Thank you for purchasing Waterdeep: Dragon Heist!
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is a different sort of module than those that have been released before on the Roll20 platform. Please read this completely before beginning your game setup.
In Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, the GM decides who the villain is of the story. In order to best facilitate running the game on Roll20, we have broken the source material up into one Module and 4 Addons, one for each villain/season.
The created module contains all the information needed to run the beginning of the game up through Chapter 4, where the story truly splits. If the GM would like to prepare for the game by reading through all of the content, we recommend creating a separate game and adding in all 4 parts in order to get the whole story, deleting out pages (maps) if there is a performance decrease.
When it comes time to play with the party, we strongly recommend the GM only add in the ONE relevant season to the main module. Adding others will create duplicate maps and handouts, and overwrite NPC's.
To summarize:
- Create a separate game to view all the seasons at once, if desired.
- In a separate game with the players: Pick which season/villain is appropriate for the game storyline, and add only this addon to the core game.
- Track party progress on the [GM Page] Campaign Tracker if desired.
- Enjoy!
If at any time the storyline organically switches to another main villain, we recommend removing the first addon, then adding in the second. Adding in another game will overwrite any shared NPC's or Creatures, so always create a backup before doing so just in case.
Here is an additional quick FAQ based on past releases:
I bought the game. Now what?
You can now create a new game and choose "Waterdeep: Dragon Heist" from the modules on the right hand side of your game creation screen. When a season/villain has been chosen, select the appropriate addon from the list and add it to your game.
What Character Sheet should I use?
All Wizards of the Coast licensed content on Roll20 uses the Roll20 5th Edition OGL Sheet. When creating a new Roll20 game that you intend to use with Princes of the Apocalypse, be sure to select the 5th Edition OGL as your Character Sheet in the Game Setup page for full compatibility.
Why does (Monster name) have a text token?
If there is no licensed art available for a named NPC or monster, we must make a text token as a placeholder. Users are absolutely free to upload a replacement token if they like to their games, of course! Our licensing agreement only covers what's available in the module itself, along with other WOTC 5E products.
Can I add in all the 4 seasons to one game?
Yes, however this may create confusion for the GM and players, as each season has its own encounter chain structure. We recommend only adding in the relevant season.
Where are Chapters 5-8?
Each chapter is a season, so Chapter 5 is in the Spring addon, 6 in the Summer, and so on. As each chapter is season specific, we have separated them into their own addons.