Single line spells and defined spell tracking update! 4.15.0
Githup PR: Pull Request
Hello everyone!
It feels like it has been half a year since my last update. But fear not, I am finally back with a new update!
Single line spells
A little preface to this: When I originally created the new spell section, my goal was to utilise the 2Espell Roll Template, and to make it easier for users to input their data and get it displayed correctly. I therefore made it big and bombastic, right in the middle of the sheet, so everyone would notice it and how awesome it was. I had a lot of whitespace around it to indicate how important it was.
I soon learned that one of my own players used the section completely different to what I had imagine, which made me see the errors of my way. In my eager to show off my skills, I had completely forgotten the first rule of design: Less is more, and the value of simplicity. So now I am back with a new slim design to redeem myself.
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No fields have been deleted. They have only been moved around
The focus of this slim design is to get a good overview of your spells. It is quick to see what spells are available, along with a few key metrics for those spells. From my experience whenever a spell is going to be fired, the first question is always, “How far can it go?” and “How many can it hit?”, therefore Range and Area of Effect have been placed up front.
I did think about calculating the values of the Range and Area of Effect, but that might come later.
It is also easier to find the spells, that have been memorised and to see how many spells are left to cast for the day.
Lastly it is no longer possible to click the “wrong” button, as the “Roll Spell Effect” button has been removed. Now the spell can be printed as a roll template.
In order to still be able to set all the attributes of a spell the same folding functionality that was implemented on the Psionic powers and the Scrolls, have been implemented here. Clicking the ▼ will “fold out” the spell showing the remaining attributes and the spells description. This functionality was also available in the old design, but I believe the information is presented more elegant now.
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Spell tracking system selection
Default Sheet Settings | Sheet Settings tab |
The sheet has always had 3 different ways of tracking spells:
- Spell Slots
- Spell Points
- Arcs / Songs / Winds
All of these tracking methods were displayed on the sheet at the same time, making the new player experience terrible. Some fields were important while others should be ignored depending on how you play. I tried to help this by hiding the Spell Points and Arcs / Winds systems, which was helpful to the players only using Spell Slots, but making the experience worse for those using the now hidden systems, as they were force to have 3 systems visible, just to use one.
Now there is the option on the Sheet Settings tab, and in the Default Sheet Settings to select what spell tracking system you want to use, and only this system will be visible, ie. the systems are mutually exclusive.
The tracking next to each spell line also only shows the active system.
Spell Slots | Spell Points | Arcs / Winds |
This might not be 100% optimal for people using the Spell Points system, as that system still kinda have a concept of memorization. If anyone needs to use more than one system at a time, please let me know so I can make it possible to show multiple systems together.
The spell lines also scale dynamically with the width of the character sheet window.
High Wisdom now triggers a popup for bonus spells
I came across that bonus spells from high Wisdom only is available to priests, ie. Clerics, Druids, and speciality priests, and should not be given til Paladins and Rangers. Therefore a popup has been added when changing your Wisdom score to anything above 12, asking if you are a priest and therefore is eligible for bonus spells.
Fixed bonus spells from high Intuition from PO: Skills & Powers
I had accidentally used the Willpower sub ability score instead of Intuition. This has now been fixed.
High Wisdom now autofill bonus Winds for Priests
Under the Arcs / Winds system, priests also get bonus Winds (more spells), again this is only for priests and not for Paladins or Rangers. If you select that you are a priest in the popup mentioned above then the bonus Winds will be added.
NB. If the PO: Skills & Powers sub ability scores are used, then Wind is still calculated using the Wisdom score.
Bonus Spell Points from high Intelligence to Wizards
When I asked out about if anyone used the Spell Points system, a few people were saying that they planned on using it, so I decided to give it a little love.
Under the optional Spell Points system, there is an optional rule (optionaloptional? :P) to allow wizards to get a few more spell points from high Intelligence, just like priests get more spells from high Wisdom. Since this is an optional rule, I decided to implement the automation using a checkbox to enable it, instead of autofilling it every time the Intelligence ability score was updated, to incentivise players to ask their DM if they are getting the bonus. This bonus is presumably also only for Wizards and not for Bards.
A reference to PO: Spells & Magic where the rule is from is also added to high light this.
NB. If the sub ability scores from PO: Skills & Powers are used, Intelligence is still always used to calculate the bonus spell points. Despite PO: Spells & Magic have been published after PO: Skills & Powers, it have not defined when or how to use the sub ability scores.
Bonus Spell Points from high Wisdom to Priests
Since I added automation for the Wizards it only made sense to also add it for Priests.
The logic here is a bit more complicated as the bonus spell points scale with both Wisdom and level. See the table here:
I decided to use the same approach as the Wizard by having a checkbox. I will try to explain my thoughts here:
When creating a new character, I think it is more common to input the ability scores first, before adding the class and level. Assuming this is true, I would have to ask the player what level their character is every time their Wisdom score changed, which is nonsensical to me.
The checkbox serves to bar of Paladins and Rangers from getting the bonus.
I instead decided to use the Priest casting level attribute to determine the level of the priest. This field is located right above the Spell Points fields and is therefore likely to have been filled out before getting to the spell points. This field is not 100% accurate as spells such as Combine can temporarily increase the priest’s casting level without affecting the priest’s actual level, but I think it is close enough to not cause major problems. Paladins and Ranger also use a different casting level from their actual level, but as mentioned above they should not get this bonus anyways, so that is not be an issue.
Note: As can be seen on the table above, the priest’s level is only needed when the Wisdom score is 15 or above, so scores of 13 and 14 are just updates the bonus spell points without checking the level.
If the Wisdom score is 15 or above and the priest casting level is not set, the following notification will be shown:
A reference to PO: Spells & Magic where the rule is from is also added.
NB. If the sub ability scores from PO: Skills & Powers are used, the Wisdom is always used to calculate the bonus spell points. Despite PO: Spells & Magic have been published after PO: Skills & Powers, it have not defined when or how to use the sub ability scores.
TL;DR: If all of this is too confusing for you, then just uncheck the checkbox and input your desired bonus manually.
Fix delay in showing “Add Spells” for priest sphere of influence
I am probably the only one who was annoyed by this, but now it is fixed!
Before (Gif) | After (Gif) |
Only show arrows on number input fields in Firefox when needed
So Firefox likes to always show the arrows for changing an input fields number, while Chrome only show these when hovering over or focusing on the field. This has cause some of the input to seem rather small on Firefox because so much space is taken up by the arrows.
To align the design between Firefox and Chrome, the arrows have now been hidden by default on Firefox, and will only be shown on hover or focus, just like on chrome
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My DM has starting to bring out the big monsters, as was annoyed that the Hit Dice field could not hold 2 digits and that the Hit Points fields could not hold 3 digits, so I allowed the fields to scale with the window size
Updated Saving Throws to tell how much the check was made / missed by
The same functionality that was added to ability score rolls have been added to saving throws. This will help determine if a spell critical hit has landed, as it requires both a natural roll result and that the check was missed by a certain amount. However, since the Roll displayed in the roll template includes modifiers, you still need to mouse over the result to see what the raw roll was. The natural roll can be added later down the line if people think that it adds value.
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2Espell template: swapped Sensory signature and Knockdown
I swapped these two so that the attributes appear in the same order as they do in the PO: Spells & Magic book
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That is all for this time!
I hope the new single line spells will be an improvement to your games.
If they are a success, then I would like to do something similar with the weapons, to get rid of the split between hit and damage. It should honestly be a single line, but that is for the future.
Best of luck in your coming games and as always, if you find any bugs please let me know!