I'm all about mobile support. This is the biggest thing that separates this project from the other VTTs so far. Maptool, for example, has a lot to offer, but no mobile. This is where I really see this project excelling. Please keep making progress in this area.
@Soren V, I have no issue with paying for stuff I want. The question is, does it have what I want, and at what point am I willing to pay for it? Everyone is different. I see value in this and everyone here has been able to show me why it's worth it. I was looking at this as a beta, not a complete application, and truth be told, it's not complete, is it? Hopefully, it never will be.
You know what made me realize that it is the right time? Reading the above posts and seeing that people were, in reality, investing in this unfinished product. This is a relitively new business model. Deliver something that's has a base of functionality, get people to buy into it, and grow it. There is an article from NY Times, (2011), about a university professor that challenged his business students to make no frills applications for Facebook. Some of them managed to make incomplete products, that worked. Months later some of the successful ones dropped out of school and started a business to support the product they made. They made it a success. They made a lot of money too.
I think this product is just like that. Well not exactly but it follows some of the ideas there. It started in the Kickstarter program. Some of the users here bought into the idea then, when it was no frills. It had a very small marketplace. It had basic functionality. Good for them. They took a gamble. That's what it was. A gamble. Something important is that if people didn't take chances like that, we might not have this product where it is now. Thanks to them for that. (Also, thanks to the people that put time and effort into the free packs there. That's an article in it's own right, so I'll stop there.) Personally, I have a hard time gambling. That's just me though. However, now it has legs, and it looks like it's going somewhere. Thanks to the developers for using the money from those early adopters wisely. Being conservative in spending, I've seen opportunities come and go, but that's really not important is it? Maybe it is, cause I've put some money down now. On this. I know it's not a lot, but I guess it helps to move that little yellow slider up a tiny bit. Hopefully it helps.
I'm not going to turn into a "how you should run your business" thread, cause it's your business. I hope the people running it are , and it looks like you are, doing things right. You will not let things just slide. You will make the most of the money and time that's put into it. You will listen to the users. You will set your priorities in order and stick to them. You will make this project a success.
Thanks again to everyone involved, from the Devs and KSBackers all the way to the people like me, who put in the cash to make it grow a bit more.
Oh, and don't forget to send my air elemental cookie. I have my glass of milk ready to go!