occasional theft, and seemed to enjoy his job. Then one night the undead came. Led by a necromancer intent on scavenging more corpses, even if he had to make living people into corpses first, they sacked the village. Kraenar had never delt with anything like this before, and when his village needed him most.... He ran. He hid in the woods and listened to the sounds of the villagers he was sworn to protect being slaughtered. Once the carnage was over, once he could see what had been done to the few bodies that were left behind, he swore to never freeze again, and never stop hunting the undead.
Name:Adam&nbsp; Age:22 Experience: over 175+ hours on roll20 plus 2 and a half years of 5e tabletop Race: half- orc Class: paladin(oath of conquest) Background: urchin Background Story: Throm grew up in an orphanage workhouse and has wooden teeth after an incident involving a mace.
Name: Hassan Age: 22 Experience: over 1000 hours on Roll20, 6 years of playing various RPGs, and about a year of 5e Race:&nbsp;Human Class: Wizard Background:&nbsp;Sage Background Story: Invictus&nbsp; was born into the clergy, raised by the clergy and then became part of the clergy. His fate and his actions seemingly decided for him from birth. As a child Invictus was reprimanded many times for his curiosity and blatant disregard for tradition. He was discovered to have arcane magic in his blood, which only gave his peers more reason to look down on him. He just couldn't care about the rules when there was something of great interest to be leaned. This unbound curiosity pointed him to the arcane. Self-trained in the arcane arts he learned many thing that couldn't be taught by a holy man, chief of which was the ability to control your own destiny; to take charge of his own course. Eventually his obsession with the arcane art was discovered by the leaders of his sect and he was cast out by them. Invictus had a must unusual reaction to this, he was happy. Probably the happiest he has ever been in his whole life. Something happened as a result of his own action, something he cause, he controlled. He could now control the wind that pushed his sails.
Name: Atherian or Ethan Age: 18 Experience: 3 years of both roll 20 and d&d Race: Hobgoblin Class: Wizard Background: Far Traveler Background Story: Ulrik SparkAxe was an outcast in his village. He wasn't accepted by the savages of his tribe for being to civilized, and he wasn't accepted by civilization for seen as a savage. He was accepted by no one. He fell into his studies, searching out powerful artifacts and knowledge in the hopes someone... anyone would accept him. He came to realize that the hate that everyone had given him was what he could use to fuel his blades. He learned to harness this rage. He learned to harness this arcane force. He was an intermediate. A force of chaos and tranquility. He studied for hours then trained his blades. There is no one like him. His story is his own. And he knows this. He uses his powers for his own needs. I can rewrite this character or use one of my many other characters.

Edited 1524775859
Name: Mr.Popo Age: 29 Experience: 15+ years 13000 hrs on roll20 been DMing alot.Got three possible characters Id like to play with whichever you feel fits more into the group would help me play you can get a hold of me at discord - Mr.Popo#9944 PC 1 Race: Half Elf&nbsp; Class: Bard - 10 - Lore & UA Ranger - 7 - Gloom Stalker&nbsp; Background: Entertainer or Bounty hunter Background Story: Wraith born into the world&nbsp;as an adventurer he wanders the sea of souls to find his lost family members and will stalking the waters for the evil creatures that put them there, to begin with. Now after&nbsp;roaming from realm to realm hunting and killing enemies, his find means and legends to help get back his loved ones but now he needs a new crew and help.&nbsp; PC 2 Race: Half Elf Class: Monk - 17 Open Palm&nbsp; Background: Far Traveler&nbsp; Background Story: Kicked out of the floating tower temple from his master he is left in a strange realm with stranger&nbsp;people. He seeks to learn more from them and look for a way to get back to the master. Until then his cheerful personality&nbsp;and will to help all good or bad has to lead him... to be put in harm's way.&nbsp; PC 3 Race: Half-Orc&nbsp; Class: Barbarian 6 Totem & Fighter 11 - Samurai Background: Noble Background Story: Born into the House of Worgan, Scarr was youngest and the runt of the family with three older brothers and one elder sister. Which he tries to be much like his he's late father Wor and elder sister Ashoka was as they both were knights fighting for those in need where ever there was an injustice. With that, he constantly looked to prove that he was worthy and show that he can handle himself without the coddling from his family. This made him try not to place himself above other folks. As he would be the head of the family house and clan of Wor, only after he trails as per the clan's laws. However, Scarr would found a hidden and truly scandalous secret that could ruin or worst destroy the family and the clan forever. Faced with no chose he left his family and went into exile as not bring a war to his family. But, did vow to bring vengeance on to the usurper and true betrayer to the clan and his family.&nbsp;
Name: Ralph Age: 18 Experience: A little over a year and a half of 5e Race: Githzerai Class: Rogue Inqustivie&nbsp;11/Monk Way of&nbsp;Kensei 6 Background: Spy Background Story: A monk trained in the githzerai&nbsp;ways who focused more on his offensive&nbsp;capabilities so that he cud eliminate&nbsp;any threat before it could endanger his people.