Craven said: Kurt J. said: Craven said: Templates are not working even with simple commands. format:--charid|~0! --emote|~1! <br /> attacks <br /> ~3!
--target_list|~2! --name|~4! --format|~5! --leftsub|~6! --rightsub|~7!
--Attack|[[ [$Atk] 1d20 + ~8! [~9!] + ~10! [PROF] ]] vs ~11! once I add --Attack|[[ [$Atk] 1d20 + ~8! [~9!] + ~10! [PROF] ]] vs ~11! I get a single grey line. my power card looks like this: !power {{ --template|format|@{selected|character_id};@{selected|token_name};@{target|token_id};@{target|character_name};Longbow;atwill;Ranged;150'/600';@{selected|dexterity_mod};DEX;@{selected|pb};@{target|ac} }} If you can post the full content of your template handout, I'll see if I can duplicate this in my test system. that is the full thing Template format:--charid|~0! --emote|~1! <br /> attacks <br /> ~3!
--target_list|~2! --name|~4! --format|~5! --leftsub|~6! --rightsub|~7!
--Attack|[[ [$Atk] 1d20 + ~8! [~9!] + ~10! [PROF] ]] vs ~11! Powercard !power {{ --template|format|@{selected|character_id};@{selected|token_name};@{target|token_id};@{target|character_name};Longbow;atwill;Ranged;150'/600';@{selected|dexterity_mod};DEX;@{selected|pb};@{target|ac} }} I had it working up until I tried to add conditions. then it stop. This is the powercard I am trying to template. !power {{
--emote|** @{selected|token_name} Aims a Longbow. **
--leftsub|Ranged Attack
--rightsub| 150' / 600'
--Attack|[[ [$Atk] ?{Advantage?| Normal, 1d20 + 0d0 [Magic] + [[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]] [DEX] + [[@{selected|pb}]] [PROF]] | Advantage, 2d20KH1 + 0d0 [Magic] +[[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]] [DEX] + [[@{selected|pb}]] [PROF]] | Disadvantage, 2d20KL1 + 0d0 [Magic] + [[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]] [DEX] + [[@{selected|pb}]] [PROF]]} ]] vs **AC** [[@{target||npc_ac}]]
--?? $Atk < @{target||npc_ac} ?? !Missed|**You missed!**
--?? $Atk < @{target||npc_ac} ?? soundfx1|_play|ArrowMiss
--?? $Atk >= @{target||npc_ac} ?? soundfx1|_play|ArrowHits
--?? $Atk >= @{target||npc_ac} AND $Atk.base <> 20 ?? Hit:|[[ [$Dmg] 1d8 + 0d0 [Magic] + [[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]]]] piercing damage
--?? $Atk >= @{target||npc_ac} AND $Atk.base <> 20 ?? alterbar1|_target|@{target||token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^Dmg] _show|all
--?? $Atk.base == 20 ?? Critical Hit:|[[ [$CritDmg] 2d8 + 0d0 [Magic] + [[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]]]] piercing damage
--?? $Atk.base == 20 ?? alterbar2|_target|@{target||token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^CritDmg] _show|all
--?? $Atk.base == 1 ?? !|**Fumble:** [[ [TXT] 1t[CFSRW] ]]
--Ammo:|[[@{other_resource}]] **@{other_resource_name} left.**
Thanks Frustratingly enough, I think this is another case of the new editor interfering. When I pasted your template into my game, this line: --Attack|[[ [$Atk] 1d20 + ~8! [~9!] + ~10! [PROF] ]] vs ~11! caused a problem because there are two spaces after [$Atk]. The editor replaced one of them with &nbsp; which the roll system doesn't know what to do with. After I take out the second space, everything works as intended. I've uploaded 3.8.0 to the dev gist that strips out &nbsp; characters from all three handout types, so if you update to that it should no longer be an issue, even if the editor throws them in.