I have the following checkbox in my sheet default settings: {
"attribute": "setting_individual_hidden",
"checked": "checked",
"displayname": "Fine-grained NPC whispers",
"displaytranslationkey": "FINE_NPC_WHISPERING",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "1",
"description": "Show checkboxes to control public rolls vs whispering for all NPC rolls individually.",
"descriptiontranslationkey": "FINE_NPC_WHISPERING_DESC"
This corresponds to this checkbox on the sheet: input(type="checkbox", name="attr_setting_individual_hidden", value="1", checked) Turning off the checkbox in the default settings does not work! Expected behaviour: If the checkbox is unticked, the default value for the "setting_individual_hidden" attribute is "0", corresponding to a disabled checkbox. Actual behaviour: If the checkbox is unticked, the default value for the "setting_individual_hidden" attribute is "", which just makes the sheet behave as if the attribute is equal to its default, i.e. a checked checkbox. Having a checkbox in the sheet default settings which is checked by default seems to be impossible to accomplish with this setup (or rather, it can never be turned off via default settings). I could circumvent this by using a select, but it would be great if this could be fixed instead.