Immediately after purchasing the Player's Handbook I noticed that I could no longer drag and drop a monster from the Monster Manual. When I try, a token is created, but it has no stats and is the wrong size. This is frustrating as a DM. The reason I purchased the MM on Roll20 was so that I could do just that. Drop a monster into an encounter on the fly. Now I have to drag and drop. Then stop the game and take the time to manually type in all the info into the NPC sheet created at the time of the drop. In fact. It doesn't even create an NPC sheet. It creates a blank PC sheet that I have to change to an NPC sheet, but then its still blank. If I had known that purchasing the PH would invalidate the most used feature of my MM purchase, then I probably wouldn't have bought the PH on Roll20. As a DM I use the MM much more than I do the PH. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. I was hesitant to bring this up because I assumed such a glaring error would be rectified quickly, but I've been creeping through the forums and I haven't seen any mention of this. BTW, I run between 4 and 6 games a week on Roll20 and this same problem exist in all my games. Thanks in advance for any help you can give, Andy