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UDL 1.0 Updates, Bugs, & Feedback

That's a great list. But it doesn't fix the fact that I cannot use UDL regularly. On many maps, characters who do not have dark vision see absolutely nothing, even with multiple light sources. Or nobody can see anything. So I spend hours setting up lighting and end up switching to standard fog of war. There is no clear guidelines on the safest way to set up maps and tokens with UDL to avoid these bugs from happening every session.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Here is a (hopefully) useful FAQ for setting up, using or converting to UDL. Also, here is my own checklist for DL problems of any kind: Why can't my players see anything?" checklist. The important thing is to verify . Don't assume. This list is written with GMs in mind, but can help players work through issues with their GM. The token is on the VTT It is assigned to the character The player has control over the character The token is on the Token/Object layer It is not blocked off by DL lines from seeing the immediate surroundings Make sure the player is looking at their token's immediate area. Shift-Click and hold on the token to pull the player's view to that area. If Fog of War is being used, that the area the token is in has been cleared The player has not been Split from the Party (Check the Help Center if this is unfamiliar) If Dynamic Lighting of any kind is being used: The token has sight turned on The token has a light source, or Nightvision (UDL) or personal light (LDL) In UDL it may be necessary to move the token one square to get everything working, or in extreme cases, refresh the (user's) page.
I'm having this exact same issue. It's very frustrating - I was looking forward to finally using explorer mode, but it makes it very difficult for me to keep track of what's on the GM layer and what isn't, and is just very visually messy.&nbsp; Carnage Mantis said: When Explorer mode and Dynamic Lighting is active, tokens on the Token Layer appear slightly transparent to the GM. The amount of translucence seems linked to the "GM Darkness Opacity" Slider. How to replicate : - Activate Dynamic Lighting and Explorer mode on a Page - Drop or Draw something on the background layer - Drop a token on the token layer - When the token, hover the drawing or the background and you will be able to see through lightly. - Adjusting the "GM Darkness Opacity" slider will increase or reduce this effect, when at 100% the tokens do not appear transparent. If the token has vision and the GM has been expressly declared as controlling the token (by putting the GM's name in the "Controlled by" field of the token), the particular token will not appear transparent regardless of the "GM Darkness Opacity" level. Tokens in sight from the token will still appear transparent. When seeing through a token's sight (CTRL-L), no tokens appear transparent, regardless of the "Controlled by" field or the "GM Darkness Opacity" level. The combination of these two particular effects make it so no player see this transparency. Here is a link to the few tests I've made (the black lines and text have been added in paint) :&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I'm really frustrated with UDL... and I really don't understand Roll20's attitude and responses. I get that the code is old and needs to be updated but, really, the code has to be FUNCTIONAL and provide at least all the same features as the old system.&nbsp; UDL does not provide all the same features despite Roll20's insistence that "Updated Dynamic Lighting is at feature parity with Legacy Dynamic Lightning." For one thing, there is no way I've found to simulate Darkvision - one of the very basic features of D&amp;D 5E lighting rules that was available in LDL (to an extent) but not in UDL. It's a missing feature entirely in UDL.&nbsp; This is sad, considering that the majority of games on Roll20 are D&amp;D 5E games.&nbsp; Why? This does not make any sense to me. Why alienate your largest group of players?&nbsp; Your second largest group of players appear to be Call of Cthulhu players - as a CoC player myself, the horror setting of the scenarios basically demands low light settings to give the game that feeling of horror and suspense. But, low light settings for player tokens doesn't exist in UDL. It's even more puzzling since it seems to exist for tokens used as "light sources". Why can't the same code, and same settings be used for player character tokens?? I've hopped onto the development server and tried out the new "Nocturnal Mode" and it comes close to what LDL provided but still fails. For one thing, it's much darker. For another, it doesn't provide vision out to the given distance.&nbsp; But, that's a failure with UDL in general. Even testing on the&nbsp; "live" servers I've found that even when the vision distance is set to 60 feet, sometimes it goes out that far but sometimes it only goes to 40 feet and sometimes only to 50 feet.&nbsp; And, no, there are no walls or anything in the way that would change the distance that could/should be seen. This is all especially sad since other VTT systems apparently manage to make lighting work properly. Why can't Roll20? And several of them give true "darkvision". If anyone from Roll20 is listening: UDL IS NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME. IT IS NOT READY TO BE USED.&nbsp; Please, please, please do NOT move forward with phasing out LDL on May 18th.&nbsp; Please fix the code first. Please make sure that all the settings are available to the API. Please give us something akin to "darkvision" even if it works the same as it did in LDL. And then, and only then, move forward with phasing out LDL. I'm done ranting now... thank you for listening.
Saul J. said: Your second largest group of players appear to be Call of Cthulhu players - as a CoC player myself, the horror setting of the scenarios basically demands low light settings to give the game that feeling of horror and suspense. But, low light settings for player tokens doesn't exist in UDL. It's even more puzzling since it seems to exist for tokens used as "light sources". Why can't the same code, and same settings be used for player character tokens?? I would think that if you want to do this in UDL, you would set a player token to emit dim light (but not bright light) to whatever radius is appropriate to the light source it's carrying, give the token vision (but not night vision), and you'd be done. If you wanted to get fancy, you could impose directionality on the light, as you might get from a flashlight or something. The settings for this certainly exist in UDL.

Edited 1619376956
Saul J. said: I'm really frustrated with UDL... and I really don't understand Roll20's attitude and responses. I get that the code is old and needs to be updated but, really, the code has to be FUNCTIONAL and provide at least all the same features as the old system.&nbsp; UDL does not provide all the same features despite Roll20's insistence that "Updated Dynamic Lighting is at feature parity with Legacy Dynamic Lightning." For one thing, there is no way I've found to simulate Darkvision - one of the very basic features of D&amp;D 5E lighting rules that was available in LDL (to an extent) but not in UDL. It's a missing feature entirely in UDL.&nbsp; This is sad, considering that the majority of games on Roll20 are D&amp;D 5E games.&nbsp; Why? This does not make any sense to me. Why alienate your largest group of players?&nbsp; Your second largest group of players appear to be Call of Cthulhu players - as a CoC player myself, the horror setting of the scenarios basically demands low light settings to give the game that feeling of horror and suspense. But, low light settings for player tokens doesn't exist in UDL. It's even more puzzling since it seems to exist for tokens used as "light sources". Why can't the same code, and same settings be used for player character tokens?? I've hopped onto the development server and tried out the new "Nocturnal Mode" and it comes close to what LDL provided but still fails. For one thing, it's much darker. For another, it doesn't provide vision out to the given distance.&nbsp; But, that's a failure with UDL in general. Even testing on the&nbsp; "live" servers I've found that even when the vision distance is set to 60 feet, sometimes it goes out that far but sometimes it only goes to 40 feet and sometimes only to 50 feet.&nbsp; And, no, there are no walls or anything in the way that would change the distance that could/should be seen. This is all especially sad since other VTT systems apparently manage to make lighting work properly. Why can't Roll20? And several of them give true "darkvision". If anyone from Roll20 is listening: UDL IS NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME. IT IS NOT READY TO BE USED.&nbsp; Please, please, please do NOT move forward with phasing out LDL on May 18th.&nbsp; Please fix the code first. Please make sure that all the settings are available to the API. Please give us something akin to "darkvision" even if it works the same as it did in LDL. And then, and only then, move forward with phasing out LDL. I'm done ranting now... thank you for listening. Seem like all the things you describe excist in UDL. you can even set an aura of lets say dark purple for there visual range for an eerie light. :)
I purched the CoS module for Roll20. Roll20 billed me for it. A "module" appeared in My Games but, unlike the two modules I have installwd and use, it does not display an image of the Start Page. When I click on this, I am rewarded with my own portait down left and an otherwise blank screen. No contents. What up?
Hi there, I don't know if it's the right place but we've got an issue on our shadowrun parties. I can't tell how many days the issue exist but it's on 2 shadowrun different games. On players character sheet, since a few days, in character tab (last one of a character sheet), all the numbers written on column "connection" disapear. It's quite a problem for our games. Is it a solution to recover those datas.Probably a bug in the matrice. Thanks for your anwser Don't know if Roll20 dev or owner will see my report. Best regard
This is the thread for issues related to UDL; the last two posts are in the wrong place...

Edited 1619421501
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
The new nocturnal effect on the dev server has some inconsistencies in its edges. Nocturnal shows a hard edge when crossing low light regardless of how dark the dim light is. Nocturnal has a long fade to black distance when there is no light. Bright light has a short distance of dimming (either to low light or to blackness if the light source does not have low light). #1 looks weird. I can understand the reason for having the triangle of bright light from the combination of Nocturnal and dim light, but how the edge is drawn should be changed. Additionally, one of the biggest complaints from my darkvision players has been that the last 5 feet of darkvision is useless because of the fade to black at the limits of the vision. I think it would be better from a consistency and quality of life standpoint to have the edge of Nocturnal be a short distance of dimming (like #3), whether it is blending with dim light or darkness.
Corey J. said: Hey all! We have Updated Dynamic Lighting progress to share: ... IN QA&nbsp; Things that are actively in QA, making their way towards the light. Any new functionality will go to the Dev Server and bugs will hit live as soon as they’re cleared to go! NIGHT VISION SETTINGS NOT SAVING : IN QA LIGHT MULTIPLIER: IN QA &nbsp; IN PROGRESS&nbsp; The next set of items currently in the works. PAGE FREEZING: IN PROGRESS JAGGED LINES : IN PROGRESS NIGHT VISION/DIM LIGHT: IN PROGRESS &nbsp; CONFIRMED AND QUEUED&nbsp; On deck, the list below is all the things we have the information we need to get the solution moving forward as soon as we get through what’s in progress already.&nbsp; GRID: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED&nbsp;— still planned for soon after sunset. NIGHT VISION TOKENS OVERLAPPING &amp; GHOST EFFECT: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED — still planned for pre-sunset. NIGHT VISION TINT: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED TURNING OFF UDL AFFECTS OTHER PAGES: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED DYNAMIC LIGHTING LAYER HIGHLIGHT: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED FX, NIGHT VISION, &amp; UDL: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED API INTEGRATIONS FOR UDL:&nbsp; INVESTIGATING — planned for as close to sunset as we can . INVESTIGATING&nbsp; Here are the items we are still investigating the root cause of and are working to find solutions.&nbsp; DARKNESS OPTIONS MISSING IN DAYLIGHT MODE: INVESTIGATING REVEAL TOOL LEAVES PATCH OF DARKNESS: INVESTIGATING Corey - Thanks for the update.&nbsp; Last week (15 April), I reported a fairly specific bug (including steps to reproduce) that results in players screens going completely dark when the UDL setting of another page is changed.&nbsp;&nbsp; Has this been reproduced and is work underway on it?&nbsp; I just confirmed the issue remains present on the release on the Dev server as of this morning, so don't know if you're still working on it and/or if it's included in one of handles listed above - Thanks!
I've submitted a ticket on this, but I figured I'd post here too.&nbsp; At first, everything works as expected. Line of sight, dimming etc all work perfectly.&nbsp; &nbsp;A few movements later, some players start to see all black screens as if the lights went out in a room. It never happens to the DM screen.&nbsp; I have 3-6 players at any time, all of which have had the same experience consistently. We have tried Chrome, Firefox and Edge, all have the same result.&nbsp; If I move the players to a different map and move them back, the lighting works again for a few turns and then fails as above.&nbsp; I have resorted to switching back to the old lighting system which works without any issues.&nbsp; I'd like to use the new system but as it stands, it is not functional.
First of all, the character's don't generally carry light sources.&nbsp; Secondly, they're not "emitting" light and shouldn't be. And, third, the "light" doesn't go to the distance set. As for the "directionality".&nbsp; Those settings baffle me completely. Edward R. said: I would think that if you want to do this in UDL, you would set a player token to emit dim light (but not bright light) to whatever radius is appropriate to the light source it's carrying, give the token vision (but not night vision), and you'd be done. If you wanted to get fancy, you could impose directionality on the light, as you might get from a flashlight or something. The settings for this certainly exist in UDL.
I tried for many hours on Saturday.&nbsp; Most things I tried just utterly failed to give a useable result. As for the "auras", they weren't much good at all. Xeno said: Seem like all the things you describe excist in UDL. you can even set an aura of lets say dark purple for there visual range for an eerie light. :)
Brian C. said: &nbsp;Additionally, one of the biggest complaints from my darkvision players has been that the last 5 feet of darkvision is useless because of the fade to black at the limits of the vision.&nbsp; Brian:&nbsp; If I understand your issue, the players are complaining about something like the below picture.&nbsp; I've set this up looking through one tokens eyes, and placed 3 tokens on the map at various distances.&nbsp; I also set a green aura representing the characters maximum vision distance.&nbsp; The 3rd token (at maximum distance) is barely visible.&nbsp; The player can tell there is something there, but not what it is, and because the vision is so limited it might be easily missed.&nbsp; Your players complaint is that last token makes dark vision nearly useless. Might I suggest ignoring your rule book and extend the distance at which dimming starts.&nbsp; In the above example, just to pick some random numbers (not sure what rule set / game you are using, it doesn't really matter for this purpose anyway) I set the tokens night vision distance to 10, with dimming, starting at 5.&nbsp; Below is the same thing but with the dimming starting at 7, and then again at 9.&nbsp; Notice with dim start at 7 the 2nd token is more visible and the 3rd has some greater detail.&nbsp; At dimming start of 9 the 3rd token is obvious, and the character has some idea of what the graphic is.&nbsp; Of course the closer the dim start point is to the vision limit, the more pronounced the line of dimmed vision becomes.&nbsp;&nbsp; I know I like the configurable option with the fade to black at extreme distance and use both methods sometimes (fade and no fade).&nbsp; I just got done with an adventure where all the characters were in a magical fog that affected all vison types, but there was a natural light source (like the sun).&nbsp; But just like a foggy day you could only see so far regardless of the kind of vision you have.&nbsp; So I set every token up with night vision because their light sources didn't help each other and their vision was controlled by the fog.&nbsp; In the various encounters I played with the total vision distance and the point at which diming started to give each map a different feel.&nbsp; If a few the characters vision distance was very long, but the fade to black started almost immediately, so there were large stretches of them being able to see a token and know something was moving out there, but they didnt' know if it was friend or foe until they got close.&nbsp; In others, there was a very dramatic limit to vision where they could see a short distance, and see very clearly, but anything past that was totally dark, so on a certain level they were stumbling around in the dark. So perhaps, if you are willing to be flexible with your rule set, you could update the players tokens vision dim start out a little further and allow your players to be happier, while still keeping the feel of something at extreme vision is just "fuzzy".&nbsp; Or just get rid of dimming completely and use either no effect or sharpen.&nbsp; Totally up to you.&nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1619464113
I've had your forums eat my post&nbsp; TWICE &nbsp;now, so that needs to get on the list of things to fix.&nbsp; This is going to be terse now. I've circled somethings in this screen shot.&nbsp; Red circles a bright light sources that are obviously not emitting bright light.&nbsp; The yellow circle is an area which, based on the configuration of the light sources, should be in dim light and maybe even darkness, but obviously is not. These are the basic lighting things that need to work. &nbsp; And they need work on my screen and my player's screens.&nbsp; This is unacceptable. &nbsp; &nbsp;

Edited 1619464855
Michael D. said: So perhaps, if you are willing to be flexible with your rule set, you could update the players tokens vision dim start out a little further and allow your players to be happier, while still keeping the feel of something at extreme vision is just "fuzzy".&nbsp; Or just get rid of dimming completely and use either no effect or sharpen.&nbsp; Totally up to you.&nbsp;&nbsp; You'll pretty much have to accept&nbsp; that the extremes are a bit fuzzy anyway (assuming you're not using Euclidian distance).&nbsp; It's pretty obvious with the 5e/4e ruler on a square grid since you're mapping a circle to a square and you can't see nearly as far as you should on the diagonals. It's less obvious for the hex grid.&nbsp; But even there the radius of the vision is a circle but vision based on hex distances would form a hexagon - so along some hex paths the vision line is going to be closer than it ideally should be and on other paths it'll be further.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Michael D. said: Brian C. said: &nbsp;Additionally, one of the biggest complaints from my darkvision players has been that the last 5 feet of darkvision is useless because of the fade to black at the limits of the vision.&nbsp; Brian:&nbsp; If I understand your issue, the players are complaining about something like the below picture.&nbsp; I've set this up looking through one tokens eyes, and placed 3 tokens on the map at various distances.&nbsp; I also set a green aura representing the characters maximum vision distance.&nbsp; The 3rd token (at maximum distance) is barely visible.&nbsp; The player can tell there is something there, but not what it is, and because the vision is so limited it might be easily missed.&nbsp; Your players complaint is that last token makes dark vision nearly useless. *snip* So perhaps, if you are willing to be flexible with your rule set, you could update the players tokens vision dim start out a little further and allow your players to be happier, while still keeping the feel of something at extreme vision is just "fuzzy".&nbsp; Or just get rid of dimming completely and use either no effect or sharpen.&nbsp; Totally up to you.&nbsp;&nbsp; Yes, I am aware of all the options and workarounds available, and the complaints of my players were under LDL, where darkvision was implemented with dim light. However, I was specifically referring to how the new Nocturnal option on the Dev server might best be represented. Nocturnal does not have colors or configurable dimming distances (which I think is a good thing). However, it seems to roughly follow the same fade-to-black gradient at the edges that dim light has. Since Roll20 has made very clear that Night Vision is not a light source, it does not need to be constrained to the same limitations as LDL had with dim lighting for darkvision. It can be made in such a way that the user enters the darkvision distance, sets the mode to Nocturnal, and moves&nbsp; on to more important things.
Saul J. said: I tried for many hours on Saturday.&nbsp; Most things I tried just utterly failed to give a useable result. As for the "auras", they weren't much good at all. Xeno said: Seem like all the things you describe excist in UDL. you can even set an aura of lets say dark purple for there visual range for an eerie light. :) Have you worked trough this checklist&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; I use this setting for my players "darkvision" in 5e you can tint it black/grey for darker colour or a colour for effects. Its not "true" 5e darkvision but its close.
Saul J. said: First of all, the character's don't generally carry light sources.&nbsp; Secondly, they're not "emitting" light and shouldn't be. And, third, the "light" doesn't go to the distance set. As for the "directionality".&nbsp; Those settings baffle me completely. Edward R. said: I would think that if you want to do this in UDL, you would set a player token to emit dim light (but not bright light) to whatever radius is appropriate to the light source it's carrying, give the token vision (but not night vision), and you'd be done. If you wanted to get fancy, you could impose directionality on the light, as you might get from a flashlight or something. The settings for this certainly exist in UDL. All token are token in Roll20. You can make a "Lantern token" and make it emit light the player token can see and they can control it and move it around. Or if you got a "torchbearer" you can set that token to emit light emulating that the player is caring a light source. As for distance for the displayed emitted light, i think there is a bug still, i think its a know issue. Roll20 is on it :)
Hi folks! It’s been a hot second, but I’m back to discuss new adjustments to our plans for the Legacy Dynamic Lighting Sunset. This same info is available on Our Blog , but I’m going to post the information below as well:&nbsp; “Back in February, we laid out our plan for sunsetting Legacy Dynamic Lighting to pave the way for Updated Dynamic Lighting. Internally, we set up a few interconnected data points we wanted to move alongside sunset: adoption, stability, and sentiment. With the sunset date approaching and those metrics front of mind, we are adjusting our plan for Legacy Dynamic Lighting: Come May 18th, you will still have access to Legacy Dynamic Lighting and will still be able to use it in your games. &nbsp; Some Details:&nbsp; You will retain access to Legacy Dynamic Lighting on existing pages and be able to create new pages with Legacy Dynamic Lighting beyond May 18.&nbsp; At the end of this extended sunset window, LDL will be removed.&nbsp; Support for Dynamic Lighting will remain focused on UDL, and new advancements &amp; features will be tied to Updated Dynamic Lighting.&nbsp; Further updates for Legacy Dynamic Lighting will cease on May 18. That means that we can’t guarantee stability or compatibility for games using Legacy Lighting beyond that date.&nbsp; &nbsp; We are excited to continue to bring you better experiences on Roll20. In recent months, we have delivered both improvements and brand new features that use UDL to enhance the Roll20 experience. We also made promises to our community regarding specific issues, and we’ve been focusing on making those happen. We will be continuing to do so despite our expanded sunset window. We appreciate your patience! Keep an eye on this space for further updates.”&nbsp; For those of you who were worried about your games being disrupted on the 18th, I hope this comes as a relief. This adjustment should make the change from LDL to UDL more gradual. To make this clear: Legacy Dynamic Lighting will still be going away; but only once Updated Dynamic Lighting is ready for the spotlight. This makes me no less proud of the strides we’ve made lately with UDL, and the team is still excited to make UDL something you love to use in your games!&nbsp; As always, your feedback has helped us greatly behind the scenes, and I look forward to continuing to communicate with everyone about UDL and Roll20 as a whole! We’ll be keeping an eye on this thread to answer any questions you may have, and remember to abide by our Community Code Of Conduct when responding in our forums.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Thanks for the update Katie Mae. Hopefully this will alleviate some anxieties.
Katie Mae said: ... we are adjusting our plan for Legacy Dynamic Lighting: Come May 18th, you will still have access to Legacy Dynamic Lighting and will still be able to use it in your games. Still baffled why you decided on a date to begin with.

Edited 1619554632
Ravenknight said: Still baffled why you decided on a date to begin with. Its the release of the latest dnd product. But either way, this is a MASSIVE sigh of relief for me. Good on roll20 for finally seeing sense.
Thank you all, users and Roll20 team alike. I have been using UDL for last 6 months and regularly testing settings and checking this and past forum posts about UDL. I have been very pleased with the strides that have been made since October. When I first started it did not appear that UDL was even close to being ready. I had players getting the map revealed, losing sight, map stretching and distorting, and extreme lag. But now I can honestly say UDL is very usable, with no complaints from my players and no issues from myself in the last two games. So thanks again to everyone whos been helping to fix UDL and I hope it continues to get better for everyone that's been using it. If you haven't used it for awhile, give it another try.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Christopher K
Marketplace Creator
This is incredible news. Thank you Katie Mae.
PeelApart said: Thank you all, users and Roll20 team alike. I have been using UDL for last 6 months and regularly testing settings and checking this and past forum posts about UDL. I have been very pleased with the strides that have been made since October. When I first started it did not appear that UDL was even close to being ready. I had players getting the map revealed, losing sight, map stretching and distorting, and extreme lag. But now I can honestly say UDL is very usable, with no complaints from my players and no issues from myself in the last two games. So thanks again to everyone whos been helping to fix UDL and I hope it continues to get better for everyone that's been using it. If you haven't used it for awhile, give it another try.&nbsp;&nbsp; I only want to second this sentiment. Both in stability as well as functionality UDL has grown. And I cannot wait to have the new Dev options available on my main games too.&nbsp; I do understand that there are those still worried though, and experiencing strange and frustrating situations. For me also if something goes wrong, especially loss of sight, I need to make my players refresh the browser and that does happen regularly enough that I understand it can be frustrating for people that are converting. I think the decision to extend availability of LDL but stop support of it to focus on UDL is a good one. I am glad Roll20 is giving their devs more time, and am hopeful about what this stability can give the coming months.
Wil said: PeelApart said: Thank you all, users and Roll20 team alike. I have been using UDL for last 6 months and regularly testing settings and checking this and past forum posts about UDL. I have been very pleased with the strides that have been made since October. When I first started it did not appear that UDL was even close to being ready. I had players getting the map revealed, losing sight, map stretching and distorting, and extreme lag. But now I can honestly say UDL is very usable, with no complaints from my players and no issues from myself in the last two games. So thanks again to everyone whos been helping to fix UDL and I hope it continues to get better for everyone that's been using it. If you haven't used it for awhile, give it another try.&nbsp;&nbsp; I only want to second this sentiment. Both in stability as well as functionality UDL has grown. And I cannot wait to have the new Dev options available on my main games too.&nbsp; I do understand that there are those still worried though, and experiencing strange and frustrating situations. For me also if something goes wrong, especially loss of sight, I need to make my players refresh the browser and that does happen regularly enough that I understand it can be frustrating for people that are converting. I think the decision to extend availability of LDL but stop support of it to focus on UDL is a good one. I am glad Roll20 is giving their devs more time, and am hopeful about what this stability can give the coming months. +1 to @peelapart and @Wil Been running UDL as well for some time now, and it seem to work without major performance issues or bugs even on some of my players older laptop, so keep going Roll20 and this is going to be a fine tool. Only issues I have right now is: - Los of vision on tokens if i mess with the page light setting without refreshing browser. (sometime i even have to reboot the browser) - Performance issues if using animated overlays or light sources
Katie Mae said: Further updates for Legacy Dynamic Lighting will cease on May 18. That means that we can’t guarantee stability or compatibility for games using Legacy Lighting beyond that date.&nbsp; I have to admit that this worries me.&nbsp; I do appreciate the fact that LDL will continue to be available while UDL's functionality is being stabilized.&nbsp; But if in the process of fixing UDL, they inadvertently break something in LDL, we could be left with no stable lighting solution. Of course, this is speculation about what the future may hold.&nbsp; There is a plenty good chance that this scenario never occurs.&nbsp; Besides, the originally planned full sunset of LDL would have been far more likely to leave us with no stable lighting solution.&nbsp; Still, the future is starting to feel more precarious.
THANK GOD for miracles here as all my players and I can still be playing after the 18th!!&nbsp; Woot Woot!!!!!! No new end date set so lets hope its for more than a while and we don't get the "Dynamic Lighting" rug pulled out from under us. Good to see improvement but it needs to be set and forget as LDL is now, still not there yet sadly Tom and my many players thank you all!! :)
Tony R.
Sheet Author
Delaying sunsetting LDL is the right move. I look forward to switching to UDL once all the kinks have been worked out.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Bug: Dim Light Is Set to 0 Start with a light at 20 bright, 20 dim. Open the token's UDL settings. Delete the bright distance. Turn bright light off. Set Dim Light distance to 100. Click Save. Open UDL settings to see Dim Light is set to 0. In case there is something unique to my setup, I have the following other settings on the tokens where this occured. LDL was set to 100/-5 all players see light. The UDL Dim Light slider was set to halfway.

Edited 1619745045
Brian C. said: Bug: Dim Light Is Set to 0 Start with a light at 20 bright, 20 dim. Open the token's UDL settings. Delete the bright distance. Turn bright light off. Set Dim Light distance to 100. Click Save. Open UDL settings to see Dim Light is set to 0. In case there is something unique to my setup, I have the following other settings on the tokens where this occured. LDL was set to 100/-5 all players see light. The UDL Dim Light slider was set to halfway. You really only need steps 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. ---- In testing that I found another fun version though: Start with: 20 Bright, 0 Low Delete value from Low and save. Total Light is now 0 and low light is now -20. The check for negative input values should probably be extended to not allowing you to enter null values.&nbsp; But even then you'd have to assume that users manage to stick bad input in there in some fashion and there should be some sanity checks on the result of any calculations before invalid numbers get stored. For the record, you get one of these when you remove the number from those fields: jquery-1.9.1.js:2257 The specified value "NaN" cannot be parsed, or is out of range.
Katie Mae said: For those of you who were worried about your games being disrupted on the 18th, I hope this comes as a relief. This adjustment should make the change from LDL to UDL more gradual. To make this clear: Legacy Dynamic Lighting will still be going away; but only once Updated Dynamic Lighting is ready for the spotlight. This makes me no less proud of the strides we’ve made lately with UDL, and the team is still excited to make UDL something you love to use in your games!&nbsp; Thank you! I can't tell from this how long LDL will last (and I'm not sure you all know either?) but I'm definitely grateful for the reprieve along with everyone else commenting. It's much appreciated!
Corey J. said: RING/BULLSEYE EFFECT: COMPLETED LIGHT MULTIPLIER: IN QA &nbsp; Hi, Corey. On the March 31, we had a brief exchange here in which I asked about the bugs I documented here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, and you replied that yes, these had been queued under the "Ring/Bullseye Effect" bug, but that if they didn't turn out to be linked to it, they would be prioritized to be addressed. On April 23 you wrote to the effect that the Ring/Bullseye Effect is completed--see the quote above. In the same message, you also indicated that the Light Multiplier bugs are in QA. The bug in question does not appear to be fixed, though. I'm attaching screenshots to document bugged behavior, light settings, and expected behavior after a workaround. I'm hoping to achieve better clarity about exactly where this bug stands. Steps Prepare a journal entry with a default token that has vision turned on and Light Multiplier 200%. Assign it to a dummy player account. Create a blank page, and move the players to that page. Create a second page with UDL turned on. In a separate browser from the one you are using as a GM, log into the dummy account and join the game. On the page with UDL turned on, create a light source and set it with bright light 10 ft. and low light 10 ft. Move the players to the page with the light source. Use Shift-Click to center the page on your light source. Drag from the journal entry to create a token using the defaults you set in Step #1. The bug manifests. The expected behavior is for the token to see the light source with bright light 20 ft., low light 20 ft. Instead, only bright light 20 ft. is visible. Select the light source. Ctrl-C to copy the light source as-is. Delete the light source. Ctrl-V to replace the light source. The bugged lighting goes away, and instead the light appears as expected. I used a dummy account for the above, in order to show what players see. From the GM's perspective, the bugged behavior isn't necessarily obvious. I also should add that instead of steps 10-13, the bugged lighting can be rectified by moving the light source slightly. It's also possible to manifest this bug by doing Step #8 immediately before Step #6. This bug does not manifest when a player token is on the map and then a light source is added; it only shows itself when the light source is present on a page before the token is added, or when the light source and token are both added to a page, then the players are moved to that page. Screenshots follow. Above, we have a light source, and a token with vision turned on and Light Multiplier 200%. As shown, it appears that the light source is emitting a 20-ft radius of bright light, and no low light. But here are the setting for the light source. It's set up for 10 ft. of bright light and 10 ft. of low light. So it's evident that the bright light is behaving as expected (it should show up as a 20 ft. radius for this token, and it does). But also it's very evident that the low light is not showing as expected . The bugged light source has been deleted and replaced. We can now see both the bright light and the low light. As expected, both of them are showing as 20 ft. in radius because the Light Multiplier is set to 200%. So what is the status of this bug? Is it "completed" as part of the Ring/Bullseye Effect bug? Or is it in QA? Or something else?
I can confirm what Edward is saying. Seems like the light modifier 200% is only affecting bright light. Here's a token with Bright Light 20, and Low Light 20 (total 40). And no light multiplier. This works pretty well and no issues. Their vision fades right as it reaches that D3 marker and the base of the statue. However when they get low light vision, multiplier 200% Now there's just a hard line at the end of the bright light. (the grey area is fog of war, exploreable darkness).&nbsp; The low light is just completely missing. Which reduces how far they really should be able to see normally, and also doesn't create the right atmosphere that low light can while exploring maps.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Bug: turning on LDL on a page causes UDL page sub-settings to turn off Turn on UDL, Explorer Mode, and Daylight Mode on a page. Turn on LDL Not only is UDL turned off, but Explorer Mode and Daylight Mode are turned off as well. If UDL is turned off without turning on LDL, Explorer Mode and Daylight Mode will stay in their current placements, so that turning UDL back on will put the map in the same state as when UDL was turned off. The expected behavior would be for Explorer Mode and Daylight Mode to stay on so that a user can go between the two systems without losing their settings.
Not sure if i post here but For Wildemount in the Adult Red Dragon link at the bottom that mentions where the monster is mentioned and appears, it says it. Greying Wildlands &nbsp;-&nbsp; Crystalsands Tundra &nbsp;-&nbsp; Vault of the Fire Giants (High Level) But it actually appears&nbsp; Kravaraad. Not Crystalsands Tundra&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hi Zero the Grim, Compendium and module errors should be reported in a&nbsp; Help Center Request , which will generate a ticket for correction. This thread is for feedback on Updated Dynamic Lighting.

Edited 1620181955
Edit: Tested with a player and it looked fine to him. Still weird for the GM… Getting weird white blocks when using UDL. They still show up with a dummy account too…

Edited 1620167694
I can still break vision doing the following: 1) New Blank Map 2) Turn on Dynamic Lighting and Explorer Mode 3) Drag an image to the map.&nbsp; Turn on Vision and some small radius of night vision for the token.&nbsp; Make the token controlled by someone.&nbsp; 4) Switch to a different map and back 5) Drag token to somewhere unexplored.&nbsp; Possibly a couple times. I had assumed that this was covered under the "VISIBILITY" issue in the first post, but that's marked as completed now.&nbsp; I had also hoped that this would be covered under the explorer mode thing in today's release notes, but looks like that's also a no.

Edited 1620225604
Corey J.
Roll20 Team
Hey Edward, Sorry it took so long to get back to you all on the status of the Light Multiplier consistency. Like I mentioned beforehand these two issues were closely related but different enough that I spun it off into something to fix immediately after the other. It took a bit more time to bake in testing before we released it. I followed your reproduction steps now that it's live and I do believe the fix yesterday resolved this issue but please let me know if you're still seeing weird interactions with it.&nbsp; Warm Regards Edward R. said: Corey J. said: RING/BULLSEYE EFFECT: COMPLETED LIGHT MULTIPLIER: IN QA &nbsp; Hi, Corey. On the March 31, we had a brief exchange here in which I asked about the bugs I documented here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, and you replied that yes, these had been queued under the "Ring/Bullseye Effect" bug, but that if they didn't turn out to be linked to it, they would be prioritized to be addressed. On April 23 you wrote to the effect that the Ring/Bullseye Effect is completed--see the quote above. In the same message, you also indicated that the Light Multiplier bugs are in QA.
Hi Corey, Thanks for your reply. This seems to have fixed the consistency issue. Many thanks for that. Corey J. said: Hey Edward, Sorry it took so long to get back to you all on the status of the Light Multiplier consistency. Like I mentioned beforehand these two issues were closely related but different enough that I spun it off into something to fix immediately after the other. It took a bit more time to bake in testing before we released it. I followed your reproduction steps now that it's live and I do believe the fix yesterday resolved this issue but please let me know if you're still seeing weird interactions with it.&nbsp; Warm Regards Edward R. said: Corey J. said: RING/BULLSEYE EFFECT: COMPLETED LIGHT MULTIPLIER: IN QA &nbsp; Hi, Corey. On the March 31, we had a brief exchange here in which I asked about the bugs I documented here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, and you replied that yes, these had been queued under the "Ring/Bullseye Effect" bug, but that if they didn't turn out to be linked to it, they would be prioritized to be addressed. On April 23 you wrote to the effect that the Ring/Bullseye Effect is completed--see the quote above. In the same message, you also indicated that the Light Multiplier bugs are in QA.

Edited 1620237938
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Bug: Tokens can see into Extra Large walls Tokens can see into Extra Large walls. This is a problem when a secret door is set against the wall. (animated gif)
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Bug: Alt+Left exits game Using Alt+Left to precisely place a line exits the game (animated gif)
Hey all! There are a few updates on things in the works or out now. For those of you posting bug reports, thank you! We're checking them against the work we have right now to ensure they're either included in the current known issues or get added. We're looking at removing the Sharpen Effect in Night Vision in order to fix the animated token ghosting effect, the Grid disappearing issue, the color-blending and overlapping effect issues. We'll be using our internal usage tracking, combined with the feedback on which is a higher priority for you, to make the final decision. We'll let you know what the decision is next week. Nocturnal Effect for Night Vision is live! Video of it in action, and how to enable it: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> All of the Drawing Tools are now supported within Dynamic Lighting, video walkthrough -&gt; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Not specifically UDL related but will hopefully be useful, Token Settings now open to the last tab you had active, so that should make editing tokens much faster! I'll make sure we're getting answers to the questions and add in those bug reports so we can get back to you all with further updates.

Edited 1620266839
As of today, I can no longer manually "Reveal Areas" with UDL and Explorer Mode turned on. I have tested this on all of my maps which were previously working as recently as yesterday. If UDL is turned off, the hide and reveal areas tool works correctly with regular fog of war, but stops working when UDL is reenabled.&nbsp;

Edited 1620289739
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Bug: Walls block vision and movement from different places One of the real pain points for me in UDL has been since June when walls were changed to block light from their edge instead of the center. I make walls that should not be moved as thin lines (which are harder to grab) and doors as XL lines (which are easier to grab, especially from further out). Unfortunately, the change made secret doors stick out from the wall under UDL. I just found out that UDL lines only block vision from the edge. Movement is still blocked from the center. This allows a player to find a secret door by dragging their token along the wall and seeing where it sticks. In this example, I have purposely stuck the secret door out too far to show where vision is blocked, and it is still &nbsp;more recessed from the wall. I finally switch the secret door's thickness to thin to visually show where the wall blocks movement. (animated gif) I have asked repeatedly for this change in UDL to be reverted to LDL's behavior (and UDL's original behavior) since the change first happened in June since that worked on every map and every situation that people could draw. Roll20 stated early this year that the change was made to make adoption of UDL easier for new customers, which I find to be a poor excuse for breaking existing content on the marketplace. At the minimum though, the vision and movement need to be blocked at the same part of the line, whether that it is the edge or the center.