I'm encountering an issue upon trying to use a customised version of the 5e Shaped Sheet.
I've gone to the GitHub, gotten the HTML, CSS, and Translation for english and copied them all directly into the "Custom" sheet option for my game and after applying me changes:
Sanity -> Luck
The sheet would no longer perform calculations. At all. Proficiency and Ability modifiers aren't affecting Ability checks or Saving throws. Adding a class doesn't update the sheet with the class' features. Weight isn't calculated based on items. Changing an ability score number doesn't edit the ability score modifier.
I undid the changes I performed and re-copied the html, css, and translation from github into the Custom sheet option again, but without any of the above changes, and STILL this is happening.
Is there a reason why using the code directly would cause the sheet to break in its entirety?
I'm also trying to use the 5e Shaped Script, though this is not recognising the sheet to be the 5e Shaped Character Sheet when used in the above fashion.
Any help would be appreciated.