Well, tomorrow's Roundtable should be a lot of fun. I've now tested on a couple of different computers. On my Windows PC with a standard-ish mouse, the update works mostly fine. The zoom is still incredibly jarring, and the low increment and slow update on the zoom makes it really painful to try to zoom from far out to close up, and vice-versa. On my Mac, testing both with a touchpad and a Magic Mouse, zoom is incredibly finicky. The trackpad has all the issues reported by everyone else. The Magic Mouse is very hard to get discreet zoom levels due to it not actually having a wheel. On all platforms, the zoom effect is jarring and slightly nauseating. Additionally, as reported by others, the +/- box in the bottom gets in the way significantly. If you resize the chat window, it hovers over chat, rather than moving responsively. It also interferes with macro bars at the bottom of the screen. I greatly miss the zoom slider, which I used constantly before. Clicking through zoom levels is tedious. I didn't use the scroll bars much, but can completely understand why people would and why the should be returned. In short, for me, this is a failure of an update as it stands. It is very reminiscent of the update to layering that broke many features that had to be rolled back from a few months ago, and the breaking of AFoW that is still in need of a fix. As a subscriber since Jan 2016 with 2700+ hours in game, I've seen new feature after new feature rolled out, almost all of which have minimal to little testing and major flaws at launch, along with assurance that each launch would be fine/better than the last, as testing and internal QA has improved, or new people have been hired. Nearly four years on, nothing seems to have changed, despite the assurances. Please, do better. Fix this. Not just this update (but yes, fix it, or roll it back!), but this core issue with Roll20 system updates. I'm frustrated because I love the platform, and want it to be the best it can be.