I'm trying to create some single use macros to do an ability (skills) check, but with a bit of flavor in the text for the specific situation. There's a few things I can't seem to figure out. 1. Using the shaped template how do I do an ability check in the same way I can do a saving throw? Here's an example: &{template:5e-shaped} {{title=Intelligence Test}} {{text_top=Description of the "test" with in game specifics.}} {{ability=1}} {{saving_throw_dc=13}} {{saving_throw_vs_ability=INTELLIGENCE}} {{saving_throw_success=Appropriate text for a successful outcome.}} {{content=*Saving throw failure*: Appropriate text for a failed outcome.}} This works for a saving throw... and the link for "Intelligence" rolls for a saving throw, but I want an ability check. The same thing I would get if I clicked on the "Statblock" macro in the character sheet and then clicked on "Int" under the "Abilities" section. I assumed the "{{ability=1}}" field is what switches it from saving throw to ability check, but that doesn't seem to do anything. What am I doing wrong? 2. Now, what I REALLY want to do is a skills check (eg, Investigation, Arcana, Acrobatics, Perception, etc).... is there a way to do that using the template? 3. And finally, what I really, REALLY want. Is to have a macro where I can include some specific intro text, then include a skills check and based on the outcome of the check display different results. This could be a 2 step process. ie. PC clicks on the macro and it displays the intro text along with a link for the skills check. When the PC clicks the link, the result is displayed along with different text based on if the check beat the DC value. So, as a very simple example: PC clicks on a macro created for a specific situation. The macro displays something like: Gandalf looks all around the pedestal for any hidden features. DC 15 Investigation ability check The PC clicks on the "Investigation" link: Investigation (INT) [5] Gandalf doesn't find anything... it just looks like a plain old pedestal. OR.... Investigation (INT) [17] Gandalf finds a secret lock hidden under the pedestal top. Thanks for any help.