Hi, very new to scripting and still figuring out how it works. Though I understand it's possible to make new roll functions through it. How I can best format the roll I'm trying to use is " 2d20k1!>19>19 " I'm hoping to find a way where instead of rolling 1 additional d20 each time the higher roll is a 19 or 20, it rolls 2d20k1 any time the higher result meets the target, counting each success. As is: I roll 2d20, resulting in (11 + 20), the 20 is kept as the better result and also triggers the explosion. This causes a roll of 1d20, resulting another 20 and triggering another explosion. The 1d20 rolls a 10, not triggering a 3rd explosion. Only one of the 20s is counted, netting 1 success. Goal: I roll 2d20, resulting in (8 + 19), the 19 is kept as the better result and also triggers the explosion. This causes another roll of 2d20, (20 + 19), keeping the 20 and triggering another explosion. The 2d20 rolled as (13 + 17), keeping the 17 but not triggering a 3rd explosion. The 19 and 20 are counted as 2 successes. If there's a script that can do this or a resource for how I could write one myself, please point the way! I appreciate any suggestions!