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Official [AD&D 2E Revised] Update thread

That is indeed the sheet of which I spoke. And it is in no way a necessity prolly just a bit of nostalgia, lol. As for your sheet being complex it was far less manageable a year ago. To give you an idea a have 5e players that I am introducing to the one "true" version. A year or so ago they wouldn't even attempt but with the added functionality like the self-populating stats and spells they no longer cower in fear. 
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Zombie_Hawk said: That is indeed the sheet of which I spoke. And it is in no way a necessity prolly just a bit of nostalgia, lol. As for your sheet being complex it was far less manageable a year ago. To give you an idea a have 5e players that I am introducing to the one "true" version. A year or so ago they wouldn't even attempt but with the added functionality like the self-populating stats and spells they no longer cower in fear.  I feel your strugle :P I also have a 5e player that I am trying to convert. It is a long process. To be honest a lot of these features I work on is mainly for my own games as my players need all the handholding that they can get :P

Edited 1637664928
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Monster sheet improvements! 4.2.0 Github PR:  Pull Request As mentioned previously the repeating monster variants  how now been permanently deleted, and in its stead, new features for the monster sheet has been added. Additional attacks for monsters A repeating table for monster attacks has been added. This allows for many more than then standard 3 normal and 1 special attack. This table also uses the logic for auto populating weapons, used for the Player sheet. A few notes on this The monster table is greatly simplified, removing columns, such as strength and dexterity bonuses, as monsters do not have attributes. Monster proficiency is also removed as it is assumed that monsters are proficient with the weapons that they carry (DMG p. 45) Attack adjustments are added directly to the ThAC0, thus if a weapon is a "Club +2" then the thaco calculation will be '@{monsterthac0} - 2' (improving the ThAC0 by 2) Damage adjustments from magical weapons are added directly to the damage field. The Damage field only populate weapons S/M damage. This is done to keep the table simple, and because it is assumed that monsters will hit players most of the time, and players are generally S/M.     If someone desires both the S/M and L category for weapons, please let me know so that I can add it. The publicity of Hit, Damage, and Special damage are all controlled by the switch used for the static attack buttons. Thus monster attacks can be public to all players, or only sent to the GM. Thus if a GM clicks the attack, only he can see it. Wizard and priest spells for monsters Wizard and priest spells has been added to the monster sheet. The same auto fill logic as used for players is used for monster spells Monsters only have a single section for spells, as monsters in general have a very limited assertion of spells, thus making it easier to get an overview with just one section The field to keep track of the caster level of the monster has been added. This field is the same as for the players, ie. @{level-wizard} and @{level-priest}, so do not create a monster on the same sheet as a PC spell caster. This is done since all the spells use this field for calculating values A datalist has been added for easier auto fill of the monster Wizard caster level and Priest caster level Monster datalists Added datalists for the following monster fields: Frequency Intelligence Size Morale - Note, some monsters have a morale range, ie. 13-14. The sheet does not currently support this. If a monster has a range, please choose a specific value. This is also reflected in the datalist. Useroptions for the monster sheet The first sheet user option is now available. This allows GMs to set the general value for if monster attacks should be public or private. If a GM desires for all monster attacks to be private, they no longer have to remember to set the checkbox after creating every monster Setting any user options only affects new sheets. All existing sheets will keep their current value. General sheet change Before After Magic weapons can now reduce speed down to 0 instead of 1. The rule was found in the PHB p. 127 This change is active for all weapons autofill, melee, ranged, henchmen, and monsters That is all for this time I don't know when the next update will come, but it will feature some cleanup of the Gem pouch in the Currency section.
Hi, I'm Peter's DM, and I don't think he thought it through, when he added more and easier ways to attack, damage and kill his characters... 
Excellent work, so many details. I haven't actually started to use it on my next campaign, I had just a quick glance but I was definitely fascinated! I was wondering how kits are working: we have to manually input it in the field and then it self populate with all the relevant details?
Peter B.
Sheet Author
frons79 said: Excellent work, so many details. I haven't actually started to use it on my next campaign, I had just a quick glance but I was definitely fascinated! I was wondering how kits are working: we have to manually input it in the field and then it self populate with all the relevant details? Thank you for your kind words :) About Kits: you have to populate them your self. As All the current self population has focus on data from The player's handbook Kits have not yet been included.  Due to The vast range of Kits and specific rules, I currently have No plans for supporting them. I see it as very Hard to implement for very little payoff :) 
To the author,  Hi just want to say thanks for the sheet i felt a bit nostalgic for the old days and wanted to run a 2e game,  the sheet is great keep up the good work!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Carl L. said: To the author,  Hi just want to say thanks for the sheet i felt a bit nostalgic for the old days and wanted to run a 2e game,  the sheet is great keep up the good work! Glad to hear you like my work! Always good to see more people coming back to AD&D 2E :)

Edited 1637071237
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Cleanup of Currencies! 4.3.0 Github PR:  Pull Request This update will go live in roughly 1 weeks, to give time to Macro-users and API-scripters to sort out their things :) The currency section has a lot of duplication as is today. This has been cleanup resulting in the following areas getting removed: Before After Changes: All data has been moved from the old fields to the new fields If there is any data in the old fields, a header for that section is added, and then the content is added under it Furthermore the Other Items of Value  textarea has been moved to be placed beside the gems, to decrease the amount of scrolling needed on the currency page. For Macro-users, API-scripters, and other Coders The following static fields has been removed:   gemdesc, gemvalue, gemqty, gemsizecut   gemdesc2, gemvalue2, gemqty2, gemsizecut2   gemdesc3, gemvalue3, gemqty3, gemsizecut3   gemdesc4, gemvalue4, gemqty4, gemsizecut4   gemdesc5, gemvalue5, gemqty5, gemsizecut5   gemdesc6, gemvalue6, gemqty6, gemsizecut6   otherval2, otherval3, otherval4, otherval5, otherval6   othervalue2, othervalue3, othervalue4, othervalue5, othervalue6 The following repeating sections  has been removed:   repeating_gem2, repeating_gem3, repeating_gem4, repeating_gem5, repeating_gem6 Styling changes The following sections has been made more responsive to larger displays, allowing the input fields to increase in size with the window: Gem Pouch Before After Gear carried and Gear Stored Before After Weapon and Nonweapon proficiencies Before After Visual clarity Made the Weapontype vs Armortype under weapons be collapsable as I think few people use the section. This should make the weapons section a bit more clear Before After This is it for this time I hope you like the cleanup and new styling. Styling is very subjective, so it is always subject to change :) The next major update is planned to be more feature rich and will contain a new roll template! Stay tuned for more! :D

Edited 1636149858
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter
Peter, all looks great - a worthwhile cleanup.  Though its a good thing I've not yet started to code my MoneyMaster API and its still in prototype macro stage of development!  Good timing from my point of view. FYI I've overcome my issue of distributing my spell, magical effect, magic item, weapon and armour databases with my APIs into the sealed API sandbox and I'm very close to releasing the full series of APIs for AD&D 2e (assuming they get through the Dev Team checks!) so all those lovely goodies I've been promising to everyone in the past will be available.  Nearly 26,000 lines of code, over 500 spell & power definitions, 100 different live effects, 150 different weapon definitions, and over 300 magic items... all driven by what I believe (and the testing team have said) are easy to use menus.  Full documentation accompanies them, including how to add your own magic items, weapons, armour and even spells and new effects to the distributed databases. I've been testing them out on my long-suffering group of DMs and Players (so not just me using and testing them, but across multiple campaigns run by multiple DMs), though there is still some testing to do I've got to release them soon or what's the point?
On the subject of a new roll template --- Ah..  Mmmm...  I use the Roll Templates you have provided EXTENSIVELY  so please only cosmetic changes. I'm taking 100's of places I'd have to alter if anything major changes. Generally speaking, as long as all the fields are the same they should all work fine.  99% of the ones used by my APIs & databases are the 2Edefault & 2Espell roll templates.  Do let me know if it is anything other than cosmetic change...  Thanks, and still great work!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Richard @ Damery said: Peter, all looks great - a worthwhile cleanup.  Though its a good thing I've not yet started to code my MoneyMaster API and its still in prototype macro stage of development!  Good timing from my point of view. I am really glad to know that you are on board with this change! I was hoping to hear from you! I will move the update to a sooner time, knowing that you are with me on this! :) Richard @ Damery said: On the subject of a new roll template --- Ah..  Mmmm...  I use the Roll Templates you have provided EXTENSIVELY  so please only cosmetic changes. I'm taking 100's of places I'd have to alter if anything major changes. Generally speaking, as long as all the fields are the same they should all work fine.  99% of the ones used by my APIs & databases are the 2Edefault & 2Espell roll templates.  Do let me know if it is anything other than cosmetic change...  Thanks, and still great work! As I mentioned in my post I am creating a new  roll template. All the old ones will remain the same as they always have been. So no compatibility issues coming your way :)
Peter B. said: As I mentioned in my post I am creating a new  roll template. All the old ones will remain the same as they always have been. So no compatibility issues coming your way :) Ah, I understand!  By new  I thought you meant a replacement.  Good to hear the old ones will still be there - but if the new one is as good as the rest of your enhancements I look forward to seeing and using it.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
No replacements. I will always be very vocal and clear in my communication if I make breaking changes :) I hope it will live up to expectations. It is still some time away and needs more work. We will see once it goes live :)
I was wondering, An I am sorry if this is not the place to ask, if anyone has developed any macro's for this sheet for the rogue abilities. If i am indeed in the wrong place I apologize
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Zombie_Hawk said: I was wondering, An I am sorry if this is not the place to ask, if anyone has developed any macro's for this sheet for the rogue abilities. If i am indeed in the wrong place I apologize You Are in the right place. What kind os macros Are you looking for? What functionality do you desire? :) 
GTG. Took a little digging in roll20 but found the roll template wiki. Thanks. Not saying I wont be back needing help for something else lol.

Edited 1638282183
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Grenadelike Missiles and Spells! 4.4.0 Github PR:  Pull Request Hello everyone. Another update is coming your way for our beloved AD&D sheet. Grenadelike missile miss Roll template The first feature that I have been spending way too much time on is an automated roll template to handle what happens when a Grenade like missile flies off target. On the weapons tab, under the ranged section will be a button to invoke the rolltemplate. This template uses the new Custom Roll Parsing and is therefore currently only accessible via this button (as I am doing some math and roll manipulation via a sheetworker) Clicking the button will ask you for what item has been thrown and how far: Using these values the following RollTemplate will be posted in the chat: Please refer to p. 88 of the DMG for the rules The following information is located on this template: Name of grenade thrown The direction it flew off target (1d10), this is also highlighted on the drawning. The distance thrown (Short: 1d6 feet, Medium 1d10 feet, Long 2d10 feet) It is calculated if the target is still within either Direct hit distance or Splash hit distance (kept in feet diameter to keep in line with the DMG description) Buttons for rolling the damage if either is a hit. Now for a bit of explaining the math behind these calculations: **Disclaimer Start** When calculating the position of the enemy I assume that the enemy is a singular point, that is the enemy has no width or radius. This is a simplification to avoid getting into scenarios where an enemy is half inside / half outside the Direct Hit  and Splash  radiuses. If an enemy is directly on the edge between Direct Hit  and Splash  then the enemy is considered in Direct Hit  range. Same goes for Splash  / out of range enemies. It is of course free for any DM to rule that the outcome of the scenario is different than what the template says **Disclaimer End** When a grenade goes off target is has an area of effect of which everyone within is effected by the Direct hit damage. Take Oil (lit)  for instance. It has an area of effect of 3 feet diameter (1.5 feet radius). If a flask of burning oils goes off target by just 1 feet, then the primary target is still within the area  of effect as the radius is 1.5 feet. Here is an example of how that looks: For the splash damage, everything from the edge of the Direct hit area and 3 additional feet out is considered Splash (3 feet radius / 6 feet diameter) .   The buttons for rolling damage is always show, even when a Direct hit, or a Miss occurs, as these might be useful for other enemies on the battle field. Say you throw a grenade at a shield wall of enemies, miss and roll a Direction  roll of 2, then it would go to the left. It is highly likely that another enemy will get hit by the direct hit area. For the same reason the Splash information is always shown. The roll template can also handle other custom grenade or spells, like the priest spell Produce Flame . By picking the Other  option in the first dropdown, additional queries are asked to the player to fill out: In this case the Splash Hit  section is still shown even though there is no splash damage on the spell. This is a small edge case and might get cleaned up later on, if players want it I really hope you will enjoy this Roll template and get some use out of it in your games! :D More spells! The spells from the Complete Wizard's Handbook have been added! To activate these spells, look at the next feature! If you try to use a spell without activating the book, the roll will look like this Sheet Settings tab A new primary tab has been added to the sheet. Under this tab current, and future settings is planned to be located The Player's Handbook is always included and cannot be turned off :) The setting for monster attacks has also been moved to here, for consistency. These settings are also available as user options for the DM when creating new sheets: Improved styling I finally fixed the broken header styling and made text more readable in general: Before After Animal follower spells collapsible The animal followers have spells, which took up quite a bit of space. This is now collapsible Before After Added spells to the repeating animal followers I don't know if anyone even uses this, but it was an inconsistency so I added it for completeness sake Before After Fixed Removed Paralysis calculations Both the Range  and the Area of Effect  was missing calculations. Please remove the spell and re-add it to update the information. Before After That is it for this time! Hope you guys will enjoy the update, it took quite some time to get everything right! :D For the next update I plan to tackle the Tome of Magic! So if you like more spells, there is some good news for you! See you next time!

Edited 1640214030
Peter B.
Sheet Author
More Weapons and Spells! 4.5.0 Hello everyone. Here is another update for you all! Pull Request:  Github PR Weapons autofill improvements Autofill also sets ThAC0 This works for both PCs and Monsters. It not implemented for Followers and Followers currently does not have a base ThAC0 field. PC ThAC0 also update all weapons. This only updates weapons that matches the previous ThAC0. This is to account for special weapons that does not use the base ThAC0 for some reason. Note: This is not implemented for Monster repeating attacks as they do not have an Attack Adjustment field, but instead alters ThAC0 directly. Therefore it is hard to determine if a ThAC0 is not matching the base because the weapon is magical or because it is a special attack. Also monsters tend to not change ThAC0 that often, so it does not seem like a big loss. Follower weapons now correctly update damage vs Large targets Before After Rogue skills now add up to 95% Before After Rogue skills now add up to a maximum of 95% as per the Player's Handbook. Added Grenadelike ranged weapons Added Acid, Holy water, Oil (lit), Poison and Throw Misc Added material from additional books Added Weapons from the Fighter's and Priest's Handbook Fighter's Handbook Priest's Handbook Added Proficiencies from the Thief's Handbook Added Spells from the Tome of Magic Added more settings on the Sheet Settings Make sure to activate all the new books on the Sheet Settings tab (if your DM allows it): If you forget to activate a book, my new "toast" will help to guide your use of the sheet. Simply activate the book, and re-add the weapon. Added detail information about Potions This is it for this time! This has been quite a lot of work to get done, but it is finally ready for you all. I hope you will enjoy it! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Good New Year!

Edited 1640456979
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Error fix for new Character sheets. 4.5.1 Hello guys. Pull Request:  Github PR A small update, with a bugfix for when new character sheets are made. Thanks to Richard for finding and pointing out this error to me :) Added heading to Surprise Roll Before After Added description of Magical Armor bonus to saving throw That is all folks That is all for this small update :)
I love this sheet. I am converting from Fantasy Grounds. FG has a lot more functionality for references and lookups, but it is so slow, and has no ability for players to do any kind of sheet maintenance offline, and that makes play by post, which we like to do in-between sessions, impossible. As I am new to this, I would like some advice. I have a lot of wands and similar items (Staff of Power, etc.), as well as Rings of Spells Storing. I am curious how people handle these types of items on their sheets. I see a place to add potions with effects, but not items. Am I missing something? Do people just add them to the "powers" section, or just add them as additional memorized spells? Thanks for all of the great work!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Michael B. said: I love this sheet. I am converting from Fantasy Grounds. FG has a lot more functionality for references and lookups, but it is so slow, and has no ability for players to do any kind of sheet maintenance offline, and that makes play by post, which we like to do in-between sessions, impossible. Thank you. I really mean it. This is some of the highest praise I have ever received. I am truly grateful for your words. Thank you, thank you! As I am new to this, I would like some advice. I have a lot of wands and similar items (Staff of Power, etc.), as well as Rings of Spells Storing. I am curious how people handle these types of items on their sheets. I see a place to add potions with effects, but not items. Am I missing something? Do people just add them to the "powers" section, or just add them as additional memorized spells? Thanks for all of the great work! Well as of right now there is no specific section for items with charges. I have heard some people use the Potion / Scroll / Dust sections for storing these as there are both a field for quantity / charges and a free macro field where players can write the effect of the item how they see fit. For specific items with specific spells, such as Wand of Magic Missile , some have used the spell section, which is good if you have no other spells, but can be troublesome if have other spells memorised. As for any dedicated section for magical items. I currently have no plans to implement a dedicated section for magical items, as the range of items and how they work are so wide, that it is hard to formulate a one-size-fits-all section to handle all the different items. I hope this is an answer to your question :)
Michael B. said: I love this sheet. I am converting from Fantasy Grounds. FG has a lot more functionality for references and lookups, but it is so slow, and has no ability for players to do any kind of sheet maintenance offline, and that makes play by post, which we like to do in-between sessions, impossible. As I am new to this, I would like some advice. I have a lot of wands and similar items (Staff of Power, etc.), as well as Rings of Spells Storing. I am curious how people handle these types of items on their sheets. I see a place to add potions with effects, but not items. Am I missing something? Do people just add them to the "powers" section, or just add them as additional memorized spells? Thanks for all of the great work! Michael, In the next couple of weeks I will be releasing an API for Peter's sheet called MagicMaster  which will provide many working magic items that characters, NPCs and Creatures can use, as well as many spells with Area of Effect display, and effects on caster's and victim's character sheets.  It includes working spell storing magic items, that can store spells, cast from them, and be recharged, as well as many wands and staves that have real effects, some with charges, and even a dancing quarterstaff and a dancing longbow. MagicMaster  sits alongside several other APIs I have already released, and others yet to be released, that form a complete automation package around Peter's excellent sheet, especially for us AD&D2E aficionados!  These are RoundMaster, InitiativeMaster, & AttackMaster  already released, and CommandMaster & MoneyMaster  which have yet to finish full testing. Watch this thread, and I'll announce when MagicMaster  is ready for DMs with a Pro membership to load as an API to their campaigns.
I would loveeeeeee to see the items from all 4 volumes of the magical encyclopedia added but yeah thats a huge undertaking just like adding the MM
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Official Nerdbauchery Team said: I would loveeeeeee to see the items from all 4 volumes of the magical encyclopedia added but yeah thats a huge undertaking just like adding the MM I assume that once Richards Magic Master goes live, you will have access to All these items.  I personally look forward to seeing The finish result and play around with it :) 
Peter B. said: Official Nerdbauchery Team said: I would loveeeeeee to see the items from all 4 volumes of the magical encyclopedia added but yeah thats a huge undertaking just like adding the MM I assume that once Richards Magic Master goes live, you will have access to All these items.  I personally look forward to seeing The finish result and play around with it :)  I'm only initially adding all spells from the PHB (plus a few from elsewhere), and a number of Magic Items from the DMG (plus some from elsewhere and invented ones).  However, the APIs come with instructions of how to add additional spells and magic items in your own databases, that can use the API functions to add automation & Character Sheet effects. I might be open to requests for complex stuff that require more in-depth knowledge of the APIs, but simple stuff I'd hope others might pick up.  If the ones created by others are sent to me, I could then add them into the databases distributed with the APIs.
I look forward to contributing to this. I have been successful with ScriptCards & PowerCards API's in handling multi functioning magic items. As well as many mundane tasked items like charges or uses.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Richard @ Damery said: I might be open to requests for complex stuff that require more in-depth knowledge of the APIs, You have just opened Pandoras Box. Give a finger and people will take an arm.  You know where this is going to end xD

Edited 1642341948
Peter B.
Sheet Author
More Settings and Books. 4.6.0 Github PR: Pull Request Hello everyone. Here is another update with focus on quality of life and a lot more book content Quality of Life  Sheet Setting to turn off pop on rolls By default the popup is turned on as that is how the sheet has always worked. Note: Not every single button on the sheet has been checked. So some popups might be missing or might be active even when turned off Note2: The Psionics Core buttons does not have any popups as these buttons did not have any before, and I know too little of Psionics to add these miscellaneous modifiers according to the rules. Turn Undead Initiative button Before After Added individual spheres to sphere input fields Before After More colors for the 2Edefault roll template Requestion by BilBo 2  more colors have been added to the 2Edefault roll template. To apply the new colors, add the {{color=xxx}} parameter.  Note that the color parameter is case sensitive. It should be written in all lower case. The available colors are: default {{color=red}} {{color=yellow}} {{color=blue}} {{color=orange}} {{color=gray}} {{color=brown}} {{color=purple}} If anyone wants these colors added for the other roll templates let me know and I will add them :) More Book content I have spent quite a bit of time going through the books and adding various content. Added Silenced Elven Chain Mail Added silenced elven chain mail to thief skill armor datalist. Selecting the armor also auto fills the data The armor statistics has also been added to collapsable tables below Added more content from The Player's Handbook The Complete Fighter's Handbook Added Weapon Proficiencies: Added the Tight / Broad weapon groups, the four weapon style specializations (Single, Dual, Two-handler, Single + shield), and Ambidexterity, and the non weapon style specialization, punching, wrestling, and the martial arts proficiency Added Weapons/Attacks  Added the standard punching and wrestling from the Player's Handbook and added the Shield-Punch, Shield-Rush, and Martial Arts attacks from the Fighter's Handbook Added weapons from the Arms and Equipment Guide Added weapons and proficiencies from the Complete Book of Dwarves Added Spells and proficiencies from The Complete Book of Bards Added Weapons, Spells, and Proficiencies from The Complete Book of Elves Added Weapons and Proficiencies from The Complete Book of Humanoids Added Weapons, Spells, and Proficiencies from The Complete Ranger's Handbook Added Proficiencies from The Complete Paladin's Handbook Added Spells from The Complete Druid's Handbook  Note on Book content If there are "errors" in a book, then content has been written as in the book. In other words, I have not tried to fix these errors and leave it to the players to handle these issues in their own games. For instance, note that the Camouflage Nonweapon proficiency from the Rangers Handbook is listed as part of the "Fighter/Rogue" group. This seems like a mistake, as groups are normally written to cross between base classes, ie. "Warrior/Rogue". However as it is written like that in the book, I will keep it like that here. It is up to the individual players to handle this inconsistency If there are any inconsistencies between books, then both versions have been added. Here are some instances: The proficiency "Signaling" is mention in both book of Dwarves and Rangers. It has different modifiers and spelling, so both versions have been added: "Signalling int+2" and "Signaling int-2" Note: Some changes that have not been added, are different proficiency costs for dwarves from the book of dwarves, such as cheaper blind-fighting, weaponsmithing and Dwarf Runes. It is up to the individual player to seek out these changes and update them correctly Fixed a bug with priest Add Spells button So apparently the Elemental sphere was pretty much ignored... oops! I found the error and fixed it Before After Note: This testing also made it clear that the spheres are case sensitive. This has not been changed as of this update, so if you find that some spells are not added, and that they should be, make sure you use the correct casing of sphere names, by capitalizing the first letter. Ie. Correct: Astral, Elemental, Travel Wrong: astral, elemental, travel That is it for this time! Hope you guys will enjoy all the new content! Please let me know if some functionality does not work. If any data is wrong be sure to validate the original source and then let me know so that it can be fixed :) See you next time!
Good Grief Peter.... That is some great content added.... ....SWEET....

Edited 1642342007
Peter B.
Sheet Author
BilBo 2 said: Good Grief Peter.... That is some great content added.... ....SWEET.... Thanks man. I spent quite some time on this. :D Only a few more Books to go :P Btw I updated the update post, and I forgot to add your requested change about colors for the 2Edefault roll template. It has been added now :)
For all you great AD&D 2E people, I have now released the first instalment of my APIs for AD&D 2E which build upon Peter's excellent character sheet.  They are available now as One-Click installable APIs (i.e. the Roll20 team have accepted them to be merged in with the library of APIs).  I've been promising these for some time, so I hope they are worth the wait... There is a dedicated Wiki page called  RPGMaster  which has an overall high-level description, links to videos with demonstrations of how to install and use the APIs (I've not finished making all of these videos yet...), and also links to the Wiki page of each individual API, each of which is highly detailed.  Each API installs Handouts in your campaign with very extensive manuals, but actually the easiest way to learn about the APIs is to watch the videos on the RPGMaster Wiki. Don't post feeback about them here - this is Peter's page and he has plenty of wonderful developments to fill these pages!  I have started my own thread for the RPGMaster series , so please go there and leave comments, suggestions and feedback (and the inevitable bug reports...). Enjoy!
For those who are interested, the latest release of the RPGMaster series of APIs has gone live (importantly fixing the One-Click Install, which is now working).  Full list of items in the release on its forum .  Do subscribe to that forum if you are interested to see what's happening, as I'll probably not post here - this is Peter's page.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Hey guys For the next Update, I am working on a button to roll critical hits, as per the first description in the Dungeon Masters Guide . The mechanics being rolling the damage die for the weapon twice, and adding magic, strength, proficiency bonuses only once. I am trying different designs, and would like some input from you guys as to what seems clearest and easiest to use :) Here are some of my thoughts Design #1 The normal hit button seems to become too small compared to the Crit , and might therefore be missable, making players click the crit button instead. I think it should have some kind of text to appear just as important as the crit button Design #2 Conceptually there is a good distinction between a Hit  and a Crit  however the word Hit  is rather ambiguous in AD&D, as Rolling to Hit  is also used in the first table to see if an attack hits the target. Roll to Hit  is also known as the Attack Roll  so one change could be to rename the button in the table row to Attack, but that takes up more space in a table that is already a bit too wide. The Ranged attack table cannot handle getting wider. Design #3 The word Dmg  is short for Damage, and is a working name, as you Roll for Damage  or Roll to do Damage , but I feel that it is too generic and does really fit as an opposite to the word Crit . It kinda makes it read as if the Dmg  roll deals the damage and Crit roll does something else entirely, like a special effect, ie. knocking over the opponent or making them drop their weapon Design #4 This design is similar to design #3 as it does not try to name the button something opposite to the word Crit, but instead tries to make it clear what kind of enemy is being attack, ie. S/M or Large. This does work, and gives some clarity to the button rolls, but again does not fit well as an opposite to the word Crit . To follow through on this design the Crit  buttons should probably be renamed to Crit S/M  and Crit L , to keep the notion that the buttons are strongly linked to the category of enemy they are attacking. So those are some of my thoughts. I would love to hear your thoughts on the designs and hear what you prefer. If you have a new design, different from the 4 options laid out here, please let me know and give me a drawing. I would really like to hit the best possible design with this :)
Dude I love that you do this! Thank u so much!!
Sheet Author
Have you considered removing the die icon from the buttons to free up a little room?&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> That might take give you what you need for labeling without going too wide.&nbsp; You could also color code the buttons for regular/crit damage to make a distinction other than simply label.
My preference is for #1, but I'm not clear on how it works. Maybe I can have Cliff's Notes?
I have been a silent user of this character sheet since its conception. Peter, thank you very much for all you've done. I've been using the majority of the functions, like turn undead, initiative for turn undead, spells from different books, weapons, sources, it is amazing when you wonder 'is it in the sheet' and then you start typing and you find it there! You have made a diehard grognard a very happy diehard grognarg :)
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Thank you for all of you input! I think I will go with the design #1 for now. If it creates confusion for players, then it can be changed later on.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
James C. said: I have been a silent user of this character sheet since its conception. Peter, thank you very much for all you've done. I've been using the majority of the functions, like turn undead, initiative for turn undead, spells from different books, weapons, sources, it is amazing when you wonder 'is it in the sheet' and then you start typing and you find it there! You have made a diehard grognard a very happy diehard grognarg :) I am happy to hear that I have gotten a diehard Grognard on my side! You can never have too many Grognards! :)
Hello there, im interested in making a 2e character app, and I'm personally in the process of filling out all the 2e AD&amp;D PHB spells. I posted on r/adnd and your DM (he just mentioned that your one of his players) mentioned this project of yours. I was wondering if you could share the PHB spells that you've done, that is if they are in a JSON format, or if not I could just use as reference for text since my PHB is in PDF format and i cant copy the text directly from there. Its understandable if you don't want to share your work, I imagine it took a lot of time to do the spells (because its taking me a lot of time lol). If you are so kind to share, you can send contact me on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. The project looks great! Have a Great Day!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
alex M. said: Hello there, im interested in making a 2e character app, and I'm personally in the process of filling out all the 2e AD&amp;D PHB spells. I posted on r/adnd and your DM (he just mentioned that your one of his players) mentioned this project of yours. I was wondering if you could share the PHB spells that you've done, that is if they are in a JSON format, or if not I could just use as reference for text since my PHB is in PDF format and i cant copy the text directly from there. Its understandable if you don't want to share your work, I imagine it took a lot of time to do the spells (because its taking me a lot of time lol). If you are so kind to share, you can send contact me on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . The project looks great! Have a Great Day! I've sent you an email. Happy coding!

Edited 1646897613
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Last Handbooks, Psionics love, and fixes Github PR: Pull Request Yet another update coming your way!&nbsp; Added material from the last™ books Added Dwarf specific proficiencies from the Complete Book of Dwarves After looking at all the dwarf proficiencies again, I realised that quite a number of them had either a reduced cost or a different modifier for the roll. All of these variations have been added. A few notes on these: Endurance is stated to cost 1 slot down from 2 slots, but in the description text further down the book it is stated to be free for all dwarves… Surprisingly not the first time a book does not even agree even with itself Herbalism is listed twice. Once under Crafts for with an improved modifier for the roll, and once under the Priest where it is similar to the PHB. Be aware of this when creating a Dwarf with Herbalism. Make sure to read the book and figure out which one to pick :) Added Weapons and Proficiencies from The Complete Barbarian’s Handbook Added Spells and Proficiencies from The Complete Book of Necromancers The vast majority of these spells are designed for evil npc necromancers, so please consult your DM before picking any of these spells Added Weapons, Spells, and Proficiencies from The Complete Ninja’s Handbook Note that all ninja spells only require Somatic components, which are special ninja hand signs, so in other words… Its Naruto time! DATTEBAYO! For those of you who use the Player’s Options: Combat &amp; Tactics note that the Complete Ninja's Handbook actually came out after the C&amp;T book. There are generally more inconsistencies between the Ninja book and C&amp;T, than other handbooks and C&amp;T. Added sphere extensions from the Druids and Necromancers book I noticed that some spheres have been extended in these books. I added functionality to support this. This of course works for both when the spell is added, including the roll template and for when automatically adding priest spells. Here is as example, where the first spell is added without the Animal &amp; Plant sphere extension. The second spell is added with the Animal &amp; Plant sphere extension: The Animal &amp; Plant sphere extensions tries to give the druid access to a few spells that he really should have access to, like Commune with Nature. If that is not a druid spells, I do not know what is The Necromantic sphere extension is primarily used for creating evil npc necromancers by the DM. It is mainly there to give necromancers access to the reverse version of some spells that lie in the Healing sphere, such as Neutralise Poison’s reverse Poison. Make sure to consult your DM if you want to use it as a player! Added a bit of styling to the settings table Before After Added introductory text for Wizards and Priests on how to create Scrolls, Potions, and other Magical items This was done as some of this information is hidden away in the DMG, for example it is written in the PHB that the Wizard can create Scrolls and Potions on level 9, but it is not stated in the PHB when the priest can do the same. That is only stated in the DMG. I have intentionally kept the information sparse as this area is really for the DM only to read Added fields for Psionic Disciplines This was suggestion by a long time helper on the sheet, Maarkan !&nbsp; If anyone else have an awesome idea for the sheet, please reach out to me and give me a quick drawing. Then we can chat about getting your feature implemented. Weapon updates Added fields for tracking temporary buffs These fields working twofold.&nbsp; First they allow players to keep their weapon tables relatively static, not needing updates based on temporary buffs.&nbsp; Secondly it allows players to more easily turn off the pop up asking for miscellaneous modifier. Now you won’t forget to add a buff on every rolls by having to manually input it every time! Just remember to clear these buffs after you buff runs out! :D Note: &nbsp;A positive modifier for speed, makes your attacks faster, a negative modifier makes them slower.&nbsp; Added critical damage buttons for Standard Weapons Thank you for all of your input regarding the design. I decided to go with the first minimalistic design for now. If this causes trouble for players, I will come back to this in the future. Before After These rules follows the first description in the Dungeon Masters Guide, rolling the damage die of the weapon twice and adding bonuses from strength, magic, and proficiencies only once. Once I tackle the Player’s Options: Combat &amp; Tactics I will see if there is a ruling for critical damage in that book, and add it to the PO weapons Added the target size when rolling damage. Before After Added exploding dice for Arquebus Every time you roll a 10 on your d10 when dealing damage with the Arquebus, another d10 should be rolled and added, continuing forever, so if you roll 10, 10, 10, and 7, you will deal 37 damage! This functionality have been added to the autofill data for the Arquebus. Please read your Arquebus to get this new functionality Fixed Grenade Miss when using Holy Water Before After Also fixed output text for Holy water when using splash damage This is it for this time Hope you will enjoy these additions to the sheet. Happy dice rolling everyone! :D If you want to help me, please vote! If you want to help me in a very small way, please go to the link provided below and give my suggestion an upvote. With this feature I will be able to reduce the number of items in all the datalist to only those activated on the sheet. This will greatly reduce the amount of data presented, thus reducing the noise on the sheet for new players. Note: &nbsp;If you are a free user on Roll20, you will get your one vote per&nbsp; one year &nbsp;on the site. If you are a Plus or Pro user then you will have 5 or 10 votes (you can only vote once). This is the easiest way to support me and my work :) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
+1 Great work Peter!
Yep +1 from me.&nbsp; Anything to make life simpler (and character sheets!)

Edited 1645554026
Peter B.
Sheet Author
vÍnce said: +1 Great work Peter! Richard @ Damery said: Yep +1 from me.&nbsp; Anything to make life simpler (and character sheets!) Thanks guys! Love your support! :D
Great work!