DM Anselem said: This is more request than bug; for those who move on from Dragon Heist to Mad Mage, a lot of backstory materials, outside of char data, gets left behind in the old, and is not replicated in the new. Can there not be an add on in either module that has the ch1-3 or 4 mapsand add ons in DH (like the DH season packages- very nice trick that) so they can be accessible in Mad Mage for those who need them? After spending so much on both, it’d be very nice if some attempt is made to allow GMs to maintain continuity in thier games. Maybe your premium tier GMs can do this, but that’s a very high fiscal bar for some, and uncertain due to copyright restrictions. The Transmogrifier allows copying of game materials (such as maps, handouts, characters, etc.) between games. As you say, this is a Pro account perk, but the functionality is there at that subscription level.