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[WotC] Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Bug Thread

Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Thank you for purchasing the&nbsp; Explorer's Guide to Wildemount ! Quick Guide Accessing Your Content Module Explorer's Guide to Wildemount &nbsp;is a&nbsp;module. Modules must be added to a new game via the New Games Page . In the New Games Page , find your desired Module from the column on the right. Click the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount module from the menu. Fill out the remaining information. Click I'm Ready, Create Game! Compendium You can access all of the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount &nbsp;lore, items, and monsters in the in-app compendium, as well as on the Roll20 web compendium . Art Pack Art Packs are collections of images for use in your Roll20 games. These can include tokens, maps, tiles, and portrait images. Once purchased, they are unlocked within the virtual tabletop itself. You can find them under the Premium Assets section of the Art Library in the sidebar. The purchased art is then organized into folders separated by the pack's name.&nbsp; Which Character Sheet should I use? All Wizards of the Coast licensed content on Roll20 uses the D&amp;D 5E by Roll20 sheet. Bug Reporting Guide Technical Issues If you encounter a technical issue, please follow this guide . If your bug is urgent or requires sensitive personal information, please email us at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Content Issues To help us correct any content issues you find within your purchased content, please fill out as many of the following as are applicable when making a report: A short, detailed description of the problem What is the issue, How is it affecting your game, What is happening, What should happen? Clear and concise information is the most helpful in seeking out solutions Include screenshots of the issue
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Bunch of Races listed as subcategory of Humans in the overview list Subclasses not showing in the overview list Considering there are only three subclasses in the book, they would very well fit to be listed in the overview of the book, in the same style as other books have. Would save an extra step of having to go to the Subclass page itself to find the links to them. ( See above screen-cap again )
Roll20 Team
Andreas - Thanks so much for your report! We've updated the index.
I recently downloaded the free adventure preview (Frozen Sick) for the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount and noticed there seems to be some missing information in the "Eiselcross" section. "Into the Wilds" says that there should be a section in "Eiselcross" with different encounters to run as characters travel through across the land. However, there's no such information in "Eiselcross." (screenshots below) I looked through the other sections that came with the adventure preview, but couldn't find the "Encounters in Eiselcross" section anywhere.&nbsp; Thanks!
Roll20 Team
Amber - You can find that content in the main Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount but it is not present in the preview as it is not essential to play in Frozen Sick. Thank you for your report and I hope you enjoy playing!
Hi I hope this is the correct place for this. I'm getting the following error when I add this module to a new game:&nbsp; " An error occured while adding&nbsp; Adventure Preview - Explorer's Guide to Wildemount&nbsp; to this game: * no implicit conversion of nil into String" I'm literally just clicking on new game, clicking on the module and hitting create game. Thanks, Kieran
Kieran M. said: Hi I hope this is the correct place for this. I'm getting the following error when I add this module to a new game:&nbsp; " An error occured while adding&nbsp; Adventure Preview - Explorer's Guide to Wildemount&nbsp; to this game: * no implicit conversion of nil into String" I'm literally just clicking on new game, clicking on the module and hitting create game. Thanks, Kieran Having the same problem Win 10 chrome
Kieran M. said: Hi I hope this is the correct place for this. I'm getting the following error when I add this module to a new game:&nbsp; " An error occured while adding&nbsp; Adventure Preview - Explorer's Guide to Wildemount&nbsp; to this game: * no implicit conversion of nil into String" I'm literally just clicking on new game, clicking on the module and hitting create game. Thanks, Kieran Seems to be a common issue. I'm getting this as well.
I am getting it as well. " An error occured while adding&nbsp; Adventure Preview - Explorer's Guide to Wildemount&nbsp; to this game: * no implicit conversion of nil into String" I have followed the steps to clear history and extensions, still nothing. I have tried it on multiple computers and even brand new downloads of firefox and chrome. Still get the same error every time. Even with other&nbsp; modules like The master's Vault.&nbsp;
I think its after they did their update almost 5 hours ago. Because ever since that was done i cant make a new game with any of the mods i have purchased. Which really sucks cause i was hoping to read through this one this morning. Josh H. said: I am getting it as well. " An error occured while adding&nbsp; Adventure Preview - Explorer's Guide to Wildemount&nbsp; to this game: * no implicit conversion of nil into String" I have followed the steps to clear history and extensions, still nothing. I have tried it on multiple computers and even brand new downloads of firefox and chrome. Still get the same error every time. Even with other&nbsp; modules like The master's Vault.&nbsp; I think&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
It should be resolved now: Bug Thread: Copying games, missing marketplace tokens, modules, add-ons
It has been! Thanks for letting us know. keithcurtis said: It should be resolved now: Bug Thread: Copying games, missing marketplace tokens, modules, add-ons

Edited 1584643685
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Hi all - This morning, after some overnight optimizations, we found that several functions related to those optimizations were not working. We have now fixed the issue, and apologize for interrupting your games. If your issue continues&nbsp;please comment in the official bug thread . Thanks for your feedback and patience while we continue to scale up to meet demand!
Its probably not a bug, but would be a nice quality of life improvement. So i got Explorers guide of Wildemount as a module on roll20 and am planning a Short 2-month campaign with it. But every journal entry in the module has all the notes under "GM Notes", instead of "Description &amp; Notes".&nbsp; This means now I have to manually move each and every Journal Entry from GM notes to Description notes, when im trying to help my players to look up backgrounds, information of the city they're from, and the different races and classes.&nbsp; it would be a great time-safer if all Journals would be under description &amp; notes in the first place, at least for the Wildemount gazeteer and Creatures &amp; Monster section. Thanks guys.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Zonalar - We've found that some GMs prefer to keep that information secret until revealed, and keeping it in the GM Notes section allows the GM to choose each piece of information they would like to reveal (or modify). However, as a tip—if you have Compendium Sharing turned on for your game your players can view the pages you wish to show them directly from the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount&nbsp; compendium in-app. In fact, you could delete any handout you want to show to your players from your game (note: you'd lose any links contained within!) and drag in a new version from the compendium. The text would automatically be in the Description &amp; Notes section. I hope this helped, and thanks for playing on Roll20!
Ashton - thanks for the swift reply! Yes I have compendium sharing activated. I know how to share journal entries with players, but didn't see such an option with the pages from the compendium? Maybe I just missed it. The compendium has been "tricky" to navigate so it only shows Wildemount-content, as I own a good junk of the other books to allow my players to build characters with as many race and subclass combinations they want in roll20.&nbsp; Well, back to prepping!&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Zonalar - The players can navigate to the compendium pages in-app themselves by navigating to the Compendium tab of the Sidebar. They may then either search for a page or click through the categories (though, note, they'll also be able to access your non-Wildemount books!) You can view this yourself by rejoining the game as a player. I hope you and your players enjoy exploring Wildemount!

Edited 1584805856
On the topic of Compendium sharing -- I'm a bit new, so perhaps I'm misunderstanding.&nbsp; But the it seems like the entire EGTW Compendium is shared with players when Compendium Sharing is turned on.&nbsp; Is that intended?&nbsp; As an example, players can see very detailed and specific information about all locations/characters/potential adventures: This feels like GM-specific info that they would want to reveal over time?&nbsp; While still giving access to broad info on factions/places/dunamancy/etc. Is there any middle-ground between sharing the entire EGTW book and manually sharing individual pages one at a time?
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
The map of Palma Flora has incorrect measurement settings. The scale says 1 square equals 10 feet, but it is currently set to 1 square = 5 feet.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Ryan - You're correct. Currently, the entire compendium is shared when Compendium Sharing is enabled. You can find more information on Compendium Sharing here . Loren - Great catch! Palma Flora's map scale has been updated in the below patch. Thank you for your report! Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Adventure Preview Patch 1.1 Typo corrected in Frozen Sick Adventure Summary. Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Patch 1.1 Updated Palma Flora map scale.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Hi all! Hope you're all enjoying your exploration through Wildemount. Another minor patch for you: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Patch 1.2 Typo corrected in Frozen Sick Adventure Summary. Fixed link to extreme cold supplemental handout. Adjusted Frozen Sick bandits to their proper racial variants.
Hi TripleGucci-- We appreciate the kind words! However, we do ask that you refrain from posting multiple single word posts so as to keep things in the thread tidy. This prevents spam like behavior that might arise. Thank you for your cooperation!
When I get in my friends campain thats all what I see, they told me they put&nbsp; images but I dont see them, when I create game It happens the same. I followed all the steps in your support pages but It didnt work. Help please.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Manuel - Sorry to hear you're having trouble! Please contact <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> so we can figure out what's going on and get you gaming!
I can't access (Chapter 5: Adventures in Wildemount) in the compendium. Is there a trick to access it?
I can't even see how to download this module to read it ahead of time.&nbsp; I have created a game, scheduled it for tonight @ 7, but there's no where to download the content.&nbsp; I have followed Start New Game, picked the free preview, but nothing.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Matthew - Sorry about that! We're looking into it and it should be accessible soon. Brian - The modules Roll20 offers are non-downloadable. Instead, you can view the game content in-app in the new game you started with the Adventure Preview. Thank you for playing on Roll20, and please let us know if you have any further questions.
In the Adventure Preview to Wildemount, the page scale is set incorrectly on the two non-gridded maps (Greying Wildlands and Eiselcross). They are currently set to feet, but they should be set to miles. This is easy for the end-user to fix, but if they don't have the print book, they may not know that it was a simple substitution of units (i.e., there's no way to deduce the correct scale from the maps).
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Patch 1.3 Map scale units adjusted on Wildemount overland maps. Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Adventure Preview Patch 1.2 Map scale units adjusted on Wildemount overland maps.
&nbsp;When I bring up croaker cave. (Big sick adventure not the free one I've purchased the full compendium) my players can not see ANY TOKENS not theirs not mine....none. I've tried dynamic lighting, fog of war advanced fog of war. nothing seems to change it. They can see the map fine, but again can not see the tokens. Also if the answer is obvious, I am fine to admit I am stupid and made some dumb mistake in the settings but to my knowledge there is nothing different in this map than any others. Comment
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Chris - Hi there, I'm having trouble replicating your issue, but I do have one suggestion: ensure your players' tokens have sight enabled. You can do that by double-clicking on their tokens, going to the "Advanced" tab, and checking "Has Sight" on the right-hand side. After saving you may want to save these tokens as the associated character sheet's default token if successful! Please let me know if that helped, otherwise I'll poke around a bit more to figure out what's going on here.
My players can’t see the new Wildemount races in the charactermancer, is this a bug or?
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Star - If you have the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount full module, those races should show for your players if you have Compendium Sharing turned on. The races are not included with the free preview. Check out the help center article on compendiums here for more information, and if your issue persists please get ahold of us at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> so we can track down the cause.
I just played the free "frozen sick" and we had a blast! I noticed two odd things: 1. On the Mage NPC character sheet, when I click the "firaball" spell, it instead puts out the "ice storm" spell. 2. In the "Approaching Salsvault" section of Salvault, it says: " Unsealing the door with bludgeoning damage draws the attention of three suits of&nbsp; animated armor &nbsp;in area S3, which gather in area S1 and attack the characters as soon as they enter." &nbsp;&nbsp; but area S3 only has two suits of animated armor in it. I'm not sure if that is on purpose or a mistake. In the book itself, it's the same.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Nico - Thanks for your reports! I'll have the team look into these notes and get them sorted out. I'm glad you had fun playing!
Thin Ice Typo in the Frozen Sick journal entry for Thin Ice. The last sentence reads:&nbsp; All creatures on broken ice throw through. It's unclear whether this should be "fall through", or if there should be additional text specifying a saving throw to avoid falling through.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
John - Thank you for your report! I've made a note and will get this fix included in the next Explorer's Guide to Wildemount patches.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Adventure Preview Patch 1.3 Mage stat block now correctly casts Fireball. Thin Ice handout wording clarified. Reference to a third suit of animated armor removed from Salsvault. Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Patch 1.4 Mage stat block now correctly casts Fireball. Thin Ice handout wording clarified. Reference to a third suit of animated armor removed from Salsvault.
Croaker Cave Issues Two issues ideally resolved by extending the map to the north, just outside the cave entrance: No dynamic lighting at entrance Insufficient space at entrance for more than 4 PCs to enter the cave without being in the first pool, only two fit reasonably. C1 - No frog tokens in pool, in contrast to descriptive text. Two&nbsp; giant ice frogs &nbsp;hide in the murky pool. If combat breaks out in this area, the bandits in area C2 quickly come to investigate. C4 - No indication of pit trap location on GM Layer One of the bedrolls covers the opening of a 10-foot-deep pit trap.
Compendium searches: Gods and deities Encountered because I type faster than the autocomplete can provide results when I searched for "deity". These synonymous terms produce variable results. "Deity" produces no results "Deities" only returns "Prime Deities" Using a partial word, "deit", only returns "Prime Deities" "God" returns Betrayer Gods Tribes of Shadycreek Run: Jagoda Uttolot Wildemount After the Calamity: In the Wake of the Gods Druid: Druids and the Gods "Gods" returns same results as "God", minus "Tribes of Shadycreek Run" Ideally, all four of these terms produce the same search results, the deity vs. deities being the most egregious, and deity vs. god providing only half the list each.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
John - Thanks for your feedback and reports! We work with the assets that the publisher, in this case, Wizards of the Coast, includes in their print product, so we are not able to extend the map to the north. The current dynamic lighting lines reflect the space, and you are always welcome to have your players begin in the empty space to the left or on another map. Additionally, we did not add a pit trap location in area C4 intentionally as the content creators did not provide a location. Instead, this is left to GM discretion. I’ll pass your additional feedback about compendium searches onto our dev team, and your giant ice frogs report will be in the next Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount patches.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Patch 1.5 Returned two giant ice frogs to their pool in C1 (Frozen Sick). Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Adventure Preview Patch 1.4 Returned two giant ice frogs to their pool in C1.
In "Mystery in Palebank Village" when you scroll to the bottom, there is a section about Pelc's Curiosities where there is a fight with Bandits. There is no map for Pelc's Curiosities or any indication as to where you are supposed to have the players fight the banidts.
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Eric - Hi there, there's no map provided by Wizards of the Coast in the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount , so Roll20's conversion also does not include a specific map. You're welcome to upload your own map or draw on the Roll20 VTT, however! I hope you're enjoying playing and exploring Wildemount.
I am new to 5e, so this may be an ignorance on my part. I just had a player create a Sorcerer with Draconic Bloodline, and as we were testing out her spells, every time she cast, her damage was rolled twice. it was not consistent as to which die was considered for the damage. This is the first time I have had a sorcerer in Roll20 so I have no idea why this is happening, if it is a Wildemount thing or a 5e thing. Can you solve this mystery?
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Malcolm - Could I get more information? Knowing which spells this effects and having screenshots, if possible, would help me puzzle out what's happening here. Thanks!