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[LFP] [Old School Essentials] [OSR] Dyson's Delve: A Mini-Megadungeon. Join a successfully running old-school game! New players welcome!


Edited 1604616613
A basic and casual old-school dungeon delving game, now adding more players! The game has been running regularly now, and the player characters are at levels 2 and 3. 2020 has taken its toll on our player base, and even though everyone is having a great time meddling in goblin politics, learning how to coexist peacefully with fire beetles, laying low from a rival adventuring party, and slaying wealthy ghouls, we've lost players to this year's difficult and exciting real world situations. Our group is made up of mindful and conscientious folks, and we should be able to get you up to speed very quickly! This game’s scope focuses on dungeon exploration. Dyson’s Delve is a mini-megadungeon: it has different levels and routes, factions you can ally with or swear to defeat (I roll reaction for monsters, so you can talk, bargain, question, recruit, and do a lot more than hack and slash), hidden treasures, and the potential for terrified retreats and cunning victories – all in a relatively compact set of maps, with enough treasure and XP to take a successful party to about level 5 or 6. The party has, so far, visited five different floors of the dungeon, and seen several more tantalizing routes to choose from! The ruleset is Old School Essentials, a cleanly edited restatement of the 1981 Basic/Expert game. It’s free and available here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> or you can get PDFs from Drivethrurpg. I’ve added a few house rules and clarify choices about optional subsystems in the FAQ thread. I am LGBTQIA+ friendly and expect you to be, too. Everyone is allowed to make and apologize for mistakes, but bigotry isn’t permitted. New players are welcome! The rules are easy to pick up, and I try to help keep your options and their possible consequences clear during play. I’m available if you’d like help setting up your character (which shouldn’t take much more than 15-20 minutes). Sessions are Mondays, 2:15-5:15 PST. Voice is over Discord, a free to use chat and voice application.&nbsp; Apply Here!: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;
Hi all! I wanted to add that I like to do get-to-know-you sort of mini interviews with candidates, so if you're interested in joining this week, please put your application in soon so we can arrange a good time for that. Thank you!
An update: we're still taking applications and in the process of scheduling interviews for folks to potentially join in next Monday. And as an example bit of eye candy, here's what the first (already explored!) floor of the dungeon looks like: