If there are any games going on that need another player, I'd like to play. As a side note, anyone local to the Columbus, Ohio area interested in an ongoing tabletop game hit me up.
If there are any games going on that need another player, I'd like to play. As a side note, anyone local to the Columbus, Ohio area interested in an ongoing tabletop game hit me up.
I'd consider running one on here, though it would require me to have a subscription so I'm avoiding being the GM.
Since this isn't one of the site's "supported" games, I assume I'd need to get a subscription to access features allowing me to customize settings, etc. To be fair, this site is new to me ...
I'm running one tonight. Text based, 1st ed (anniversary edition). 6:30 pm pacific time. Interested?
Ryan L. said:
Since this isn't one of the site's "supported" games, I assume I'd need to get a subscription to access features allowing me to customize settings, etc. To be fair, this site is new to me ...
There are only a few official but there are hundreds created by volunteers. When you create a game scroll down the settings page and you will see a dropdown for character sheets. Scoll down the dropdown until you see D6 there are 2 sheets Revised edition and 30th Anniversary.
You do not a special subscription to play on Roll20. In fact just remember /r 1d6!+#d6+$ where the # is the number of dice in a dice pool minus the wild die and $ is the number of pips.
Blaster 5D+2: /r 1d6!+4d6+2
Streetwise 3D: /r 1d6!+2d6
I run a game on Wednesdays at 7:30PM CST. I don't think I have spots open any longer, but I could keep you on my interested list. Also, there is a Star Wars D6 Discord server. Private Message me if you have an interest.
wiki page for Star wars D6 on Roll20, for more info, and it have links to both D6 sheets if you end up in a game using either one.
Teller, I should have checked back sooner - sorry I missed it! David, rpgman, and Andreas, thanks for the insight. It's good to find that people are already successfully running this game on here!
Ryan, it's a weekly, so give me a shout if you're possibly interested in talking long term. I'll throw you an invite and you can check out the situation if you're interested in a weekly.
The original post is closed but you can still read the intro: