Adventure: Tomb of the Kirin-Born Prince
Technical Issue: see below
1. The map has incorrect dynamic lighting in room 1. Room 1 states:
Torch. Easily ignored, unless the characters glance around the room looking for clues, is a lone extinguished torch stuck into the eastern wall next to the door. The torch is magical. When lit, it reveals the presence of the secret door in the northwestern wall.
Shadow Door Trap. The door is fake; it is actually nothing more than a wall carving made to look like a door. It's magically reinforced, too, with an AC of 26, 100 hp (threshold 10), resistance to all nonmagical damage, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
But the dynamic lighting is setup as so:

2. The door between rooms 1 & 4 is a fake door, I read that as it's only visible in room 1 and no mention of it is made in the description of room 4, yet the door is visible on the map in room, which would lead players to attempt to interact with it, requiring the GM to let them know, they don't actually see the door, it's a wall...and the alcove serves no purpose at that point.
3. The description for Room 5 is incorrect (easily corrected by me, but something I figured you may want to update). It states:
At the eastern edge of the room is a semi-transparent set of large green and black curtains.

Unless my sense of direction is completely messed up, that should be the western edge (not the eastern).
That's all I have for now.